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What notable gear comes with LoY?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by HoodenShuklak, Jun 5, 2018.

  1. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Also... are there any worthwhile raids or mini raids?
  2. Punchu Augur

    Best item in LoY is the rapier off Inny so you can put it in your house in House of Thule, oh wait...
  3. snailish Augur

    LoY itemization is part of the reason it is fine to include it with PoP on any future progression... it's not an upgrade, at times not even parallel to group level gear.

    There are goofy charm slot items.

    Some of the events have different variations on slot for some focus effects.

    Not much in LoY for anyone raid geared.

    Having said that, many named in LoY are very underfarmed and undereported.
  4. Protagonist Tank

    There's an earring that becomes the best tradeable tank earring.
  5. Raltar Augur

    The quest spells are pretty much the only good thing to come from LoY. Well, maps were originally introduced with LoY. And charms...but those are in the base game now. Well, not charms because they only drop in LoY+ zones, but you get your PoP progression charm for free in PoK anyway.
  6. Zapsos Augur

    Armor Dye
  7. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

  8. Xhartor Augur

    Didn't charms into enter game with LoY?

    Something to take into context with LoY (and LDoN also). If you were a casual player when PoP came out, Thurg quest armor, Culture and UP drops was the best armor you had access too. Getting a group that could beat the trials wasn't easy, so for most casual players PoP was a 4 zone expansion, zones didn't get unlocked with level until later. PoP was largely an expansion made for the vocal minority in EQ raid game. As a reach to complaints from casual player base, LoY gave them a handful of zones scaled for the casual players level base. They also set LDoN to be more of a casual player expansion, with some raid content.

    For Agnarr this creates the problem that End Game boss for the server is already out, with 2 more expansions left to be unlocked.
    snailish likes this.
  9. Jahtw Journeyman

    Assuming you mean the earrings in Crypt of Nadox: those didnt drop on phinny, fwiw.
  10. malaki Augur

    Problem is when they added the PoP charm it invalidated all the charms from LoY itself for raiders.
  11. Chatoyan Elder

    The only thing I remember as useful from LoY was the clicky item for druid pet haste, but that's a pretty niche audience.
  12. Numiko Augur

    Diamonds, Blue Diamonds and group drops that tribute for a ton!
  13. Protagonist Tank

    Agnarr will never have Tribute.
  14. HoodenShuklak Augur

    So the augs for armor come out in ldon only?
  15. Protagonist Tank
