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What about a quest server?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by cryptastix, Jul 31, 2024.

  1. cryptastix New Member

    Just a suggestion... what about a server that does normal eq xp, or even 1/2 that. Then up the xp on quests, to double or quadruple.

    to make people do quests to level
    Yinla likes this.
  2. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    We've tried that with bone chips, fire beetle eyes, rat ears, red wine, among other things. I don't think Daybreak likes it when we level by questing.

    As a more serious answer, it would be awesome if the thousands of quests from Classic-PoP were modified to give xp that better fit the amount of work involved, and offered some alternative means of getting exp that isn't straight grinding, but I don't forsee that ever happening.
  3. cryptastix New Member

    tumppy tonic, those orc belts.... but they can modify xp on quests anyway. but your probably right, it would be too much work.
  4. fransisco Augur

    Thats what live is. Old everquest doesn't have the quests to probably do this.
    Also look at epics and teek. Everyone is wetting their pants and bawling on the floor like toddlers because they have competition for a quest mob (not talking about the monk ksing issue, but epic mobs in general).
    Old eq is based around camping the rare mob for the quest. If that was the only way to level, even teek players would become embarrassed about the level of whining that would ensure.
  5. Gnothappening Augur

    It was always funny to me that EverQUEST was the game you leveled up more by killing mobs and World of WARCRAFT was the one where you leveled up more by doing quests.
    Dre. likes this.
  6. fransisco Augur

    At first I was in love with questing in WoW. However after awhile it became obvious they were just "go kill 10 things and run back here before getting the exp". Eq just cut the mindless fetch part out.

    In retrospect, if the eq devs didn't make the game so punishing, I don't think wow would've taken off as much. Like if gear dropped 3x more often, so you didnt sit at a camp for 4 hours to see 1 drop and lose the roll. Thats not fun for anyone.
  7. Captain Video Augur

    Pretty much this. There is a lot of quest content in Classic era, but nobody ever does them. Newbie armor quests are irrelevant because everyone rushes to raid level and gets all their gear that way. Some of the most entertaining quests in the game are part of the newbie armor series that comes in at DoN, and still nobody ever does them. If you roll your first level 1 on Live, you will more than likely start, after the tutorial, with the Hero's Journey, which is one big massive wall of quests.
    fransisco likes this.
  8. Gnothappening Augur

    I hate how WoW does gear. There is nothing good to me about gearing up 9 times in an expansion. I also hate that the green drops from the newest expansion are as good as the top raid gear in the prior expansion. Finally, I hate that WoW doesn't have any cool stuff that you go back and farm. In EQ, at least for a long time, there were reasons to go back and kill a mob for a specific clickie you wanted or a special weapon that would allow an SK to proc a slow.

    EQ loses it for me when then made three versions of every spell. That is why I always dip from any TLP at that point.
    fransisco and Dre. like this.
  9. Muramx Augur

    Yeah it's called live the last 6 or so expansions... And most people hate it.
  10. Allworth Augur

    Your hyperbole aside, here are the facts: Teek is the most populated TLP server in EQ history. Teek is overpopulated. Therefore there is tremendous demand that outstrips the supply of epic quest NPCs. Since the pick thresholds on overpopulated TLP servers are the same as underpopulated TLP on non-dungeon zones, this is bound to cause acrimony and dissatisfaction in the player base.

    Waiting for epic quest mobs to spawn because they are made arbitrarily rare is not good game design and not in concert with best MMO design practices in 2024. This is not 1999 anymore. Players have evolved their expectations. Thankfully EQ has evolved over the years with the addition of many quality of life issues such as instancing of popular dungeons and many other improvements.

    Players who play on TLP like Teek are paying customers. They shouldn't be ignored or ridiculed when they make legitimate observations about the state of EverQuest.

    Until epic quests are fixed and made more equitable, they will continue to be a source of contention on TLP servers.
  11. Captain Video Augur

    Never mind the fact that your post has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of this thread... You keep saying this with no proof. People are playing on Teek. Guilds are raiding on Teek. Players are completing their epics on Teek (those that care about their epic 1.0 at least). The only person who seems to be having insurmountable difficulty with this is you. There is a separate thread in this forum for those who wish to offer feeddback on the current status of epic quest bottlenecks. I would suggest posting there. You say you already have? Then there is no need for you to keep hijacking other people's threads to repost your same opinion over and over again.
  12. Randomized Augur

    *Joins TLP server to relive the classic times
    *Complains that it still resembles classic times
  13. Allworth Augur

    If I wanted to play on a server that resembled classic times I'd play on Project 1999. I'm playing on Teek because I like the random loot and free trade enabled loot as well as the myriad of of quality of life changes that have been added along the way.

    I'm making legitimate observations about the inequities in the epic quest design and the obvious disparities where some epic quest items are tradeable and some are not.