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What's up With all the Vanishing Krono?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by TLP Addict, Jul 27, 2024.

  1. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    Still doesn’t reduce the fraud cases from the initial purchases.
    fransisco likes this.
  2. fransisco Augur

    How does that fix anything? The most likely case is that some people are using stolen credit cards to purchase krono, which is why the krono poof. If someone uses a stolen CC to buy krono, they will still immediately sell the krono, so whoever buys the krono from them still gets screwed.
    Kaenneth likes this.
  3. Randomized Augur

    It would. The appeal is that Krono can be traded as many times as one pleases. The fraud cases arenr legitimate players looking for plat or an EM earring.

    The fraud cases are connected to RMT. Being unable to resell a Krono because you're unable to trade it again after receiving it means:

    RMT won't buy it from you
    If RMT won't buy it from you, you have no market
    If you have no market, you don't create a supply
    Thus, no more fraud cases because you have no one to sell the Krono to

    This wouldn't halter legitimate players any. I could still very well buy a Krono to sell for plat to start over on a new server, and someone whos got excess plat in game saves $15 a month because of it.

    Items/services would just go back to long hand version of currency (25 million) as opposed to shorthand (5 Kr).
  4. Randomized Augur

    Right. But these are all on throwaway accounts. These Krono aren't being sold to the public for plat..it's not little Timmy in his mom's basement with a credit card that he found at the local mall

    Legit accounts aren't going to be trying this and lose everything over a fraud case. It's throw away accounts.

    I use stolen CC to buy krono
    I sell krono to RMTers
    RMTers distribute it to the public.

    Making it so it can only be traded once makes it so RMTers won't buy it in the first place because they cannot resell it.

    So what good is it going to do me to buy 25 Krono with a stolen CC when I'm just going to sit on them because they have no value (outside of game time) once I trade them to someone?
  5. fransisco Augur

    But whoever they sell it to gets screwed. It doesn't matter how many times the krono can be traded. If it can be traded at all, the person who stole the CC can sell the krono and move on.
  6. Randomized Augur

    Uhh no.

    The people who are going to do a chargeback, aren't going to do it on a legitimate account thats got four 125 characters maxed out that gets played on regularly.

    Whats happening is I buy 25 Krono.
    I sell 25 Krono to RMTers for $5 a piece. I make $125.
    RMT resells Krono for $10 a piece. They make $125.

    Making it only tradable once puts a stop to all of that. So now there's no reason to make fraud cases because I won't make money because no one will buy it for RMT.

    And im not selling it to Joeblow for plat or an EM earring in game because I'm using a throw away account that's going to get thrown away. In game items are useless to me, therefor I'm not selling to real gamers, ergo they don't have Krono going poof.

    This whole Krono disappearing thing is about RMT. Putting a single trade limit on Krono would stop the RMT ordeals (at least where Krono are concerned).

    Joeblow isn't going to do an illegal chargeback with a stolen CC on his 13 year old account that he's put thousands of hours into for a couple million plat.
  7. Demetri Augur

    I believe his point is that it makes the number of steps involved less, so easier to track etc.

    Same reason real financial transactions over a threshold have timing restrictions placed on them by Federal law.
  8. Lineater Augur

    The sheer number of players is also an obvious contributor to inflation. Due to the popularity & server cap increase, if estimations are close to correct, there are around double the number of players playing on Teek compared to Mischief. That's double the amount of raw plat entering the economy every day.
  9. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Freshly made accounts, especially FTP accounts, should never be allowed to purchase unlimited quantities of krono.
    Rijacki and CatsPaws like this.
  10. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    I agree but am pretty sure there is a hold on new accounts. This is from FAQ

    Accounts must be 48 hours old to purchase.

    Krono are only granted after the order is reviewed. It can take up to 48 hours before you receive your order fulfillment. Thank you for your patience while this process is completed.

    Krono can take up to 72 hours to appear on your account as your order is verified.

    I know a few new accounts have taken much longer and if they try to buy too many they get the F2A Block.

    But then it also says under another FAQ:
    Please note that Krono usage may be restricted on Time-Locked Progression servers and other special rules servers.

    Maybe they should do that.
    Rijacki likes this.
  11. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    Maybe it is not intentional as this was just posted

    We encourage anyone who notices any missing krono to contact Customer Service at https://help.daybreakgames.com from the affected account as soon as possible. We are looking into the matter but have no other information to provide at this time.
  12. Domniatric Augur

    Delete it all! Delete all the krono! Delete all the plat! Delete all the gear! Burn the towers to the ground!

    Let's all wear mesh bronze and leather armor again like it's 1999. :p
  13. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Restricting Krono on new accounts is a terrible idea; those are the exact people who would want to use the real-life money they have to get a boost to catch up.

    Single trade Krono is an even worse idea. it's a currency, it's supposed to flow.

    The word "currency" comes from the Medieval Latin word currentia, which dates back to 1650–60. Currentia literally means "a flowing" and comes from the Latin word currere, which means "to run" or "to flow".
  14. Randog New Member

    Krono should be infinitely tradable. They need to just put it on a timer.

    Make it so Krono can be purchased and immediately used -*but not traded*- for 7 days or 14 days, or whatever. This helps in multiple ways:

    1. Illicit Krono from fraudulent credit card purchases are more likely to be caught
    2. People will buy more Krono that they don't immediately need so it can "season"
    3. People will hold more Krono to snap up time-sensitive opportunities
    4. People hoarding large amounts of illicit Krono will be holding them longer, and be more likely to get caught in suspension/ban waves.

    A second wrinkle they could add is making the cooldown timer longer, but only for cards that you've never previously made a CC purchase with. For example, your first Krono purchase ever with a given CC on a specific account is a 14 or 30 day tradability cooldown. After that, it goes to 1 day or instant or whatever, but give the CC company some amount of time to catch the fraud before you allow distribution of the Krono.

    They'd probably take a minor hit to the bottom line the first month while Krono was on cooldown, but things would be back to normal after that, and with way fewer issues.
    fransisco likes this.
  15. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    Let's not make a non-existent case of thousands of new players flocking to EQ and creating new accounts, please.

    New accounts mostly are box accounts created or by returning players who forgot their pasword from decades ago when they last played. I am sure the latter can wait a while before they splurge on Krono to catch up, while the former would have no issues anyway.
  16. Moege Augur

    Lost 2 from last week to this week and they are old probably at least 5 months back that I got them. Something is definitely screwy.
    Petitioned. Now waiting for reply.
  17. Hibiki Journeyman

    I think this is a hoax. No stolen CCs were involved. You have legit purchasers of Krono. They sold them in game for 2 million pp. The folks that have billions of pp need to be looked at, not the so called "stolen" cc. LOL this is funny. You know how old this game is and all the folks who know how to manipulate(haxzors) it? I personally do not know how nor do I play this game just to make a living (youtube videos about it that are stupid imo).

    This is just a way DB is handling it. I don't blame them. I just simply pay for my subs and don't mess with that Krono stuff unless I need pp in game. But even so, I don't even need pp so for me...good to see DB doing something about it.

    I'm happy to see, actually see something happening. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
    CatsPaws likes this.
  18. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Friction on profits is bad for business.
  19. fransisco Augur

    This think this would be a good idea. Krono cannot be traded for a month or whatever period DB determines before its safe to trade. Of course the next TLP would melt down, but when aren't they melting down over something?
    CatsPaws likes this.
  20. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Might as well make Platinum only tradeable once; it would have just as bad an effect.