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What if we had a new race or a new class?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Gnomereaper, Feb 21, 2018.

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  1. Ngreth Thergn Developer

    Anyway. A new race is a huge undertaking, both design and code. Those that know of numbers and bit limits... 16 is a bit threshold... going to 17 will require a huge number of "risky" code changes. Also possible special case code. A HUGE amount of art to get all of the animations, and hero's forge fitting. On the design side, it's a large number of quests, a possible new home city (ART too), and massive DB changes for say... items.
    A new class is a colossal amount of work. Same code the same issues as above plus magnified possible special case, and then for design, it's simply colossal. New spells, AA's, massive item changes, possible epic quests... etc... And new balance issues. It has s relatively small art impact.
    And yeah, for classes... we are already fairly saturated. If you pare it down there are 3-4 archetypes (tank, healer, DPS, Crowd Control... and some say there should be even less than those 4) and we have plenty in each of those.
  2. Tamaden Elder

    You can delete Necros and make new caster class. about races, we do not need Trolls Ogers they flat out ugly and to big...
    code-zero likes this.
  3. Eonan Journeyman

    I thought SOEmote was discontinued?


    badum-tish (no hate/personal attack but this was too good to pass up)
  4. Tamaden Elder

    Crap, i am so sorry, you are Ogre.....please don't suspend me Ngreth /hides
    Ngreth Thergn likes this.
  5. Lheo Augur

    a new class like shapeshifter would be the easist no new items , no epic or mirror some epics parts from other classes :)
  6. Aurastrider Augur

    Maybe an easier solution (might not be easy) would be more illusion item options. The market place use to have an abundance of them and then like some Disney movie things got put into the vault. With the closer of LON it has made illusions from there more difficult to obtain if you are after a specific one. I have been after the minotaur illusion for my sk ever since its closure for example but have to wait until the prize packs it is in comes into circulation and then hope that I actually obtain one. Also it would be cool if more illusions were useable on mounts. There are obvious illusions that would just look plain silly while others would look pretty wicked. If I could cruse around in minotaur form (not the weird looking one obtained via quests) on my chim mount I would be a happy camper.
    Daedly likes this.
  7. Fohpo Augur

    Or fix necro dots and it'll be like a new class
  8. IblisTheMage Augur

    Or next time there is a level increase, there could be fewer classes instead.

    Mages and enchanters become one class, wizards and necros another. Fewer new spells etc, and the MaChanter suddenly has a lot of available AA and spells to achieve from the “other” base class, it can be built up over several expansions, by making some mage AA and spells available to chanters and vice-versa, keeping the classes seperate until they have about 80% shared abilities, and then let the next expansion fuse the classes.

    MoLord, BaRogue, ShaDru, MaChanter, NeZard, RaZerk, CleriDin, ShadIor(WarKnight?)...

    Not entirely serious, but fun to think about. Perhaps the underlying idea of making more AA and spells shared around pairs could make sense from a cost /benefit point of view. It could start with a nuke, no reason enchanters could not have acces to say Chaotic Inferno, and mages could not have access to a good rune spell.

    A really cool thing could be if there was a choice involved. So a Mage could choose to learn a specific spell from either Wiz, Ench, or Necro, and vice versa, but the choice excludes the other choices. It costs 1000 AA (10 increments) for a spell, and can be reset via a quest (loose half of increments). Make one spell available pr class pr expansion, and only within int casters, priests, etc. It has good lore basis in pen and paper rpgs, and would help make classes more unique without costing a lot of effort. (My guess a beta build where an enchanter can scribe and cast chaotic inferno in a Proof of Concept level of quality could be made in a day? Less?)

    It would make classes a little less unique, but the individual toons a lot more unique. Some combos would significantly change gameplay, and should really be thought through before going that route (Enchanter with Mage Earth pet), while others are quite harmless (Wizard with feign death).

    I think DB should consider beta-ing such experiments outside actual expansion cycles, with a few dozens of volunteer testers (people from boards and Test), with no NDA etc. keeping an open dialogue and trying out stuff at ultra low cost...
  9. Yimin Augur

    At one time Druids could be Dark Elf , Frogloc Monks was a total epic failure , I also hardly see any Bst Woodelfs and thank god I don't , almost anyone I know in EQ wanted Gnome monks , and that would not be hard for anyone to get done , and while your at it just allows Gnomes to be any class ...

  10. Daedly Augur

    What about adding the illusions as AA in the general tab? Make them a permanent buff, however no stats or benefits. Then anyone could be any race they wanted without losing their innate races perks.
  11. Theido New Member

    unless you're a rogue... which has general tab no stat illusions as part of their kit
  12. fransisco Augur

    Umm.. not in EQ1
  13. snailish Augur

    Does the heritage tab concept make any of this more possible? (conceding that the logic of the quote above makes it unlikely to get a new race).

    Drakkin heritage tab gives you different coloured Drakkin with a different breath quest. My assumption is the heritages are just different coloured skins of the same model with some sort of flag for the breath weapon difference (which doesn't apply to the concept necessarily).

    So... let's do an easy one as the first example: Dwarves get split into 2 heritages Kaladim and Thurgadin. Thurgadin heritage is just a recolor of the existing Dwarf skins to look all pale and frozen [so all animations, quests, etc. work... don't even give them a new home city just explain why they are starting in Kaladim in lore].

    2nd example has to be more work: Half-elf heritage gets split into half-elf and Aviak. So a new aviak skin has to be made (does that mean new animations & heroe's forge?) but they all still use half-elf flagged items, deities, classes and start locations.

    This is assuming heritage tab wouldn't allow varying of things like deity, classes and starting cities from the "parent" heritage.
  14. strongbus Augur

    i would settle for new race/class combos
    eepok likes this.
  15. Belexes ForumQuester


    Diluting the game further than it already is has undesired results. Lets fix and balance what we have.
    Metanis likes this.
  16. Tachyon Augur

    Agreed! I always wanted a Gnome Shaman!!

    I'd say remove all or almost all of the race/class restrictions.
    eepok likes this.
  17. strongbus Augur

    i take gnome druid. i got a gnome necro/mage/ench and a halfline druid. would love to make them all gnomes and be a group of the most power race in game.
    Tachyon likes this.
  18. AlaskaJay Lorekeeper

    2019 on the new TLP server "One New Race and Class being introduced based off old story boards we found in the basement!"

    Lock them to the TLP for at least 1 year to tilt the hell out of everyone. Troll Level 9000
  19. Raltar Augur

    Iksar Berserker!
  20. Darchon_Xegony Augur

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