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Vaniki - Achievement Flaws

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Skyp, May 3, 2022.

  1. ISupportGuilds Lorekeeper

    What's really sad is I think the community and the Dev's are so far apart on this one that I don't think it can be updated in a way that would really make it viable. We wanted TLP Titles and Mounts .. We got water and expansion locked 1 time use items?
  2. Legends Elder

    Honestly, if nothing is done, not playing is the best thing people can do. Maybe one day they'll start taking player feedback before its too late.
  3. Biohazerd Lorekeeper

    I was excited for this server but seeing those rewards...yikes. Not worth the trouble.
  4. Thatoneguy666 Elder

    Very well said. I'm running, or was running, probably the only other 'hardcore' guild on the server, and the immediate reaction of every single person in our Discord has been negative and, and not just slightly negative. So negative than many people, including my co-leader, have basically stated they have zero interest in this server.

    Vaniki was ALWAYS going to live and die based off the rewards. They need to be claimable 999 times and not this garbage we've been offered. A consideration for several other balancing issues needs to be addressed as well.
    Rajaah and The_Kras_Man like this.
  5. Hirbow Augur

    You seem to forget that even though you and your guild seem to feel superior '' 300 members'' this server is made for all type of players,including the non zerging ones. This is NOT your server. The target expansion choices are made as a mid tier challenge points that everyone can accomplish, even without 300 members.
  6. Thez69 Elder

    you got a point, Id personally like to see more challenges so those who really want to push can do so and more casual guilds can still get some achievements for mid tier bosses

    lame rewards aside ill still play it cause its the most unique tlp they've come up with. selo was unique and if i have half the fun here that i did there, ill walk away happy
  7. Rajaah Elder

    Another voice for 999 claim rewards here, at least for the ornaments and illusions. Would instantly fix the server for a lot of people.
    Vindaven, Foaming and The_Kras_Man like this.
  8. a_librarian Augur

    play the server because you think it's fun not because you expect significant, infinitely claimable rewards?
  9. Protocol Dragon Defender

    With the current rules, challenges and rewards I will not be playing on Vaniki. It just misses the mark for me in too many areas.

    I hope that we see more well thought out level locked challenge servers in the future though because the core concept here is very interesting.
  10. Vicious EQ Elder

    A post like this should be a warning signal for Daybreak staff.
  11. Digler Elder

    I concur with a lot of what is being said.

    Perhaps I was way out of my lane when I first heard about the "claimable rewards", but assumed they would be claimable by multiple characters.

    Making them only claimable once...really defeats the purpose. None of these rewards is particularly game-breaking. Best you could call them would be a 'quality of life' category. Clicky to WW? Yeah, that nice to have, and saves some time. But, is it game breaking?

    Why not let all my characters on this account have that, across all servers?

    What would be the harm in making one of the early rewards a 10 slot 100% weight reduction bag claimable once on each toon? Make that a reward for killing Vox or Naggy.
  12. Triconix Augur

    Why should anyone care?
  13. HekkHekkHekk Augur

    As a member of the community resource council. I drafted the rewards for this server and found them to be in line with the difficulty of the targets.
    Ginix likes this.
  14. Ragnoruk Augur

    Were people really expecting infinite raid loot rewards? I thought the purpose of Vaniki was to try something fun and different and to challenge players in a new way, not for permanent items on all servers.
  15. Magician9001 Augur

    TBH with the ruleset they went with Tunat is just impossible it would be a huge mistake for them to have Tunat as a target.

    But i agree with your general point. Not enough targets and lackluster rewards. Would've been nice to see targets from every expansion and at least like one cool mount reward or a higher number of claims per reward.
  16. Mrjon3s Augur

    Too bad bows dont work on CBQ
  17. EQEnzo New Member

    I can't tell if this is a joke.

    One of the main draws of this server were the promised achievement rewards and your idea was a food and drink item that no one will use?

    Abolish the council.
    Magician9001 likes this.
  18. Agentbuckwald New Member

    Came here to post this.
    My sentiments exactly.
  19. Thatoneguy666 Elder

    The rewards don't have to give you any actual in game 'power' to be cool and useful, they just have to be reusable and of interest to...I don't know, maybe the players who play the game?? A stat food and stat drink clicky?? Basically an insult. Teleport items? Really who cares, other than the WW one being pretty neat in Velious, it's essentially just a QoL item.

    Shadow step on click? I mean is that really useful or interesting to anyone? No, it's a wasted bag slot. Maybe on a pvp server it would be good, I dunno, PVP is not my thing.

    They had a great opportunity here to entice people to a brutal and honestly pretty grindy, un-fun ruleset with innovative and interesting rewards, and having them claimable for the lifetime of an account would really get a lot of people interested.

    How about a cool unique mount claimable only in Luclin+? How about a few unique titles? 32 slot bag anyone? How about an infinitely clickable invis potion, claimable in say Velious or Luclin plus, as the 'ultimate' reward, rather than a depressing shadow click? These are just off the top of my head. Maybe someone whose literal job it was to come up with these ideas could come up with something more intriguing and valued by the players??

    Also, on a different note, the decision to make Required level into Recommended level is a horrible solution to the equipping higher level items, because the math on Rec levels is horrible and it nerfs the hard earned items you do get by a huge amount. How about just -25 on all rec and required levels. Easy, done, if you get it, you can use it.
  20. The_Kras_Man New Member

    What guilds are left on Vaniki now? Asking because I want to play it even though the rewards are lackluster but it looks like guilds are folding or going to Yelinak instead.