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What is the beta reward?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Benito, Oct 23, 2019.

  1. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Is it a hat, merc, or illusion? I am going for a hat. If it's an othmir illusion or frost giant merc, you can expect no shortage of beta testers.
  2. Ngreth Thergn Developer

    A Velium Weapon Ornament. (It has a bunch of choices)
    FubarEQ, niente, Jhenna_BB and 7 others like this.
  3. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Yay, something I might use, cause I'm never going to stop being a priate!
    Derresh and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  4. Metapsyche Augur

    That sounds freaking awesome. It’s a good day!
  5. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Thank you for the info!

    I suppose it is fitting since Velium weapons were all the rave when Scars of Velious was released.
  6. Lianeb Augur

    They are on old man thoren for purchase in beta
    Benito likes this.
  7. Kaydan New Member

    How do you get the reward? Just by logging in to beta? Is it claimable on any server? TLP included?

    Never done a beta but maybe it’s worth it
  8. Zamiam Augur

    it is usually done by a percentage of tasks/missions completed in beta have to do certain % to qualify .. iirc they gave out points or coin for missions/tasks completed and if you had enough of those points accumulated you got beta reward when it was issued.. as far as TLP i do not know how that works
  9. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    You get beta tokens from participating in Beta and you can check how many you have earned from Old Man. I'm not sure what the exact number is to get reward, I think it's varied between beta's.

    I know at least some of the Beta rewards I've been able to claim on TLP, I think it depends on the reward though. Being an ornament with no stats, it will probably be claimable on TLP servers.
  10. Ngreth Thergn Developer

    The bar is usually low, but it *Does* require some participation.
    I.E. logging in, buffing to max level, grabbing all spells and AA's and reading the descriptions then logging off is not participation. You have to do something in game in beta to earn beta tokens. The "easiest" of this is to do a quest that has beta tokens as a reward. And no I'm not telling which quests those are, because, well, you need to go participate!
    FubarEQ likes this.
  11. Xanathol Augur

    For many many betas by far the easiest way to get the reward was to be part of a single raid (even if you just stood there, buffed, and read spell descriptions). No one cares about (nor even wants) testing / feedback of spells, AAs, items, or tuning of group content; set your expectations accordingly and you'll enjoy the process much more.
  12. Derresh Augur

    pirate hat best hat!
  13. Strumph Augur

    This sounds great! I like ornaments almost as much as illusions.

    Though will it only be 1 ornament? It would be nice to have matching weapons, or sword and shield and maybe even a bow. :)
  14. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    Those RoF velium weapons were HAWT. I always like them, the raid particles are purty.
    Elyssanda and Lannin like this.
  15. Ngreth Thergn Developer

    only 1
  16. Transporter Lorekeeper

    Pretty much the weapon graphics for the RoF CC raids
  17. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Can you reconsider this please.

    Would be nice to have it treated the same as the tricorner hat which was 999. But at least 3 would be nice. 1 weapon, 1 shield and a bow for the rangers.
  18. Wanuven Lorekeeper

    You devs are some sly sons-of-guns.

    I hate beta testing. The idea of doing work just to have my progress wiped always bothered me...but hot damn, I gotta get me some velious ornaments.../beta here I come.
  19. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    With particle effect?