TS Subcombines from Vendor Items

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Rickate, Jun 19, 2018.

  1. Rickate Augur

    What are the subcombines used in a lot of different recipes that can be made from vendor purchased or very common items? Started with items for baking and made:

    Barbecue Sauce
    Beer-Based Batter
    Beer Braising Sauce
    Butter Sauce
    Garlic-Butter Sauce
    Grilling Sauce
    Lemon Butter Sauce
    Smoking Sauce
    Spiced Sauce
    Vegetable Oil

    Clump of Dough (Eggs)
    Egg Batter (Eggs)
  2. Rickate Augur

    Metal Bits
    Steel Boning
    Medium Quality Folded Sheet Metal
    High Quality Metal Rings
  3. Yimin Augur

  4. Yimin Augur