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Weekly Server Reset

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Cicelee, Feb 17, 2022.

  1. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    You don't need to use such an extreme example when most of the people who are afking online will not fall into that category. There are way more people who afk online with a single or couple toons then afk online with massive bot armies.

    As for the queue on TLP servers I am guessing part of that is because they have the option that kicks afk people turned as as we routinely see people complaining about those kicks when it is enabled. Do that on all the servers and you will have a lot more people complaining about it.
  2. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    People will complain regardless what is or is not done. And the lack of a queue is NOT because of an AFK kick timer. It is quite simply because you don't have literally every single person hammering the login server at the same time. It's akin to a DDOS attack, but where people aren't trying to crash the system. I got lucky and was logging in mere seconds after Mischief went live. And I did everything I could to make sure I stayed logged in, and hoped I did not crash, while I played over the next twelve hours.

    As for people not logging off, I ask again, is there ANY legitimate reason to stay logged in, while you go to class, or go to work, or go to the gym, or have a nooner with your significant other? Nothing extreme is being implied, at all. But yet you persist, in throwing variations of that word around.
    Wdor likes this.
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    This time your question is better as you are not asking about the rare people who have a 72 person bot army that stay logged in all the time. But as for your answer unless you can prove that the people being logged in and afk in PoK is causing the entire server to lag I don't think it matters if they say logged on or not.
  4. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    Thank your for your magnanimous approval, for which I did not ask.
  5. Warpeace Augur

    If its scheduled and increases server performance let the minority cry about it. If it gives the majority a better gaming experience I'm all for it.
    Wdor likes this.
  6. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Scheduling auto afk kicks? That is what I was responding to.
  7. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    AFK kicks would make EQ look like a ghost town.
  8. Nennius Curmudgeon

    They could also add other decorative items to take their place. :)
    Doranur_Aleguzzler likes this.
  9. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    He's obviously talking about scheduled weekly server restarts, not scheduled AFK kicks.

    As I said before, there is ample evidence from other games, one specifically that used to be run by the very same people as EQ, that scheduled weekly server restarts were very beneficial to overall server stability and performance. The same MIGHT also be true if they did that here. However, aside from static asteroid fields in EVE Online, none of the other games I know about had bosses with desired items as loot respawn often at server up, or with a known clock timer. Those two things give players an advantage that specifically target mobs. At some point it does become trivial, as there are new shiny things, but for some, like the amulet of necropotence, there is still a market demand long after said content become trivial. I don't think weekly server restarts, based on that and observation from the outside, is justified.

    Now if the fine folks at DPG/DBG want to look at server performance data before and after server restarts, and decide to implement said weekly restarts, I'd be fine with it. A restart doesn't necessarily have to take all day. EVE does it in 10-15 minutes, more often than not landing somewhere in the middle. SWG had it down to a similar science. Hell, even Scotty could cold start the warp core on the Enterprise far faster than the manuals said.
    Wdor likes this.
  10. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    Well they already added the cherry trees, which does make the place look nicer. Maybe decorative potted plants? hehe
    Nennius likes this.
  11. Dropfast Augur

    I've been asking for this forever now. All kinds of bugs , lag, mobs not respawning, mobs getting stuck, memory leaks, ect all get worse the longer the servers are left up. I am all for this 100%. Sunday morning or Thursday night would be great. Thursday has always been a slow night historically so probably the best choice. Only reason I say Sunday morning really early, like 3 am is because so many raid guilds start their raiding week Sunday night. It would be awesome to have a fresh server up before raids start each week...
    Wdor likes this.
  12. Sotu Sotu Journeyman

    I stay logged in because I have a couple of items which are TEMPORARY and they disappear if I log out for too long, I'd rather not have to re-create them or kill a level 1 mob just to get those items. The existence of TEMPORARY items does not make sense to me, as if I don't need them, and can't sell them, then I will just destroy them.

    That and I usually camp a mob, wait for it to appear, kill it. Then sit down. And I'm pretty sure that's how a lot of players play this game for the last 20 years. And all the zones I've been in are empty except for Plane of K, so I'm not bothering anyone.

    It's probably not a record, but I stayed in Gorukar for about 30 levels, from about 30-ish to 60-ish. Nice outdoor zone, lots of tradeskill items, and few people.
    Wdor and CatsPaws like this.
  13. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    some very good points. and what about pets? sure they are not supposed to poof with a server reset and it has gotten better but.......

    Maybe if the players would try restarting their computers once a week would help on lag.
    Wdor likes this.
  14. Warpeace Augur

    Not the cause your looking for.

    This is a Daybreak / Darkpaw problem that needs resolved.
  15. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    sorry that was sarcastic. as in do unto other as you would have them do unto you
  16. Warpeace Augur

    Except the lag we experience is not something we should have to tolerate or be sarcastic over. WoW does weekly server reboots if I recall. Not the same as EQ however but not game breaking if a few rare spawns pop each week.
    Wdor likes this.
  17. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And we don't know if server restarts would actually fix the lag. Server restarts might just mask the lag and make it harder then it already is to pinpoint the cause.
  18. Sotu Sotu Journeyman

    I don't mind my pets disappearing, as I don't give them expensive stuff. Yet. I know some people give their high level pets a bunch of high level gear that costs tons of plat or whatever. My pets tend to die often (have not gotten them disciplines yet /hold.)

    I'm specifically talking about these lifetap orbs and lifeshards. It's not a big deal really, and I can usually create a stack just fine over the course of killing random trash mobs.
  19. Cicelee Augur

    We don't know if it will fix it. We also don't know if it won't fix it.

    You are not going to know unless you try. What if they decide to restart servers once a week and the lag goes away on raids for every guild? Isn't that the point of all of this, to fix raid lag? That doesn't happen unless you try things.
    Elyssanda and Wdor like this.
  20. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    I have not seen any correlation of server resets with less lag on raids.

    What I have seen is:

    1) On the exact same night, zero lag in one instance and horrible lag on another
    2) If no lag at the start of a multi event instance, usually no lag at the end, and vice versa

    Anecdotally, it seems like when a new dz takes a LONG time to zone in, its usually very bad lag, but only recently started paying attention to that so not strong in that belief, though its logical.

    What this says to me is that all the talk of processes and server load and whatnot is a bunch of garbage, which makes sense because the number of actual processes and the technology we are talking about, if these math calculations are causing the servers to lag then they are using some of the worst servers available anywhere with some of the worst memory. And I find that hard to believe, even with that.

    Considering how often that the login server messes up, lags out itself, goes down, I am really wondering if much of this has to do with however they are connecting the game servers to their login and instance server hardware or programs, and has nothing else really to do with most of what we all have been thinking it is.

    Think about how sometimes in the past you've been in an instance zone and it doesn't LD you but disconnects you from what you are doing interacting with the game servers. Or how long it takes for the game server to disconnect you when you have gone LD. That points to communication issues between different components to me. And it would make sense that all the graphical/pet/spell lag we can create in a lag test which is sending information between those components would work to cause lag, but then the devs have trouble making anything of it, as they are not looking at that and are just trying to figure out why the server is bogging down on their side.

    I think we have clogged pipes somewhere after the water cut off valve to our home but before our sink, and keep looking at our sink flow and complaining to the water company that their water pressure is messed up. Just an opinion.