Update Bugs 03/13/13

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by JChan, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. RaceCondition Augur

    I appreciate the response, but I specifically stated that I already had tried both teleporters in my previous post.
  2. RaceCondition Augur

    Both teleporters now work on Test after the 4/11/2013 Test Update.
  3. smash Augur

    12th Anniversary Raid Event - Parts is Parts + 12th Anniversary Raid Event - Maximum Capacity

    Earlier it has been so that when you turned in a thing for Parts is Parts, you would also get update for Maximum Capacity
    You no longer do that, which means, you in total will have to collect around 4 of some items, and 6 of some other.
    It worked correct last year, but no longer
  4. smash Augur

    10th anniv tasks rewards appear to have been reduced at least for level 100..
    Before they gave: The choice between seven different distillates (scales to level)
    They dont give the potions.