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Velious rare items?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Magic, Oct 11, 2017.

  1. Magic Augur

    Have a question about rare items in Velious, like Classic DE mask or Fungi staff from Kunark, is it any of them avaliable only during Velious era? I remember on P1999 was very rare Holgresh Elder Beads, but not sure if its on live.
  2. Communist Puppy Augur

    elder beads never come in in velious, the only way to obtain them is via the casino that goes live in gates(agnarr will never see them). The only other items that are velious only are sleepers tomb 1.0 loot for how ever long it takes the server to wake them.
    snailish likes this.
  3. Olestra Elder

    So about 3 - 7 days.
  4. Glowerss Augur

    That's a shame if true. Phinny had ST up for a few weeks, and even that was too short. I love my gnome mask. I feel bad for people who didn't even get a chance at that sort of thing.
  5. Magic Augur

    Anyway after sleeper as awoke we can raid there? I hear primal weapon still drops, just SoD and some items not drop? Or its totally useless?
  6. Aegir Augur

    It's not useless. Just different items that drops. Primals weapons are now called Ancient Prismatic but are the same deal. Warders are now Ancient Dragons with new loot-table, some argue that overall, the ancient loot-table is better. look it up and judge for yourself.
  7. jack of all trades Elder

    The overall loot post-warders is better, but it sucks losing out on the SOD, Gnome Mask, Salindrite Dagger and Shroud of Longevity.. Albeit, you could also argue that pre-warders is better for equipping a raid with primals since you *should* be able to complete the turnin quest with the dwarf in Eastern Wastes.
  8. tuttles Augur

    outside of sleeper1.0 warders loot, i dont think there are any 'legacy' items that start dropping in velious... iirc the fungi staff nerf takes effect in the middle of velious

    dont think those quests work pretty sure the quest outside only turned 1.0 primal 1hs, into primal knight 1h sword... but there is a different but very boring way to farm+gear out on prismatic weapons
  9. Machentoo Augur

    However long it takes for the 2nd guild to have close to the # of flags needed....
  10. FatherDoom New Member

    The quests other than the knight sword (the one right outside ST) I am pretty sure are linked to another xpac, just like some of the quests in Skyshrine. Planning to use that method to gear out melee in Primals would not work in era I am fairly certain.

    Although I DID hear a rumor that they will be putting the quest for BFG back in for Agnarr! :p
  11. jack of all trades Elder

    If that's truly the case, we need a Doom BFG looking augment that we can throw on it for an ultra-retro look.
  12. Kiaro Augur

    the BFG already looks pretty damn unique.
  13. kinadafz Augur

    Ya'll should be camping the earthshaker from Yael. Get a warrior, pull a million mobs, pop riptoste disc, AE proc from weapon instantly kills everything.

    I sold mine for a couple mill plat AFTER they nerfed it to the ground. Imagine it's value now!
  14. Aziuno Augur

    Didn't they nerf the weapon, AND nerf procs on riptose?
    IIRC the item is worthless now, other than faction grinds to ensure you hit all of them.
  15. kinadafz Augur

    That is correct on worthless now; however, it is my understanding these progression servers have the gear as it was at the time, so, pre-nerf earthshaker is, well, epic :)

    Pull the ENTIRE zone I Plane of Valor with one pull, wait for mobs to ghost past you like 5 times, then pop disc and boom, all dead instantly.
  16. Machentoo Augur

    It doesn't work. They nerfed the mechanic, not just the item.