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What is your dream server ruleset?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Alarya, Feb 20, 2023.

  1. Kahna Augur

    Cause getting 0.3% exp per kill is gonna make people flock to the server.
    Skuz likes this.
  2. Kodachi Augur

    The server I'd most like to see is free trade and vaniki level reccs with no level reqs. I don't care what the other rules are, I'm playing there....

    Unless it locks on LDON.
  3. Rouan Augur

    I just want one of these TLPs to recreate the old events like 2001 Halloween, the Karanas plague, The War, etc.
    WeCameWeConquered and Yinla like this.
  4. Chopsuey Augur

    Mischief loot rules + Selo xp/faction/rare bonuses and unlock rate
    Litoeon likes this.
  5. Penelo Lorekeeper

    I'd like to see a TSS only 'race' server. Short time-line designed to roll all toons into the closest TLP past TSS once it ends.

    Only zones that are open/unlocked are TSS zones. Make Drakkin the only playable race, remove the PoK book and zone out into Highpass.

    Unlock East/West Raids after 2-3 weeks. Unlock final zone raids after 4-6 weeks. Server closes and rolls 5 days after final bosses are killed in FC and AG. Unique 999 claim for any toons that participate in those kills.
  6. Bumbkumo Journeyman

    - Boss and Rares have Original Loot + Random

    - Hot Zones for Bonus Exp that differ each week

    - Regular Mobs have a very small chance to drop random loot
  7. Chuuk Augur

    I'd like to see them bring back something that resembles a "hardcore" server but with some cool additions:
    1. Phinny as a base server
    2. Make it harder - 25% blanket increase to NPC HP / AC / Resists. Death penalty +100%. Bring back corpse runs (but see next point...), make nighttime darker
    3. Add in plat / gear sinks - Make all "decent" loot attunable and heirloom, add corpse summoners to cities for a cost, teleports / high end buffs require gems/components,
    4. Reconfigure ZEMs - make outdoors more viable, rotate ZEMs based on zone popularity, add Hot Zones for least used zones, etc.
    5. No boxing at all - let alone botting. Can apply for exemption sim to P1999
    6. Overhaul AAs such that they can begin to be unlocked in Classic/Kunark and by L10 or something
    7. Kunark launch
    8. Revamped version of Mischief "random" loot, i.e. make improvements
    9. Remove advanced looting to cut down on AFK'ers
    Probably a few other things - but essentially, everything would be geared towards making things more challenging, mixing up some of the vanilla without stirring the pot too much, and then also cutting down on botting / AFK'ing.
  8. code-zero Augur

    Looking it over and there's some good ideas and some that will never fly.

    I'd like to see another level locked server like Vaniki
    Yinla and Skuz like this.
  9. Leifer Augur

    A server where guilds can choose their progression level/rate with the guild management tool, allowing your guild to progress as quickly or slowly through content regardless of the pace of the server.
    Koshk likes this.
  10. Koshk Augur

    A fantastic idea, and one I've thought about a lot.
    • Guild Management Tool
      • Set minimum and maximum Level range. Members cannot exceed Max Level.
      • Experience slider, to control how fast XP happens. 0 to 100% multiplier against whatever you'd have otherwise gained.
      • Enable/disable access to Bazaar.
      • Enable/disable access to PoK.
      • Enable/disable Defiant gear from being picked up..
    • Character Management Tool
      • Experience slider, to control how fast XP happens.
      • Guild settings will always override Character Settings.
    With controls like these, "Classic Guilds" could be formed on any Live server. No need to wait for annual TLP launches. Just form a guild (maybe find people via Discord), and go do your things.

