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Tower gear - Great job devs

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Vruel, Jul 20, 2024.

  1. SnapVine Augur

    true, but there would be more progression available if tower gear was just "good" and not "the best item available" for so many slots
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Sure, but by the time the new TLP's got launched it was to late to worry about gear being more in line with the expansions. Heck by the time we learned about the tower and the gear in the first place it was beyond that point as the gear was already made and any changes would be a nerf.
  3. Hibiki Journeyman

    You want toxic + nothing compared to what can be found here? Yes go to P99.
  4. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    You've changed the argument. How convenient.
  5. Obliteration Augur

    There is nothing wrong with the tower gear, it's difficulty and cost is inline with the rewards, also there is nothing wrong with the fact that the lvl 45 tower ring is better than anything else you can get from current era lvl 65 raid mobs that require a raid
  6. Muramx Augur

    The tower gear scaling from 45 to 125 is all over the place. At some points it's Op and others it's complete trash. It would have been cool if it was like the later game chase items. They are decent group equivalent gear and evolve as you kill stuff to top tier group/entry level raid. Then the 3rd step was achievement based for completing the raids available in the era you can wear the step your on and it's high tier raid.

    Then you do it over again as levels increase.