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when do they normaly announce the new tlps?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by wildone, Mar 1, 2021.

  1. wildone Elder

    hi title says it all.
  2. Machen New Member

    There isn't set pattern. A few times it has been around this time of year, but Dreamweaver said there's no announcement coming soon, so it probably won't be around this time of year this time.
  3. TLP Addict Augur

    Game under new management so who knows, as Machen said, they have come out and stated that it's too early to talk new TLPs, maybe pick one of the 20 existing ones and play on that instead?
  4. Ootax Augur

    Every day one is announced, just read through the pages on here. Probably someone announcing one as I type this.
  5. wildone Elder

    because i love that race to lvl 50.
  6. Nolrog Augur

    The two most recent TLPs are just in Luclin. It's far too early for new ones.
  7. Barder-mangler Augur

    Typically these announcements are made between March-July for "regular new TLP servers." They announced that oddball heroic boosted server in August FWIW.

    I am just guessing, but based on Dreamweaver's comment I think they'll announce a new server by May, and launch by July/August. Unless they are thinking of announcing a new special/temporary/heroic server this year (who knows), it should generally follow this same pattern.
    Nolrog likes this.
  8. wade_watts Augur

    This is why they just need to do a seasonal server or a rotating couple of seasonal servers. There is a fairly large group of folks that want to do the 1-50 / 1-60 run but aren't looking to play EQ forever.

    Two servers, with a 12 month lifespan, staggered 6 months apart. 6 or 8 week expansions and it would take you to LDON at the end of 1 year and then you could transfer to an existing prog server for a small fee if you wanted to keep playing.

    DPG would get more lasting subs + more revenue for folks that wanted to transfer off. Players that want to do the initial grind / gearing would have a constant place. Win / Win. It would also stop the increasing sprawl and fragmentation of more and more progression servers each time. Perhaps you still keep one going every few years but seems more tidy and better suited.
    Brunlin likes this.
  9. Bullsnooze Augur

    You don't need a new server to 'race to lvl 50'. You don't even need to do that on a TLP server. You can do that on any server you want.
  10. wade_watts Augur

    You clearly just aren't understanding what he is saying.
    topple and Brunlin like this.
  11. Bullsnooze Augur

    What's not to understand about it?
    • Dark Paw recently said, they aren't even TALKING about a new TLP server any time soon. (Link)
    • OP clearly ignored that point and created yet another thread, even though we have about 20 a week asking the same exact thing. Coz you know creating the same thread (x) different times means like 50,000 imaginary people are on board.
    • A few folks regurgitate the same responses from other threads - there is no timeline
    Did I miss anything? If not, like I wrote previously, you really don't need a new tlp just to race to 50 if you get the itch.
    Triconix likes this.
  12. Gnothappening Augur

    I disagree Machen. The usual pattern seems to be when the current TLP is in late PoP or early LDoN. I believe Mangler was announced when Coirnav was in late PoP. Rizlona and Karendune were announced when Mangler was in either late PoP or early LDoN. Pretty sure that is the method.
  13. Triconix Augur

    You're forgetting that 50 isn't even half the available levels in the game. It's like racing to a red traffic light. Congrats, now you have literally nothing to do for 2 months and 89 days and the only thing available is some of the most slow boring content ever.
  14. Tweakfour17 Augur

    • I think you're reading this wrong, they aren't ready to talk to US about it yet, not that they aren't talking about it / planning it already amongst themselves.
    Accipiter likes this.
  15. Machen New Member

    So that's twice out of a whole lot more than two.

    Fippy/Vulak were announced toward the end of the year, launched in Feb.

    RagefireLockjaw launched late spring--May? Four and a half years after Fippy/Vulak.
    Phinigel launched only about six months later in December when RF/LJ were just hitting or about to hit Velious.

    Agnarr was launched when Phinigel was in LDON, a year and six months later.
    Coirnav launched in March, when Agnarr was still in Luclin. If you discount Agnarr as a TLP (it wasn't actually designed to progress...), then Coirnav was released when Phinigel was in DoDH.

    Selos and Mangler launched in March a year later, when Coirnav was in PoP

    Aradune and Rizlona in May, when Mangler was in LDON and Selo was in Underfoot. There was also Miragul in betweeen there, which DPG counted as a TLP.

    So there's been some significant variety. March is the most frequent time of year to launch, followed by May. But we've also had other times of year. Launches have been typically when the previous server is somewhere between Velious and LDON, but if you count only traditional TLP's that start at classic and progress to live, then it's gone considerably longer at times. Even in the post-Phinny tlp era. Most often LDON, but not always.

    By server progress, probably May would be too soon. Rizlona and Aradune will have just hit PoP. But DPG has done sooner, so it's possible if not likely. Looking at history, there is a real good chance SOMETHING will be released in the next six to nine months, but it may not be a traditional phinny-style tlp. Phinigel, Coirnav, Mangler, Aradune all had something weird/unusual in between or alongside each (Selos in the case of Corinav-->Mangler.) So we might be due for something out of the box next.

    Start of ldon is the most common marker for the next traditional TLP, but that would be end of June this time around, and we've never had a TLP released in the middle of summer before.

    I'll prognosticate. I predict there will be a new experimental server this year, or another event server along the lines of Quarm, followed by a major new iteration/advance to the TLP ruleset released for anniversary next year, around March. Something new that will be as groundbreaking now as Phinigel was then.
  16. Gnothappening Augur

    What I'm getting at Machen is that they seem to stick to around PoP/LDoN when making a new server, especially with the newer releases. I didn't realize Agnarr also launched during PoP/LDoN, so that makes three. The earlier stuff I don't count or you might as well go back all the way to the Combine/Sleeper. What I am reffering to are the semi annual TLP cycles we get now. They seem to last until the main server is in PoP or LDoN before releasing the next one. Also, Selo? You count Selo for anything? It had a new expansion every month.

    Edit to add the below:

    Personally, I hope they do something slightly different too, but I also hope they shelve the Karen aspect of the current servers when they make new server(s).
  17. Zealot1340 Lorekeeper

    Race to 50?! Farming plane of sky mobs for months is the real thrill we crave.
  18. michahs1 New Member

    honestly, based on last years "we need to close down servers to launch new servers" conversation the powers that be had with us, i'd imagine we'll see both selo, and phinny sunset before we see new servers - and phinny likely won't be merged into a live server until june.
  19. Gnothappening Augur

    Which I find odd. Aren't their servers cloud based now? Seems like you would only need to spin up some more virtual machines and be done.
  20. Machen New Member

    And what I was getting at, even if you only look at the last few years since Ragefire/Lockjaw, is that they have only stuck to PoP/LDoN about half the time. It's been the most common point, but far from universal. It's been as early as Velious, and as late as DoDH, for a new true TLP. So we can't assume they are going to release Phinny 5.0 the moment Aradune hits LDON. Especially when that will happen mid summer and they have never released a TLP in mid summer before.

    Nor, for that matter, have they ever launched a new true TLP in the ~4 months leading up to a new expansion release.