    Even for non-guilds, this enables individual players/groups to experience content in a slow fashion, without becoming overpowered by out-leveling it.
    Litoeon likes this.
  11. Valyn New Member

    • Mischief 2.0 Loot
    • Bring back item modifiers, like extended enhancement, at launch.
    • Open BL/Zerker at launch (even if gimped epics in Kunark and beyond).
    • Ability to toggle PvP on and off once per day but with some benefits (+5% experience per group member flagged +5% double loot chance per group member flagged) in open world only. Have to return to a city to flag/unflag.
    • Open Bazaar at launch. Shut off all exits from it and include a teleporter to/from EC Tunnel
    • 8 Week Classic / Kunark / Velious - 12 Week Luclin / PoP / GoD / OoW. Open LDoN when it is more relevant for gear.
    • Relaxed True Box - 2 Box at Start. 3 Box unlock at PoP. 6 Unlock after OoW. Full unlock when population votes after DoD.
    Litoeon likes this.
  12. Drelik Lorekeeper

    -Loot to be mob has its normal loot but has a chance at a random loots based on the tiers already established.
    -Relaxed truebox from classic on
    -All class combos avail at start(so Bers and BSTs) with a Kunark start and only 8 weeks until Velious.
    -Level 70 range is condensed down to prevent loos of people due to the sheer boredom of those 4 expansions.
  13. c313 Augur

    PvP TLP Server

    Any rule-set
  14. Jagular Journeyman

    Misschief random rule only to witch mob drops the loot and keep the no drop and no heirloom change like its on Oakwynd, one thing that could be fun would be if all level 35 mobs (just like a Ghoul Assasin) can drop the DE illusion mask and not only in Lgukk.
  15. Penelo Lorekeeper

    Everyone's HP/Mana/End is set to 1 and locked. Only if monster shrouded will you have hp/mana/end. Betting this would be the most controversial TLP ever. You're welcome.
  16. Tucoh Augur

    • 50% respawn timers on everything (So if it normally respawned every 10 minutes, it'd be 5 minutes. If it was 10 days, it'd be 5 days)
    • 8 weeks per expansion
    • First 4 weeks per expansion would be zones only: No new levels, AAs, spells, abilities. After 4 weeks players could then level and get new AAs, spells and abilities
    • Level req/rec pushed down 10 levels (or removed entirely)
    • FV freetrade loot
    • Mischief randomized loot
    • Launch with Kunark open (but with level 50 cap for first 4 weeks)
    • Merge LDoN with PoP
    • Merge DoN with Omens
    • Merge PoR with DoDH
    • Redo ZEMs the week before launch
  17. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Vaniki 2 but with group challenges instead of raid challenges.
    Waring_McMarrin and code-zero like this.
  18. ajschliewe Elder

    I would like to see a TLP start at SoL with all classes. That first expac would go for 4 months. then standard 2 and 3 month unlocks. When you get to raid currency, needs double what TLPs are already getting. Truebox
  19. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I would think it would offer solo, group and raid challenges in order to give a wider variety of rewards though I think the solo challenges could be tricky.
    code-zero likes this.
  20. Basak Augur

    1-2 years per expansion. Warrens open at launch.
    Iksar at start limited to Kunark zones, until Kunark unlocks.
    Vah Shir at start limited to Luclin Zones, until Luclin unlocks.
    Beastlord at start limited to Luclin Zones and Vah Shir only, until Luclin unlocks.
    Berserker never available. Berserker abilities given to Warriors.
    Frogloks at start. Dual starting area.
    -Frogloks can start in Rathe Mountains (Classic Normal)
    -Frogloks can start in Swamp of No Hope (Kunark Limited)
    Drakkin never playable.
    Mercenaries never available.*
    Full bank slot. Full inventory slot.
    Add Tracking, Feign Death, Group Stealth to Rogue.
    Add Tinkering to Froglok and Dwarf.
    Add Alchemy to Beastlord.
    Add Bard songs to Enchant metal bars.
    Add Druid self only teleport spells to Rangers.
    Add more druid/wizard teleports to other zones.
    -Example Druid to South Karana, GFay, etc
    -Example Wizard to Feerrott (Right outside Fear Portal), Everfrost, etc.
    Add the requirement to once again need to work on sense heading.

    *note, if there could be a way to turn alts on same account into a mercenary this would be cool.