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Waited 75 minutes in queue to get "client needs to update"

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Kirtonos, Jun 19, 2020.

  1. Kirtonos New Member

    As such, I got dumped to the end of the line and I'm waiting AGAIN to play.
  2. Xyril New Member


    I'm on the same boat, got dumped out of queue twice today. Another guy just started EQ, no character created yet, waited 2 hours in queue to get dumped out of it. He quit, sadly.

    2020 Honorable mentions in the footnotes of History Books:
    "aradune queue times"
    Pikles likes this.
  3. ajschliewe Elder

    because you are bypassing the client update. If you enter eq the normal way, it checks for client updates before you even get to the server select screen.
  4. Zansobar Augur

    So in other words...user error?
    Tucoh likes this.
  5. Kirtonos New Member

    Considering I only launch the game from the launcher, where is the user error? Where is the bypassing client updates when I used the launcher? The launcher should perform that check before I get to server select. I should not be able to get to server select unless I have an updated client. It's not like I'm using some backdoor hack to bypass the launcher and client checking to hack the queue. I used the standard ole launcher. Ya know, the thing on your desktop that looks like all of our forum avatars.
  6. Febb Augur

    You're using the wrong shortcut. That's eqgame.exe. You should be using launchpad.exe which has an icon that looks like this

  7. Redgnome1 Lorekeeper

    Plenty of afks at the zoneline in guk taking your spot in que
  8. Kirtonos New Member

    When I click on the icon and have it go to the file location, it shows up as LaunchPad and has the daybreak icon on it. On my desktop, it's still the EQ logo.
  9. Kukaw Augur

    My LaunchPad.exe looks like everyone's avatar that has posted on this topic.

    Just the old black backdrop and the 2 gold letters EQ...
  10. Accipiter Old Timer

    I have 5 boxes. Some show the EQ logo, some show the DBG logo. No pattern that I can see.
    KimchiGoddess likes this.
  11. KimchiGoddess Augur

    3 truebox and same thing, two of them have EQ launchpad icons and the other one has the DBG icon.