Visage of the Daft Trickster

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Azmadius, Mar 23, 2017.

  1. Azmadius Journeyman

    Soooo when is this going to fit in the illusion keyring? It's been 2 expansions now since the keyring came out and its still not flagged =\ I assume it was just overlooked.
  2. Imak Augur


    Items that can generate more than 1 illusion cannot be placed in the keyring.
  3. Ankarv Harbinger of Nightmares

    Wow I was wondering this too, thanks for the clarification Imak
  4. Eanelder Augur

    I knew that was the reason they provided, but its actually pretty odd.

    When they introduced the Familiar keyring in BETA, the Metamorph Totem: Ancient Gods clicky was actually able to be placed and was usable from the keyring. It wasn't until we mentioned it that it got unflagged. Granted I didn't test it much perhaps being placed able in the keyring doest not equal fully functional.

    BTW Increase Max KeyRing slots, I've maxxed out the key ring a while ago!
  5. Azmadius Journeyman

    What other illusion does this provide? Its always been the crazy looking puppet thing for me and thats it.
  6. Kelandi Elder

  7. Kelandi Elder

    I believe the Guise of the Ancient Gods is another illusion clicky that cannot be keyringed, although I have not personally tried it myself.
  8. Imak Augur

    Visage of the Daft Trickster
    Shroud of the Council
    Guise of the Ancient Gods
    Gunthak Swabby's Eyepatch
    Bloodmetal Inlaid Gnollish Totem

    None of those are compatible with the keyring. They all can generate more than just one illusion.
  9. Azmadius Journeyman

  10. Angahran Augur

    Fixed it for you :p
  11. Imak Augur

    Nothing to fix since its not broke. The keyrings were designed to accommodate a single function per item. Items with illusion charges also don't work in the keyring. Whether it be scripted multiple-illusion clickies or items with charges, these types of items essentially change with each use. The keyring wasn't built to handle remembering what the item was and will become.

    The feature would probably need to be re-built from scratch. I doubt its a simple matter of a code tweak.
  12. Qbert Gallifreyan

    Except, I have tons of items with charges in the familiar keyring, /boggle.
  13. Imak Augur

    What are these "tons of items"? I have zero.
  14. Qbert Gallifreyan

    I'm not logged in to name any specifically, but by and large they are items from the 13th anniversary tasks and the first year they did the X days of frostfell with free items from the marketplace (that are for the achievement).
  15. Imak Augur

    All of the familiar items from The Frostfell achievement are unlimited use -- none have a fixed number of charges.