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What suggestions to add for 3rd box

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Runes, Jun 7, 2022.

  1. Runes Augur

    I leveled a Necro/Druid on Yelinak and having some real fun and want to add a 3rd box for farming and questing over the next few expansions. I dont want to level up replacement classes for the Druid or Necro as I dont want to put in more time than leveling up a 3rd box.

    I am mana starved so was thinking of adding a bard to keep songs going but thats not alot of pure dps, so thought maybe adding another Necro or Mage? Thinking with added pet and light dps I wont need to keep throwing Ebolts that is a mana hog even with full lich with greater con pot going.

    Any suggestions that does not include leveling up 3 mages?

    Thank you
  2. MarttinPH Augur

    Are you fear kiting? I know Ebolt is good by other dots have better mana ratios. The issue with a bard is that it would have to be near you, and depending on how tight you can fear kite, you could be out of range of bard regen. I think a ranger might be a good addition. They can heal a little also, and pretty easy to range with arrows as a box.
  3. Chyron Lorekeeper

    Bard - becomes your puller, crowd control, mana regen and can help with dots/fears.
    Enchanter - mana regen, crowd control and double your DPS by adding a charm pet. Harder to box.
    Mage - additional pet + nukes and some utility.
    Paladin/SK - self healing tanks that would change your play style most likely
    Shaman - adds slows and additional strong dots

    Of those options, I'd add bard. If you are comfortable, you can charm on druid for the extra dps. Druid charm + necro pet + ebolt + bard pulling/regen and helping crowd control the charm pet. Its a lot of buttons but could be strong.
    Runes likes this.
  4. Runes Augur

    I completely forgot about the druid charm, bard would free that up for sure

    Thank you
  5. Lineater Augur

    I second bard. On top of everything mentioned, Selo's is a great for travel. And good for farming/tracking down mobs in large outdoor zones.

    And you can PL lowbies with druid/bard. Yourself, friends, guildies, etc.
  6. Maph Lorekeeper

    id say do a tank like pally or SK, it will make you largely self sufficient. heals tank and dps. easy to add friend(s) or guild(ies) to complete the group