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Very grateful for the Tormax server

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Tamagotchi, May 2, 2024.

  1. Sheila Elder

    Disagrees with me on what? That Tormax needs rule changes or it’s gonna fail? Or something else?
  2. Magneress Augur

    You want me to be miserable.

    I will have a lot of fun reliving my EQ glory days even if it's with just 10 close knit friends. We can always go back to do content that was too hard at first.

    If you want me to be upset about Tormax you're not going to get what you want.

    Also more close knit smaller communities are often very much better than busy and overpopulated ones... or ones based on populism. Teek isn't going to be fun for me. Yet. I want it to succeed. And hope you get what you want out if it.
  3. TheDohn Augur

    You're misrepresenting people telling you "This will be a short lived server, emptied entirely within months. Even small team people with no interest in raiding will be quitting quickly, as it will lack the minimum viable number of people to make this a multiplayer community. The 200 people who will drop ~3 months of sub fees on this server are a poor choice of asset allocation from a company where the lead dev has to empty the trash and turn off the lights at the end of the work day" as "We hate you and you should be miserable."
    PriestofDiscord and Sheila like this.
  4. Sheila Elder

    Yes, exactly that and such a thoughtful reply. I wish no one to be actually miserable but if you are expecting a fun, populated server, then this year it’s Teek or skip. And for those that stubbornly want to still roll on Tormax, as I said, that’s a you problem. Guild numbers, discord interest, forum replies all little interest in Tormax. If it wasn’t for a bunch of us asking for the rules to be changed, it just wouldn’t be a topic on the forums at all outside of a few disillusioned folks.

    And I seriously suspect that the original poster knew what they were doing. Something about a stick and hornets nest?
  5. IheartEQ Elder

    Several people have hijacked a person's thread again. So many forum posters remind me of several stock forums that I visit. As soon as the stock drops even a little bit, forum posters rush to tell everyone "I told you so. This or that is junk." When the stock does well, they don't post much.

    Let's say the anti-Tormax crowd is right, and Tormax will fail within a few months. You can't prove that thesis until the server is three plus months down the road. Why are you posting in every Tormax thread about it? Are you hoping to quote your post three months later for a "I told you so?" You can't cash in forum points for real life prizes.

    A lot of forum posters are roleplaying a certain other forum poster who takes over threads every chance they get. :D
    ExecutionDbl9, Jure and Magneress like this.
  6. Sheila Elder

    This poster was clearly looking for that result. lol.
  7. Juskov Lorekeeper

    I think most people going to Teek hope that Tormax is a wild success. Mainly because we're hoping for a 2 hour queue instead of a 6 hour queue. I doubt it though.
    ForumBoss likes this.
  8. SnapVine Augur

    they won't even be able to prove it in 4 months, because others will say "its still Medium on the population chart which really isn't that bad!" oh and you can't use general chat as a metric, because no one joins that! and you can't use bazaar as a metric, because traders aren't players and lots of people don't trade! and you can't use... well, you get the idea.

    we might as well get started now because this is all for fun anyways. there's no proving anything or 'winning the argument' .... we're all just passing the time.
  9. Magneress Augur

    Just hoping I can get Golden Efreeti boots with my guild without having to cheep out and camp another lvl 50 mob.

    Why do you guys hate us so much...
    Jure likes this.
  10. Tamagotchi Apprentice

    /poke /poke /poke

    As the original poster I can assure you that sticks and hornets were not a consideration.
    I simply saw alot of hate about Tormax on the forums and wished to publicly express my gratitude as well as support for a ruleset I am quite fond of. I have played on Mischief and found the ruleset to be abhorrent and absurd to the extreme but I wish those players all the best, enjoying the game as they see fit. I hope the best for Teek players and I think it would be nice if folks could respect the desired playstyle of those who find Tormax to be the ideal server.
    ExecutionDbl9, Magneress and Jure like this.
  11. Intercept Augur

    The queue will last like a week then will be fine, there will always be a queue on day 1, etc..

    Tormax gonna be awesome for all those that play there so will Teek.

    Everyone have fun : )
  12. alfhaomega New Member

    looking forward to tomax as a returning player ,, thinking of rolling a gnome necro , since i will be causal playing, jobs and all ya know , but can make another character type if needed for a guild , if anyone wants me , haven't played since like 2005ish ,, but trying out live to get a feel for things again , while waiting on server to launch ......and if things don't work out for tomax or me there , guess where i can always go ...to another server =)
  13. PriestofDiscord Journeyman

    Tormax is an outstanding server if you're planning to play solo self found
  14. Laberintica77 Lorekeeper

    what's wrong sweetie, you can't bring your 15 boxes to the server for your Krono to pay for your Taco Bell ?
    darkaero36 and Magneress like this.
  15. Goomba Journeyman

    Good luck to you and the 40 others. Server will be dead in a few months. Enjoy being merged with other dead servers
    Sheila likes this.
  16. magikarp Augur

    i’d try an aradune clone if it were at all possible, but it’s not. someone we all loved actually passed way for that server to exist

    just so monumentally out of touch for them to try and clone a memorial server

    but if you play it on, wish you the best. might actually be easier to krono farm if certain camps aren’t locked 24/7. i made a lot on thornblade. i dont think it will be as easy on teek because it will be too packed and everyone has the same plan
    Sheila likes this.
  17. Smallhands Elder

    Let's be 100% truthful.

    There's going to be more players on the freebie Quarm server than there will be on Tormax, even with help at first from Teek login queues.
    Goomba and Sheila like this.
  18. Smallhands Elder

    Let's be 100% truthful.

    There's going to be more players on the freebie Quarm server than there will be on Tormax, even with help at first from Teek login queues.
    Sheila likes this.
  19. Smallhands Elder

    Hmmm, servers are lagging early! :p
    Sheila likes this.
  20. Intercept Augur

    So much hate for the traditional TLP which is funny because without them there wouldn't even have been a Mischief let alone a Teek.

    Some will play on Teek for that ruleset
    Some will play on Tormax for the traditional EQ ruleset
    Some will play on both

    I hope everyone has fun playing this game, so long as they are playing it as a game.
    ExecutionDbl9, Magneress and Jure like this.