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Vaniki and Yelinak Launching Next Week!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Accendo, May 18, 2022.

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  1. Accendo Guest

    [IMG]Our latest TLP servers will be open to players on May 25, 2022.

    May 25 is quickly approaching, and soon Vaniki and Yelinak will be live and ready to embrace players. Whether you're new to EverQuest, returning, or just want to try something different, we welcome all of you! Challenge yourself and your friends to achieve classic goals while under level on Vaniki. Live the classic EverQuest experience on Yelinak.

    We put together some themed key art for each new TLP which we hope you'll check out and enjoy.

    (Click to enlarge.)
    (Click to enlarge.)

    Let's not forget the new packs once Vaniki and Yelinak go live. Say hello to the Trying Toxicologist Bundle and the Vexing Vermin Bundle! Trying Toxicologist contains a 40-slot bag and some XP potions, and Vexing Vermin contains a 40-slot bag, XP potions, a speed potion, and much more. These two new bundles will be available right next to the House of Thule Collector’s Edition Revival next week. This is also your last chance to get the Roguish Rapscallion Pack and Successful Shenanigan Bundle before they go away.

    Thank you all so much for your feedback and passion. You inspire us to keep creating exciting new content and servers. Now let's see who reaches level cap first!

    Be sure to follow us on social media: Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

  2. Raptorjesus5 Augur

    Loving those promo art pieces.
    Hobitses likes this.
  3. Yarteb Elder

    Raids on Vaniki look hard from that pic...
    Svann2, Rebelicious and Robomax like this.
  4. Lachmar New Member

    Great promo art! Question about the bags @Accendo. Are you folks going to re-open the Roguish and Successful Shenanigan bundles? I have already purchased them on all my accounts however would love to re-purchase them for the new TLP launch.
  5. Spookie_Noobie New Member

    Love me that art work! See you guys at Yelinak! :D
  6. Cambion New Member

    What is the difference between level locked and classic progression?
  7. Robomax Elder

  8. Baadan New Member

    I didn't know Gerard Butler plays on Yelinak :D the guy in the red cape looks like Chris Hemsworth mixed with Chris Evans.
  9. Siludin New Member

    The Vaniki one is Amber Heard on an epic quest to find cocaine.
  10. lagkills Slain by Fippy while guards stood and watched.

    daaamn whats with the incredible art lately
    Hobitses and Rebelicious like this.
  11. MischiefTLP Augur

    How long do you have to work there before they tell you about the other one?
    Loup Garou likes this.
  12. Doezit Lorekeeper

    The bag link in the announcement only shows the previous bags for sale. Was this intended?
  13. Barton The Mischievous

    They usually wait till near launch to switch them so they can sell as many of the old bundles as possible
  14. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Nice art.
  15. Lionsavior New Member

    How about the bundle to gift the owner of EverQuest? That's to not to catch a criminal.
    chumbus likes this.
  16. JabroniMobile New Member

    I made a forum account to pay respect and raise awareness to this comment.

    -Average Yelinak Enjoyer
    Siludin likes this.
  17. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

  18. The_Grim_Ogre New Member

  19. Tuho Always a Druid at heart

    lol, this is startlingly accurate o_O
  20. Tauriel New Member

    The above mentioned Packs can be use in the new Progression servers or just other currently live servers?
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