Tuesday Nights in the Grey

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Toodles, Jan 10, 2017.

  1. Toodles Elder

    stop sitting at the aoc forming your raid holding up the base pick, form up in Mons or zone in.... jfc every week
  2. giggly New Member

    I'm pooping right now sorry man. I'll move my character to Mons for you once I'm back to my PC.

    Sent from my iPhone.
    Guzzle likes this.
  3. Toodles Elder

    man that must have sucked to lose ssra instance... again
    Machen likes this.
  4. Ryak Augur

    Not as much as it sucked losing a VT instance :(
  5. Warriorphinny New Member

    that did suck
  6. Derpfest Journeyman

    serious question: what does "holding up the base pick" mean? what is the complaint?
  7. Toodles Elder

    you cannot enter an instance/dz from an Agent of Change that is not in the base zone. you'll constantly get the "the way is not open to you" message. Tuesday is a very popular night for a number of guilds to run Ssra Temple, generally starting around 8-830EST.

    The complaint is multiple raids/guilds just sit at the AoC in the base zone when they are forming up, filling up the base zone and forcing people into pickzones preventing people from being able enter the expedition without either having to spam /pick (if its still full you get the 5min timer anyways), or zone back and forth between mons/grey until they land in the base.... wastes time
  8. Warlorf Augur

    Or patience could be utilized and just wait for people to start zoning in to popped instances for their respective guilds. This is a non issue. 30 minutes max that the zone is populated and yes Ive had to wait myself. Nothing to complain about really.
  9. Toodles Elder

    aint nobody got time for patience... gotta get in/out of ssra before the 'scheduled' Tuesday night primetime crash
  10. Warlorf Augur

    omg the crashes are real ... surprised one didn't happen last night