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Velious Armor Textures

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Diseases, May 20, 2016.

  1. Diseases New Member

    Is it possible to get the old Velious armor textures back for not only Luclin models, but old as well? I found multiple posts regarding applying this, unfortunately with no success. eqclient settings file for Live does not have the same LoadArmor files as the older clients such as P99.
  2. Critt Augur

    yes it's possible i have them on as they are my favorite armor textures. If someone doesn't post before I get home from work I will post what you need to put in to turn them on it's fairly simple just can't remember off the top of my head.... getting old sucks =P
  3. Fulorian New Member

    In eqclient.ini:


    Works on my client just fine.
  4. Kelandi Elder

    I wish they would finish (correctly) mapping Velious textures to the Luclin models. A little eye candy in an old game really brings it back to life.
  5. Gremin Augur

    I wish they would remake and re release EQ. It would do well imo.
  6. good post maker Journeyman

    Whats LOADARMOR240 do? I didn't have that one in my EQCLIENT.ini; I don't use Luclin models and neither should anybody else. At least not until Luclin... "NOT CLASSIC"
  7. Kelandi Elder

    LoadArmor17 - Cloth ("Appearance: Velious Leather 1" on ZAM, see Leather Greaves of Civility)
    LoadArmor18 - Ringmail ("Appearance: Velious Chain 1" on ZAM, see Onyx Chain Leggings)
    LoadArmor19 - Scale ("Appearance: Velious Plate 1" on ZAM, see Helm of the Deep Sea)
    LoadArmor20 - Leather ("Appearance: Velious Leather 2" on ZAM, see Tizmak Tunic)
    LoadArmor21 - Chain ("Appearance: Velious Chain 2" on ZAM, see Ry`Gorr Battle Mail)
    LoadArmor22 - Plate ("Appearance: Velious Plate 2" on ZAM, see Gauntlets of the Myrmidon)
    LoadArmor23 - Monk ("Appearance: Velious Monk" on ZAM, see Silver Moon Chest Wraps)
    LoadArmor240 - Custom Velious Helm textures

    Open your eqclient.ini file and set all of these accordingly:


    Note that setting the first one above ( LoadVeliousArmorsWithLuclin=FALSE ) to TRUE will result in Velious textures being garbled on the new models. If you use old models then np. This is a feature SOE abandoned unfortunately.

    Also see: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq/index.php?threads/thurg-armor.232436/#post-3430420
    good post maker likes this.
  8. good post maker Journeyman

    Thank you. This is great info! Appreciate it.
  9. Adonhiram Augur

    Thanks :) And use Wordpad to edit your *.ini files, makes it so much easier than using Notepad which is set by default in Windows.