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Very low framerate Linux/Wine since 5/15/2024 patch

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by steve12345, May 16, 2024.

  1. steve12345 New Member

    The game is pretty much unplayable since the 5/15/2024 patch. Framerate is very low. It takes 3-5 clicks on an inventory item or hotkey to register the click. Everything was working fine prior to the patch.
  2. Drewie Augur

    For me the game is as playable as it was before the patch, playing through Steam using Proton Experimental.
    The only issue I have is with windowed mode, where I have to switch to full screen mode and back to windowed mode while on the character selection screen, otherwise the in-game window is borked : text hard to read, wrong offsets in the UI where I have to click below a button for the click to be registered. This seems to be a generic issue though, not related to Linux.
    Igorath-Bertox likes this.
  3. Jarok Journeyman

    Have this issue as well. Less than 10fps. Funny thing about it is that when the window loses focus, the fps goes back to normal.