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When Agnarr Hits The End (an idea).

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Quill, Jul 4, 2017.

  1. Ming Tee Augur

    Don't want to pay then grind the what 20% slower exp out, damn filthy casuals. So filthy, so casual.
  2. Rhodz Augur

    No thanks passed on that server, xp was too slow. :rolleyes:
  3. Quill Augur

    But then the character is actually transferred off Agnarr. Part of the point is to be able to play either character. The one on Agnarr, or the one on the new server. Some might play Agnarr, some might play the new server, some people might play both. Whether it would have a player population to support it? Unknown. If, at the end of GoD, it didn't, it could simply be folded into another server np.

    Right... but one-time transfers off Agnarr is specifically the thing i'm looking to avoid. People should never be able to transfer their character off Agnarr. But a one-time mass copy into a new server that launches with GoD? I don't see a problem with that. If, in the future, someone cries about being PoP-locked on Agnarr, CS can simply say... your character is over -----> there... either progress that on that server or transfer it to a server you like.

    Then it would create an OP scenario... so what. The point is to be a continuation of Agnarr, while not messing with Agnarr. If other people want to roll a 65 toon on that character, they can. But the gearing they'd have to do themselves.
  4. Quill Augur

    I don't see the point in mirroring it more than once, and on that singular day when GoD could have gone Live on Agnarr, but didn't due to the ruleset. And the new server would need to start at GoD to preserve the TLP Progression. Jumping an expansion just because that's where Quarm started makes no sense. The conceit is, it acts like alternate reality versions of your character. One that progressed past PoP on The Storm Lord, one that didn't on Agnarr. Which timeline do you choose? Do you play both? Do you play neither? Its simply left to the player.

    In practice, it would straight up solve a lot of CS issues. Whether or not the new server ultimately works or gets merged is irrelevant. Any complaint about Agnarr being PoP-locked is simply.... play your character on The Storm Lord or transfer it. Any characters on Agnarr made after the mirror, will never be allowed to transfer off or be mirrored and do so with the full knowledge of this limitation, as that server is already fully opened.
  5. Galleyan Augur

    Look, you're not the first with this idea... and I happen to think it would PROBABLY be a good business decision. Even if it isn't a "copy," but a new server that allows transfers from Agnarr and then locks somewhere later on. I have a pretty low opinion of DBG's business and development practices, so I don't personally think that it will happen, but I agree it would probably be a great idea.

    I would recommend not assuming DBG will do anything like this... play on Agnarr because you want to play on a PoP locked server... and if they allow this sort of transfer/copy server... well then it'll probably make a lot of people happy... but it won't be for everyone.
  6. Zanarnar Augur

    Why am I not shocked that all the people on Agnarr because they really want a locked server are already, before even kunark opens, clamoring for a way to not be locked at PoP.

    "But the xp is too slow on phinny" -- ya noone has even hit 65 yet, and certainly there are no alts here. (/s) Your just being lazy. If you didn't want to be locked to pop/ldon then you picked the WRONG SERVER.
  7. Rhodz Augur

    A couple of people make posts and suddenly the population of AG wants to change the deal.
    Classic hyperbole
    What I do see is people wishing RoK would launch just because Classic(tm) sucks and badly, something well know but DBG seems tied to from now on. Not even going to get serious about the thing till a couple of xpaks unlock and maybe not then.

    The PH xp is not just painfully slow, it was a knife in the back from DBG who made NO mention of the reduced xp rate before launch and even refused to admit it for days. Maybe that has something to do with it. If PH was the only server for EQ I would not be playing EQ.
    Great way to kick off a server that had a lot of previously claimed impossible to implement features. Yeah that impossible thing was just a blatant lie... intentional or otherwise... any wonder people avoid the server then?
    Great server for people with nothing else to do in life, really it is...
  8. MaxTheLion Augur

    DBG - "New PoP locked server!"
    Public - "Yay, this is what we've been asking for and we're so happy. Thank you!"
    /realization sets in for many
    Public - "So, here's a few *good* ideas you can implement once the server hits PoP for the people that don't actually want to be locked..."
    typical EQ forums.
  9. Rhodz Augur

    Except the "Public" is nothing more than a few that like to theory craft, heck I like it but would never dream of actually mounting an effort to change it. This must never be construed as any kind of general dissatisfaction.

    Part of it, and this is obvious, is that stability does nothing but hurt krono generation, my guess this is where the real dissatisfaction lay.
    My main attraction to the server is that it will be stable and I understand how big the EQ world truly becomes at that stage.
  10. MaxTheLion Augur

    I agree that it is not a good generalization but my comment was meant as more of a cynical observation. The constant threat lies in that although it is the few who theory craft, history has shown that the current company listens to them quite closely. I believe it is normally returning players that request all sorts of unneeded modifications and in an attempt to retain them as a player Daybreak tries to appease them. This tends to alienate a good majority of players that have remained playing EQ over the years. If you've kept your subscription this long, you'll probably stay regardless of the crap they implement. Loyalty means something to some companies and so far I'm not sure where I can place this one.
  11. Rauven Augur

    That wouldn't do anything. PVPers don't play EQ. Those on Zek fight NPCs in PVE instead of each other. Why would they bother fighting players on a server locked in a state where open world raids aren't even a thing?
  12. Amoeba Augur

    You came to the server knowing the rule set. You came knowing it stops at POP.

