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Type 18 Augs

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ramstein_Povar, Mar 28, 2019.

  1. Ramstein_Povar Journeyman

    I haven't found anywhere that gives any indication they are on a specific named's loot table. I've been told they drop off any TBL named in any T1 or T2 zone. I am after one aug specifically and would love to know if I'm wasting my time or if I should be hunting elsewhere.

    Can anyone give me any info on this?
  2. Funk Augur

    I've personally only gotten my 18's from Mearatas, I'm pretty sure they can drop in other zones but that's just my experience. Good luck.
  3. Zvenn Just an old monk

    i have heard they drop off any named, i have personally seen them drop in stratos, esianti, and mearatas (mostly the caster type ones, only seen 1 melee type one). they just seem like slightly higher drop rate than the ultra rares (or at least feels like it hehe)
  4. Qbert Gallifreyan

    Eesh, slightly higher huh. I have 41 type 18 augs and I can't equip any of them. I haven't seen any ultra rares.
  5. feeltheburn Augur

    Unicorn is more common then your aug brother!!
  6. Lianeb Augur

    They don’t go into the ultra rares they go into the 4 chase items that drop in the fight fire mission
  7. Qbert Gallifreyan

    Yes, I know. I can't equip any because I can't beat the Cactus mission. The gear isn't that good unless it can be evolved.
  8. Ramstein_Povar Journeyman

    The cactus mission has nothing to do with being able to equip them. There are specific types of achievements needed for each item that allows you to evolve them.

    Boots = all non-optional explore achievements
    Gloves = PoP, EoK, RoS TBL hunters
    Ring = champion of eok and ros
    Shoulders = collections cotf+
  9. Mazame Augur

    Cactus mission would only stop you from evolving 1 of the 4

    Also there is only 24 augs and some of them share the same lore group.

    So based on you comments I don't have much faith in what your saying.

    As for where to get them they are Rare and can drop off any named in TBL T1 and T2. I have seen many named not drop any and I have seen some name drop 2.

    If your looking for a specific one then I recommend looking at https://items.eqresource.com/itemsearch.php?searchid=284661
    Click on the aug your after and scroll to the bottom it will show you a list of what names have dropped it before. I do not think they are link to X aug drops from X name but at least you will know it was looted from that name at least once before.
  10. Mazame Augur

    To get to VP you need to have cactus mission. So he is right that the mission would block him from the Ring. but only the ring. Collections would be block but they are trade able so you could complete with out going to VP. And hunter again you can get from being in a group or raid and not having to enter the zone. For the Explore achievement you can be added to the 12 man and gimped in for credit.

    Champion of The Ring of Scale
    Complete all Mercenary and Partisan achievements to unlock this achievement.
    Mercenary of The Overthere
    Partisan of The Overthere
    Mercenary of Skyfire Mountains
    Partisan of Skyfire Mountains
    Mercenary of Howling Stones
    Partisan of Howling Stones
    Mercenary of Sathir's Tomb
    Partisan of Sathir's Tomb
    Mercenary of Gorowyn
    Partisan of Gorowyn
    Mercenary of Veeshan's Peak
    Partisan of Veeshan's Peak
  11. Ramstein_Povar Journeyman

    Yeah - I did that - I am trying to get the Secret Dawn Dire - 70AC Dext one. I've been killing the only named that actually shows it on its loot table over and over and have gotten alot of other type 18's but not the one I want of course, Murphy's law.
  12. Lianeb Augur

    The cactus mission could essentially block you from all the evolutions.
    Glove require VP hunter
    Boots require VP traveler, though can get it without flags through the 12 man unflagged
    Shoulders require VP collects though you can buy them
    Ring requires VP merc partisan

    There are ways around all these with the right friends though. But I suspect if you can’t get cactus mission that is out.

    Though nothing stops you from equipping them and they do have a base single type 18 slot
    Yinla and Yendar like this.
  13. Brohg Augur

    Being unable to beat cactus is enormously suspect, full stop. It's not a difficult mission.
  14. Nniki Augur

    IIRC, I got that one from Sapphire Hammer in Esianti.
  15. Axxius Augur

    Secret Dawn Dire dropped from Final Rainbow in Empyr for us.

    However, I'm pretty sure Ngreth said that all rares across TBL have the same drop table for those augs, i.e. they can randomly drop from any named in the expansion.
    Yendar likes this.