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Update Bugs 03/23/16

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by JChan, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. Windance Augur

    Cultural gear and TBM augs not working together by design?

    For example ...

    Condensed Desiccated Bile : http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=124562
    Speed of Darkness : http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=124795
    Avarice : http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=124585

    All these augs show up as fitting type 7 or type 8 gear and should be valid for visible slots hands, feet, bp, etc.

    When you try to place any of these augs into the cultural gear like :

    August Shadowrise Cuirass : http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=121631
    August Shadowrise Sleeves : http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=121637
    August Shadowrise Boots : http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=121635

    You end up getting an error message

    "This item does not satisfy the augment's restrictions."

    There does not seem to be any obvious reasons why these augs will not fit into the cultural type 7 slots.
    Ishtass likes this.
  2. Barraind Grumpy Old Bastage

    Some are spawning in the wrong instance too. Lord Doljonijiarnimorinar is spawning as a large human in most ST instances.
  3. Lianeb Augur

    Half my guild is now flagged as (SPAM). No idea why that happened
  4. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    Bertoxx server. I asked my guild to send me tells to be invited into our raid:

    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:10 2016] You say to your guild, 'Send tell to me for raid invite.'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:10 2016] Willoak tells you, 'Raid invite please'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:11 2016] Kalanar tells you, 'May I have a Raid Invite please?'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:11 2016] Ingersolla tells you, 'raid invite please'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:13 2016] Saldaien tells you, 'invite plz'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:13 2016] Bonham tells you, ''
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:13 2016] Kindiilx tells you, 'raid invite please'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:14 2016] Denza tells you, 'raid invite please, cause I'm the most pleasant pally!'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:15 2016] Steels tells you, 'hi invite please '
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:15 2016] Baminy tells you, 'invite please'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:16 2016] Mbiki tells you, (SPAM)
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:16 2016] Walfish tells you, (SPAM)
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:16 2016] Xykax tells you, 'Pick << XYKAX >> for raid invite!!'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:16 2016] Ginna tells you, (SPAM)
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:19 2016] Mudblade tells you, 'invite plz'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:20 2016] Ladwena tells you, 'invite plz'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:22 2016] Realgood tells you, (SPAM)
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:24 2016] Smushmush tells you, (SPAM)
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:25 2016] Shivv tells you, 'invite when ready'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:28 2016] Feonixx tells you, 'Rdy for ri'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:34 2016] Wipz tells you, 'Invite Please'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:35 2016] Realgood tells you, (SPAM)
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:39 2016] Mazoola tells you, 'ok, ill go'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:42 2016] Gaeain tells you, 'raid invite please'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:44 2016] Strydre tells you, 'invite plz'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:51 2016] Ubherc tells you, 'invite pls'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:54 2016] Mbiki tells you, (SPAM)
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:56 2016] Thigg tells you, (SPAM)
    [Tue Apr 12 19:30:56 2016] Walfish tells you, (SPAM)
    [Tue Apr 12 19:31:01 2016] Enjelus tells you, (SPAM)
    [Tue Apr 12 19:31:02 2016] Dorflin tells you, (SPAM)
    [Tue Apr 12 19:31:20 2016] Realgood tells you, 'RI pls (not sure why this was not going through)'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:31:23 2016] Smushmush tells you, 'Ri please sorry if its a double think there is a bug where the tell window dosent pop up'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:31:32 2016] Destinea tells you, 'Raid invite please'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:31:32 2016] Dorflin tells you, (SPAM)
    [Tue Apr 12 19:31:51 2016] Dorflin tells you, (SPAM)
    [Tue Apr 12 19:31:51 2016] Ginna tells you, (SPAM)
    [Tue Apr 12 19:32:00 2016] Mophios tells you, (SPAM)
    [Tue Apr 12 19:32:10 2016] Urcleric tells you, 'tell'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:32:24 2016] Bonejangles tells you, (SPAM)
    [Tue Apr 12 19:32:34 2016] Bonejangles tells you, (SPAM)
    [Tue Apr 12 19:32:44 2016] Mophios tells you, (SPAM)
    [Tue Apr 12 19:32:57 2016] Hanadur tells you, 'INVITE ME TO RAID'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:33:20 2016] Angur tells you, (SPAM)
    [Tue Apr 12 19:34:08 2016] Bonejangles tells you, (SPAM)
    [Tue Apr 12 19:34:25 2016] Mophios tells you, 'test'
    [Tue Apr 12 19:34:36 2016] Mophios tells you, (SPAM)
    Sirene_Fippy likes this.
  5. Dibab Augur

    the same thing is happening on Povar too. Probably gamewide...
  6. JChan Developer

