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voice recognition

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by iniari-TR, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. iniari-TR Augur

    I have a new comp with windows 8 that has a voice recognition program.
    would using a program that turns voice commands into keystrokes be allowable or would be considered a "third party" program that would be against EULA ?
  2. Hatsee Augur

    This depends entirely on how their automated banning system works.

    I've never seen it explained completely so I can't say whether or not this is a great idea or bound for failure. Sorry.
  3. JERUS Augur

    actually saying "abra cadabra" for a spell would be pretty awesome. I'd definetly have one as "meca leca hi meca hiney ho" though =)
    Straahdx likes this.
  4. Felicite Augur

    I have a friend that used "Voice Buddy" to control his boxes ("Heal Me" "Heal Jimmy" "Follow Me" etc). He loved it, swore by it. If it was kosher.. that's another issue altogether.
  5. Gladare Augur

    I think my voice would die as often as healing etc occurs in EQ.
  6. Talif Augur

    Sounds like a handicap accessibility feature. My gut tells me Sony wouldn't dare risk banning people for using it.
  7. Diptera Augur

    Sounds like fun... until somebody's long-suffering spouse learns they can poke their head round the door and yell "EVAC!" to break up the group... :)
    Moklianne, Felicite, Straahdx and 2 others like this.
  8. Nolrog Augur

    I hope that's not your emergency heal or evac or something.

    Carp, we all died. That's because Jerus is long winded and can't just say EVAC.
  9. iniari-TR Augur

    had no luck. other then purchasing something like game pack for Dragon.
    found a few freeware programs that seemed more like creating macro cheats.

    loved when getting some coffee my cat starts pushing buttons on the keyboard. :p
  10. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    I don't work for SOE but from years of playing, my opinion is that this is just fine.

    Any sort of input, either keyboard, mouse, voice, gestures, etc. is just fine. What is not allowed is use a program to play EQ while you are not at the computer or otherwise cheat.

    Even using special keyboards (like the Logitech G15) which have macros built in is fine. But you have to be there to press the button. The rule is generally that it is fine to input in any way you want, as long as a human is making the decisions.

    A macro which presses five keys in sequence when you press a button is fine. A macro which presses different keys depending on what happens in the game is not. In other words, you are not allowed programs that look at the game and decide what to do based on what is happening in the game.

    For example: If all your party members are dead besides yourself, you can hit a key that types in "/alt activate 12345" (your evac AA). But you can't have a program that looks at the game, sees they are all dead and then the program types that for you.