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What's up With all the Vanishing Krono?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by TLP Addict, Jul 27, 2024.

  1. TLP Addict Augur

    Had several just disappear out of my inventory, zero notification from Daybreak. Luckily I noticed and put in a petition and was sent a huge amount of plat as "compensation"

    All this extra platinum is just contributing to inflation.

    How many players have had their krono taken without notification or compensation because they didn't keep track?

    And how long can we expect this to continue?
  2. Elabone Augur

    For as long as people continue to purchase Krono with stolen credit cards I would imagine.
    fransisco likes this.
  3. Gnothappening Augur

    That is what I figured was going on. That is a shame too. WTF is up with all of the stolen cards lately?
  4. Elabone Augur

    No idea, but its the only thing that makes sense. Imagine stealing a credit card and spending it on Kronos.
    Gnothappening likes this.
  5. Hamshire Augur

    In all seriousness from my understanding the servers are just overwhelmed and Daybreak knows this. Kronos disappearing, parcels going to random people who send out parcels at the same time and this is because of how popular the Teek server is. You gotta remember it was around 20 general channels at launch and still sits around 10-15 today. They most likely won't have a fix for this "this is a guess" and it will most likely continue to happen until Luclin when the server loses some fat with the classic players quitting.
    Trust the graph!
    Tyranthraxus and Lineater like this.
  6. Obliteration Augur

    Many of us who play on TLPs today played original in 99 and quit in Luclin or PoP, some of us have tried playing past PoP and either enjoyed it or did not while others simply wish to play what they played in 99 and the early 00's

    Don't let that stop your story, I love me a good story
  7. Elabone Augur

    Kronos arent disappearing because the server is large. If they were, DPG would just give a krono in return. They are giving plat in return because they are physically TAKING the krono from people, and since the krono was obtained fraudulently, do not want to replace it with another krono. Its very simple if you just think about it,
    Rijacki likes this.
  8. Ddezul Augur

    Sounds like inflation is incoming 3....2...
  9. Elabone Augur

    Enh, its already happening. Krono are 76k right now, as opposed to somewhere around 20k at the same time on mischief. Higher population, massive PL teams and people hoarding their krono for velious launch are all playing a factor. But so is this plat for krono issue, to an extent.
  10. Lineater Augur

    Krono is obviously handled differently than any other item since it's purchased with real money. Waiting period etc. Can GMs even give out krono? Anyone ever gotten a krono from a GM?

    The simple explanation is that its due to unprecedented server load or some new bug. Stolen CCs aren't causing the parcel bug. And if it was stolen CCs why hasn't this issue cropped up on any other server - past or present? Any Kronos vanishing on Tormax? Oakwynd? Mischief?
  11. Elabone Augur

    Kronos arent disappearing due to the parcel bug. Kronos are literally being taken from peoples accounts. As in, I logged out with 8 krono, and logged back in to find I only had 6. And I would imagine whatever scam/issue is causing this has become more prevalent since Teek launch.

    Im sure if it was just a regular bug, there would have been some sort of announcement regarding it. But since they dont typically like to broadcast when people are actively taking advantage of the system, it just lead me to believe it was likey some sort of fraud purchases.

    Kronos also cannot vanish from a specific server, as they are account bound. Have people on other servers had their krono disappear, the answer is yes. Its just more localized to teek due to the traffic and population here.
  12. Lineater Augur

    Uh, no bleep Kronos aren't "causing" the parcel bug. My point is wonky stuff is happening on Teek that is probably due to server load. Zaide did a podcast and talked about how Faceless avoids parceling from CL and during high traffic times.

    Also people have reported krono not making it to their inventory after a trade. So it's not just krono vanishing at a later time after someone logs out.

    And yeah I know krono is account wide. Haven't seen posts from anyone who plays exclusively on another server report krono going missing. If it was a scam or a dupe it be would most likely affect other servers. The krono issue plus parcel bug being a Teek only issue AFAIK suggests some server load thing. Teek has like double the amount of players logged in compared to Mischief in era and still has the occasional queue during prime time. That's like 4-500 people in CL...
  13. Elabone Augur

    I never said kronos are causing the parcel bug. What in the words are you talking about.
  14. Lineater Augur

    Sorry misread your post. I know people dont typically parcel krono. But I bet most of the missing krono was traded in CL.
  15. Achillez Elder

    As this seems to be happening more and more frequently, it would be nice to get at least some type general update without any sensitive details.

    Is this an ungoing problem which there is just going to be a new "refund petition" policy and will continue to happen?

    Has the hole been plugged, but there is still an ungoing effort to clean up illegitimate krono in game, so every day more and more are yanked?

    It would be nice to get any type of update at all about ongoing work, potential timelines etc - if anything the issue is getting worse.
    Makta likes this.
  16. fransisco Augur

    Maybe a better process would be to wait a week for krono delivery? That way they can do more checks to make sure the billing works out?
    Also, might be good to track the IP of everyone who buys a krono. Then ban ALL Accounts from that person, not just the throw away they do the stolen CC on
  17. Makta Elder

    I noticed one missing over the weekend when is was on Teek and put in a ticket. Logged in to Teek this morning only to find another missing and updated my ticket. Still on hold while they investigate at this moment. It makes me wary of doing anything with krono or log into Teek for that matter atm.
  18. Protocol Dragon Defender

    Do you think people just started stealing credit cards in May and only use them for items and krono on Teek? Stolen credit cards have happened forever. If it was happening en masse it would impact every server. The issue suddenly began now, and only impacts Teek because of the population and some behind the scenes oddities that causes.
  19. fransisco Augur

    I just had an idea to really help with the problem of kronos and stolen credit cards.
    What if you could examine the age of each krono? Thus everyone could refuse to take any krono younger than say 2 months.
  20. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    Based on forum posts for EQ2, it is not just Teek. Teek has a higher population, and potentially a higher percentage of the population exchanging in Krono trading, so it is only natural it appear more prevalent on Teek.
    fransisco likes this.