    If you are experiencing the (SPAM) issue please logout and back in. Also anyone that you see with (SPAM) should also log out and back in. That will resolve some of the issues. The rest of the issues should settle out within 24 hours of logging out and then back in.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  7. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    JChan, thank you for your response.
  8. Dibab Augur

    also cross server tells are impossible it seems like regardless of what you say
  9. Dibab Augur

    so this still hasnt resolved itself and ive been logged out and in since this began...
  10. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    Bertoxx server.

    I asked people in my guild to send me a tell so I could invite them into the raid.

    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:16 2016] Reechani tells you, 'invite plz'
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:18 2016] Willoak tells you, 'Raid invite please'
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:19 2016] Hanadur tells you, 'INVITE ME TO RAID'
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:20 2016] Kalanar tells you, 'May I have a Raid Invite please?'
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:22 2016] Smushmush tells you, (SPAM)
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:22 2016] Ingersolla tells you, 'raid invite please'
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:24 2016] Destinea tells you, 'Raid invite please'
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:24 2016] Enjelus tells you, (SPAM)
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:25 2016] Saldaien tells you, 'invite plz'
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:27 2016] Bonham tells you, 'please'
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:27 2016] Bonejangles tells you, (SPAM)
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:27 2016] Patancia tells you, (SPAM)
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:27 2016] Lluke tells you, 'LFG'
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:27 2016] Shivv tells you, 'invite when ready'
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:28 2016] Feonixx tells you, 'Rdy for RI'
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:30 2016] Ginna tells you, 'May I hve a raid invite plz and ty?'
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:31 2016] Kensing tells you, (SPAM)
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:31 2016] Ubherc tells you, 'invite pls'
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:31 2016] Wipz tells you, 'Invite Please'
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:32 2016] Dorflin tells you, (SPAM)
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:38 2016] Kensing tells you, (SPAM)
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:44 2016] Ssserpentor tells you, 'invite pleassse, p p p pleassse'
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:45 2016] Patancia tells you, (SPAM)
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:50 2016] Mbiki tells you, (SPAM)
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:55 2016] Mazoola tells you, 'invite me plzz'
    [Thu Apr 14 19:30:59 2016] Patancia uchats (SPAM)
    [Thu Apr 14 19:31:04 2016] Petts tells you, 'invite me please then'
    [Thu Apr 14 19:31:14 2016] Thigg tells you, (SPAM)
    [Thu Apr 14 19:31:15 2016] Steels tells you, 'hi invite please '
    [Thu Apr 14 19:31:50 2016] Gaeain tells you, 'raid invite please'
    [Thu Apr 14 19:32:16 2016] Urcleric tells you, 'invite?'
    [Thu Apr 14 19:34:00 2016] Mophios tells you, (SPAM)
    [Thu Apr 14 19:34:25 2016] Foxeyone tells you, (SPAM)
    [Thu Apr 14 19:34:33 2016] Mudblade tells you, 'invite plz'
    [Thu Apr 14 19:34:48 2016] Foxeyone tells you, 'I did not! haaa'

    As is shown, the spam issue is not fixed and really doesn't seem any better than when I last reported it on Tuesday here: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq...date-bugs-03-23-16.231640/page-3#post-3421496
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  11. Makavien Augur

    Ruins of Lxanvom : Emollious - All Must Fall and None May Fall , We did these achievements on 3/06/16 and since we can not seem to repeat them even trying exactly what they say needs to be done. Can you make sure they are working properly?
  12. JChan Developer

    Fanra and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  13. JChan Developer

    We've resolved the other issue that was causing player chat to get incorrectly flagged as SPAM. Players that are getting flagged as SPAM will need to log out and back in again. After logging out and back in some players will need to wait up to 24 hours to be resolved. However most people will be resolved after a logout / login.
    Quatr, adetia and Fanra like this.
  14. adetia Monkess Wonder, Ruler of All

    Thank god. :)
    Quatr likes this.