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When is charge back acceptable?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by jmsgalla, Jun 8, 2020.

  1. jmsgalla Journeyman

    Decided to buy a couple of the bag packs on top of the sub to help support the game and the TLPs. At this point I've hardly been able to play since my play times align with peek times and when the servers are unstable.

    When I do manage to get in you can't carry a conversation with the other players because the chat lag is so bad and zoning is horrid. You all know what's going on. I don't need to rehash it all.

    My question is this, is a charge back at this point acceptable for the sub fees and bag purchases?
  2. The Raging Animist New Member

    When services are NOT rendered (they mostly haven't been), when the product was NOT as advertised, when the product was of subpar quality

    These are all legitimate reasons for you to contact your bank and have a chargeback issued.

    Now ask if this describes your experience on Aradune? And then ask if you are willing for that account to get banned forever.

    Don't ask Darkpaw, they want your money, what do you think the answer will be lol.
  3. Cohhfarmage Journeyman

    If you are perfectly fine with them IP banning you and every account associated with you then its your call. Keep in mind if you gave an account away those accounts will be banned too!
  4. jmsgalla Journeyman

    I didn't put a ticket in to support to ask a Darkpaw rep. I created a post on the community forum to get a reply from the community.

    Has it been confirmed that accounts are banned from chargebacks?
  5. Crazzie Lorekeeper

    IP ban is temp, and you should know this.
  6. Protagonist Tank

    Did you ask them for a refund? Because that's the first question the chargeback investigation will ask.

    The second question will be the one you got above, that you dismissed like a Karen in heat.
    -----Cinexa----- likes this.
  7. jmsgalla Journeyman

    I didn't dismiss his post. I just didn't care for the sarcasm. I know. I know. Welcome to the internet. I've been fighting with the game for over an hour and don't have much patience.

    I'm looking to see if anyone can confirm that a chargeback does result in a ban.
  8. Healiez Augur

    Can confirm they result in a ban, had a guildy chargeback on Coirnav for some random reason.

    All 3 of his accounts got banned, even the 2 that had nothing to do with the chargeback.
    jmsgalla likes this.
  9. Machen New Member

    When you don't actually want to succeed in getting your money back, but you also don't ever want to play EQ on that account again.
    Protagonist likes this.
  10. Cidran Augur

    You should have the right to do so whenever you feel you've been a victim of fraud. Now, no matter if you are right or not, your accounts are gone forever. Some companies do give second chances if you contact them, but I wouldn't count on that.

    If you've been hooked on EQ, I heartily recommend you not doing it… This game always calls you back
  11. ajschliewe Elder

    No where in the Terms of Service each and everyone of us has accepted does it say the game will be completely playable 100% of the time. And to the point of the OP and the bags, if they were delivered to you, then the transaction is complete. you gave them money and they gave you the bags.
    code-zero likes this.
  12. Strawberry Augur

    they can't do that in the EU, I have written an email to Blizzard when they tried to pull that, and they immediately reversed the account ban when I said I would contact a consumer rights group

    a chargeback does not allow a company to breach existing contracts

    EU law is clear on this.
    "A chargeback is a way to recover funds which have been obtained by a trader, not a way to cancel the contract."

    A company is not allowed retroaction, nor are they allowed to breach existing contracts.

    Anyway, here are links to ECC Net, the European consumer network, they will protect your consumer rights in the EU. Just mail them if there is a problem.

    +48 22 55 60 118
    +351 21 356 47
    + 40 213157149
    +421 2 4854 2019
    +34 91 822 45 55
    +46 54 19 41 50
    +44 8456 04 05 03
    +32 2 542 33 46 (NL)/ +32 2 542 33 89 (FR)
    +45 4171 5000
    +49 78 51 991 48 0
    +49 7851 991 48 0
  13. Tucoh Augur

    Chargebacks are a btich move. You knew DPG is scrapping this stuff together and you knew Aradune was going to be a circus and still bought in.
    code-zero likes this.
  14. Moege Augur

    So by that logic taking consumers money is a ?
    Orzulth likes this.
  15. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    A chargeback in Everquest is never acceptable. Doesn't matter your view or what country you are in. You will be banned. The few times they have reversed bans were due to obvious system errors in billing.

    Not ever for buyers remorse. Not ever for system instability.

    Read the TOS and EULA. We agree to any, all and whatever they decide is a binding agreement. They have not breached any contract. But if a player institutes a chargeback then the player has violated the contract and that is why they are banned.

    How does a Chargeback work?
    1. The credit card is charged.
    2. The card holder or the bank acting on their behalf detects the charge and disputes it.
    3. The bank reverses the charges (this results in additional fees to the merchant.)
    4. Once the chargeback is reported to us, the account is banned/suspended.
    5. Any linked accounts may be banned/suspended as well until the dispute has been resolved.

    minimind and code-zero like this.
  16. That0neguy Augur

    If you really want to get technical. You bought a bag, they provided that bag. It is available for you to claim.

    You pay a subscription service for access to a multitude of games and servers. 99.9% of them work fine.

    So legally you don't have an argument for a chargeback. However, your bank will do it with no questions. DBG will ban you. No one will think twice.
    minimind and code-zero like this.
  17. Strawberry Augur

    You don't know what you are talking about and clearly have never done a chargeback.

    A chargeback happens between the issuer of the card and acquirer. They are stop and recall events between banks.

    The merchant itself (a gaming company in our disccusion) is not involved in the chargeback process at all and has 0 influence on this process, they can not directly intervene.

    Yes it does. The legal recourse banks rely on to issue chargebacks differs from country to country.

    There are different rules for
    -non-delivery of goods
    -traders who have become insolvent
    -debited of a higher amount than agreed upon
    -abuse of credit card data

    EULA are not legally binding and are meaningless. They're just there to scare people.

    For a document to be legally binding you need to show that both parties read, understood, and signed the document. You need to show intent to be bound. You can't do that with an EULA, you can not show the user read, understood, or even signed the document.
  18. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    Its not me that doesn't know what I am talking about since those are direct quotes from DBG!........ lmao.

    I never said the merchant itself (a gaming company in our disccusion) was involved.

    I copy and pasted from the EQ help section that I also linked that #4 - Once the chargeback is reported to us (us being DBG), the account is banned/suspended.

    But you be you
  19. Strawberry Augur

    I don't know the laws in the US, but in the EU a retroaction event from the merchant following a chargeback, as a form of retaliation, is stricly illegal. Banning people would fall under this.

    Since DBG operates within the EU, and therfore the Common single market, they need to abide by those laws.
    Orzulth likes this.
  20. Orzulth Journeyman

    Everyone in the EU needs to use this then. Only when it starts hurting their profits will DBG/DPG actually start looking into the issue. The response posted the other day is nothing more than lip service. They aren't doing a damned thing to address the issues and anyone not hopelessly addicted to this game can see it plain as day.