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We need our own unique Pick Zones already.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by dlovin2, Jun 16, 2021.

  1. SoandsoForumUser Augur

    You're just making yourself look dumb, the two people he replied to are aradune folks.
  2. Accipiter Old Timer

    Because we would like to see EQ survive. Without boxers, EQ cannot survive.
  3. dlovin2 New Member

    I'm all for let everyone play how they want. Paying customers = Paid devs = Game keeps going.

    But when I can't play cause every camp in every pick is taken its frustrating to say the least. Only so long I can keep that up.
  4. Calandria New Member

    I would rather see a chat channel that goes across all picks. Perhaps OOC. That way when you do a CC, you could find out what is camped across all the picks, not just the one you are currently in.
  5. 6BoxerOnCoirnav Lorekeeper

    thats simply not true, and you show a huge lack of game knowledge to claim such a stupid thing is true. You are either lazily making an argument or are simply not looking past the 1 or 2 places in the zone you feel comfortable. Sorry kiddo!
  6. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Kind of already exists, each continent has a chat channel Antonica, Faydwer etc. Could use that if everyone on that continent was using it but some no doubt turn off general channels
  7. Komodon Augur

    I've always felt this would be an overall net positive concept in itself, but from a logical standpoint I'd assume any speculative idea there would be a complete non-starter without an across the board concession that you'd then need to be adding a krono consumption cost aspect to the AOC process. Which would likely still have to stay at an offered 6 hour timeframe, and while of course closing off the current ability to spawn those instances with offline toons on the same account.
  8. Cainen Augur

    Classic has always had a lack of camps, once kunark and velious come around the world opens up.
    By the time POP gets here, there are almost always a camp or 2 open easy, it may not be the perfect camp you wanted, but plenty of spots to be had as the game progresses.

    We're almost past the classic slog, this will be better soon.
    Stymie and jiri_ like this.
  9. quakedragon Augur

    Which server are you complaining about this on? Is it one of the newer progression servers? Thing is, influx of people and everyone wants same thing. And you have bots/boxers farming stuff for krono. I think they go away after a couple expansions later.

    Having your own instance, defeats purpose of rarity of items and what not too. That jboots loot, wont be worth krono anymore. Exploits will happen where people keep redoing instance hoping a named spawns right away. Some instances have very rare mobs like Quillmane, what you going to do about that?

    When new progression server launches, expect the giants to be farmed 24/7, expect fighting over ancient cyclopes.

    Also yes part of EQ culture is waiting for open spots in groups, waiting for camps to open, etc.I believe the new progression servers have randomized loot so that people don't need to camp at specific place because loot is randomized now, killing whatever equivalent named can drop the item for the jboots now.
  10. Pikallo Augur

    I understand the frustration as there are a fairly narrow set of options in classic, but I still firmly believe you aren't looking hard enough. "every camp is taken" doesn't mean "oh well, hamlord is taken so i guess there's nowhere to go in guk". I've been in and out of guk a LOT throughout the entire lifespan of the server and never once - whether it was early, primetime, or late night have I not been able to find something within my level range to camp. You might have to branch out from the lguk dead side comfort zone, but there is almost always something to kill.

    Also, as someone else mentions, the world will continue to open up over the next couple expansions as well.
  11. Machen New Member

    I would have said this would be a massive amount of work, but it's not all that different from what they've done with randomized loot. So, probably not completely outside the realm of possibility.

    That said, if ldons were the go to place to level from classic through ldon, I think most people would quit eq from boredom far sooner than they currently do.
  12. nagash101 Augur

    There are no camps in EQ, only the DPS race. I have been at a camp multiple times and just had a higher level group show up and just take my camp. I have had them break my mezzes and try over and over to kill my group. Sometimes people miss ooc about camp checks and that sucks. I have learned to ask in ooc and shout, multiple times. Before I move to a camp I shout and ooc that I am moving to a camp. Still doesn't help sometime but what you don't want to do is ask the group monk to train them. Ask the rogue to hide/sneak and continually break the enchanters mezzes. Also don't have the warrior round up the whole dungeon and just run and die at their feet to kill them all.
  13. Febb Augur

    Correct. Everyone that has a different opinion is obviously a mega boxer.
  14. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    A paid for /pick that would respawn and last for (x) hours would be real nice.
    Could even be another source of revenue for the system long as the technical hurdles could be overcome.
  15. Demetri Augur

    They'd never be the go-to though with any sensible planning - make them lootless or whatever, just make sure they're a prevention method for the inevitable "Screw it, no camps I can handle are available, giving up for the night" ennui that many (mostly more casual types that are better $$/effort for EQ typically) fall into, which eventually leads into "Well, I'm paying $15/mo (or equivalent) for nothing - I could get Netflix instead", if it happens too often.
  16. Reshu New Member

    The solution:
    1. Lower the pick threshold. To many people, not enough *mobs.
    2. Lower the respawn timer in places like Lguk.

    Edit: The OP is right this is a problem.
  17. nagash101 Augur

    I think you mean more DZs that don't have raid targets. I would love to see some additional DZs added to the list of zones that are fun dungeon crawls.
  18. brickz Augur

    Private picks would lead to even more ridiculous platinum inflation than already exists from the 24/7 bot crews on every TLP.
  19. Accipiter Old Timer

    Is the XP still crap in DZs or did they never implement (or reverse) that?
  20. Machen New Member

    For the billionth time, they CANNOT do this.