    Do you regularly go to Chinese restaurants and demand to have the option to order enchiladas and tacos?

    If you dislike this rule set, you are more than allowed to play on a server that has one you enjoy.
    Risiko likes this.
  13. Illusory Augur

    Just wait until Aggy is 3-4 months into PoP... lol.
  14. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Funny you put it that way...Not sure if it's still a thing, but when I lived in NYC there were "Mexican" places all over town apparently owned and staffed by asians. I put that in quotes because it was nothing like real mexican. But I loved them because you could get a cheap substantial meal. Many early EQ sessions were fueled by delivery from the one on my block. Here we have "Japanese," again in quotes, mostly staffed with Mexicans, that also often fuels an EQ session here and there. The gutbomb cheapo Chinese delivery places have Thai on the menu. I think the owner of the one I order from told me he's Korean. The world is a mixed up smaller place and I love it. La la la la Lola. :p

    But you are absolutely correct. Locking at PoP is the entire point of Agnarr and is why it's so popular. True, there are always people who just like new servers, I might be one of them, but having played on all of the recent TLPs I've never seen the numbers of players come back to live from p99 like we have here and returning players who haven't played at all since these eras were current. There's a reason for that.

    Anyone who wants to play in other eras has 3 other recent TLPs to choose from.
  15. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Kind of. Between p99, LJ, Phinny, and now Agnarr I'm kind of over classic-era EQ. Found p99 a few months after it started and I, a grown man, nearly cried the first day I played on it because of the nostalgia. But the 75 years of Kunark pretty much did me and these new servers are an exercise of endurance in this early content. Yeah, I could play on the others but prefer truebox and phinny is slow, would need to do a lot of catching up, and will move into Disneyland EQ at a point, so I'll probably pass on that.

    It's fine, but yeah, since you asked. Lol

    Personally, I'd love a OoW / DoN locking TLP with a TSS locking one as a secondary preference. Love that era of the game for a lot of reasons. But for the love of pete, please start it at velious or luclin. There are never more people on a server that when it starts and being packed into classic for the 3rd time in 2 years is excruciating. Even with picks. Or throw us a bone and fix the picks. Something.
  16. Quill Augur

    See... here is the funny part. I love the rule set. :p. Why do you think i'm trying to protect it from the inevitable siren calls for server-transfers at end of xpac? It'll happen. Wouldn't surprise me if DBG caved for the money. This is a perfectly acceptable alternative.

    Whether any follow-up server succeeds or dies in a smoldering wreck doesn't make much difference, so long as Agnarr is preserved.

    The entire point is to keep people from being allowed to server-transfer, while putting some bait out there for people who may want to continue on in order to keep them from quitting. Its a win/win. Personally... I think it would likely merge/close after GoD.. but oh well. Its not like they haven't run short-term servers before.
  17. Green_Mage Augur

    Look guys, most people would rather play a fresh server. That was a huge problem with EQ once it got around PoP or so -- it wasn't friendly to new players with no pp. Anything past Velious never really is. Part of the reason Agnarr got a big chunk of p99 playerbase is because it of timing. The raid scene went from bad to worse some time after BDA left for phinny. Less and less showing up -- more and more emphasis on hardcore tracking...some of us hoped with would change those stupid race up rules and they never did -- we still have people playing eq mario cart for Vulak every week. .....but most people were like me and said to themselves" "let's wait for the next one."

    I don't like joining old servers and only do it if i absolutely have to. Fresh servers are about 1000% more fun to me -- especially when first starting.

    So phinny and other Post-PoP server is never going to get as much attention from people looking to start EQ or switch to tlp EQ as a new server
  18. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Speaking of p99 i got to kill vox last night on agnarr with no fte rush nor deleveled toons. Now that's refreshing.
  19. Rhodz Augur

    I think by now we an safely say the bloom is off the rose on Classic era nostalgia for most of us that have been through it two or three times.
    Nice to think about how great it would be living in the 1950s until you get polio...o_O
  20. Umul Augur

    No more TLP servers until Agnarr is capped. At that point the most logical, inclusive decision in my mind would be to launch another Agnarr server that doesn't lock*. I don't hate truebox given the normal exp rates.

    In 2.5 years or whenever Agnarr unlocks, if there have been no new classic servers opened between now and then, it'll be pretty sweet to go through it for perhaps, one more time?

    edit* for clarity