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Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by lumdaen, Apr 9, 2022.

  1. lumdaen New Member

    Anyone going to play on Vaniki when it launches?I'll be playing a bard :)
    internalprime8 and Rebelicious like this.
  2. Rebelicious Augur

    I will probably play a mage or necro.
  3. Ariana Augur

    Haven't decided yet, still not sure about the level cap stuff. If I do I'll be finally playing a berserker at the start of a progression server. I wish that option was available without the crazy ruleset.
  4. Sollix Journeyman

    I will not be making a character on this server. Glad they are trying new things but this is the worse ruleset I think they could of came up with.

    A simple free-trade classic TLP would be much more accepted and welcomed. At least that is what I was hoping for since I came so late to Mischief.
  5. Go Take A Nap Augur

    Maybe its to early, or a sign, but this doesnt feel like the same exploding audience we had last year.
    Dragon Jockey and Ariana like this.
  6. Zrender Augur

    I'll be there. Probably play a pally it's a class I want to try. Love the ruleset.
    Rebelicious likes this.
  7. Alikat Lorekeeper

    I'm definitely going to make a try for vaniki, still trying to pick a class.
    I usually bard but worried completing the epic will be a bigger pain than usual but still required til you get the potime weapon or better.
    My second pick is probably mage, my only concern is not liking to sit on mounts and worried they're pretty much required for a pure caster? I'm not sure.
    Third pick is rogue, the worry there is I remember consistently seeing rogues as the least desired class in groups on previous TLPs.
    I'll probly end up being a shadow knight just cause they have no downsides for me.
    Rebelicious likes this.
  8. Bhane Veteran N00b

    Coming back to eq for this.

    Will be rolling a zerker/shm or pally/shm.
    Rebelicious likes this.
  9. internalprime8 Journeyman

    This is definitely the server to start as a paladin. They get some significant spell boosts in Luclin for the early levels that will make them feel far more useful than classic starts.

    I'm planning on maining a rogue but I may box a 2nd character of undetermined class. Hope to see you all in May!
    Rebelicious and Zrender like this.
  10. internalprime8 Journeyman

    Regarding mounts, you can't use them in LDoN which is where I think a lot of time will be spent early on. And most camps outside of LDoN are pretty stationary so the need for mounts is less. I wouldn't let that define your choice to play a caster.
  11. Zinth Augur

    well if I recall right then Unrest is open world and you can use mounts in there, could be wrong been a while and else griegs end is open world for sure and mounts are useable :D
  12. Yarteb Elder

    I think I'll roll an enchanter just to get groups easier. I was able to CC and charm as a necro, think I can handle a chanter.
    Mounts can be a big benefit because of the mana regen for casters, and in GoD era we will get the hp/mana buffs from some mounts. The buffs stay after the mount is dismissed.
    Rebelicious and MasterMagnus like this.
  13. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Don't know if real life will let me. but...
    I'd go Eru-Nec. I know, I know, Iksar has the regen and forage, but I like the female Erudite look.

    What is everyone planning on doing for a mount? Claim mounts seem to be bound to expansions (I didn't have anything claimable on Aradune), and the mount buff is limited to Azia (day 1)?

    -Casino is in? All the items obtainable at L40?
    -Can I get a Roboboar or Worg for cheap/quest?
    -The temporary horse bridle is too inconvenient and high traffic area, yes?
    -Buy marketplace mount now and claimable there (vaniki) day 1?
    Rebelicious likes this.
  14. Doezit Lorekeeper

    On Mischief in GoD era, (your experience may vary), the lion mount from the Verdant Hedgerow Leaf can be used at level 1 and gives the Mount Blessing Azia buff. The Hedgerow Leaf is claimed from an expansion purchase. Worgs with the buff are available in the marketplace but the purchase is given to the buyer toon, not claimed.
    Rebelicious and MasterMagnus like this.
  15. Korea numbah3 Elder

    War, sk, 2 cleric, 2 zerker, 2 ranger, 2 mage, 2 necro, 3 bards, 1 dru, 1 shaman, 1 wiz.
    Go Take A Nap and Rebelicious like this.
  16. Ootax Augur

    I'm going to play, undecided on the class. I always tend to play the same couple classes but may try something different like cleric or enchanter this time. I'm pretty excited about this server, something different that opens up 70+ content pretty early, the other TLPs tend to die down a lot once they go through the nearly year of OoW - PoR. I think there is a large group of people that would like to see a TSS start TLP so maybe we'll see that in the future. But this may be just as good.
    internalprime8 and Rebelicious like this.
  17. Celatus Augur

    part of that was the pandemic still being in full swing. Now its a more normal year with summer around the corner.
    Skuz likes this.
  18. Celatus Augur

    Ill prolly play double enc, cleric bard double mage with a couple friends each 2 boxing Then maybe expand to melee once we can twink em nicely depending on how class balance works out.