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TOV experience design will hurt raiding

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fian, Dec 23, 2019.

  1. Szilent Augur

    Whatever gets me off my digital butt between raid nights is good for my friends, good for me.

    Making folks treat deaths in raids less cavalierly seems fine too.

    Avatar raid might be … dangerous, but most Velious raids shouldn't be if executed well.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  2. Ashian Augur

    Running the 4 group missions will give you ~80-90AA. After raids, you can run the four missions to recover some glyph AA AND get some currency towards the impossibly expensive Type 5 augs. Win for everyone! (Some degree of sarcasm here ... but I don’t see the exp penalty as particularly painful).
  3. Whulfgar Augur

    The OP of this thread .. you make me LOL ..
  4. Israfel Elder

    I’m not sure if anyone else covered this, but I don’t know if any of the merc quests give xp ever. I don’t think I got any of the merc quests I’ve done.
  5. svann Augur

    The people that just want to log in for raids and nothing else will hate this.
    German likes this.
  6. Riou EQResource

    The Velketor ones do, and Velketor is probably also the best general grind mob exp spot in the expansion
    Cailen likes this.
  7. Tucoh Augur

    Just hit 115, the leveling system is ideal for me personally since i can blitz the missions and quests, and I don't mind variety but I think the system will be generally unpopular and hurts less lethal players the most. A lot of players opportunistically do progression while grinding xp and named mobs that help them get stronger to do the progression. By making the difficult effort in the expansion give the most xp, you're making it harder to execute the gameplay loop of putting together a grind group that transitions into an achievement group.

    Secondly, the many people who will hit 115 before finishing progression will then be relatively unrewarded when they do finish progression.

    Not a big deal anyway, and i appreciate the variety.
    Daedly likes this.
  8. Piemastaj Augur

    Simple answer: Don't die.

    There is some sort of validity to the exp gains in the expansion, however tailoring your complaint to raiders only is just a bad way of going about it. This effects all players. It is a minor annoyance, and it makes you either play better or simply get a better buffer into 115.
    Yinla likes this.
  9. Tappin Augur

    Do you honestly think people purchased a new expansion to remain in 2 year old content? I don't think I need to answer that question.

    However, you are wrong with your assumption...

    Point 1: Many abilities such as CC and debuffs are tied behind levels,
    Point 2: It's not only annoying, but hard to box missions with two or three characters (good luck getting a real group for all your box),
    Point 3: Less cash loot.

    Everquest is an old school MMO. There's no reason to try an modernize it. Besides, the playerbase does not want it.
  10. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    My main concern is that this is a bit punishing to tank classes. Losing double digit XP on a bad night when you're learning a new event, going for chieves or just plain gitting gud at a new event will be worst on tanks. They all die for our loot, you ungrateful fools! ;)
  11. Fian Augur

    I suspect that most of those saying it isn't a big deal haven't hit 115 yet. When you do, let us know if you still think it isn't a big deal.
  12. Whulfgar Augur

    As a warrior main raider i for 1 can not wait to see who in my guild loses lvl 115 due to death loss of xp.

    And then starts to itch an moan about it.. cause we have people who tend to think like elitists..

    I always giggle when i see those types of people get upset when they cant get stuff done easily..

    As for my VERY humble self.. when first raids roll out. I myself will be 99% in level and stay there ..
  13. Tucoh Augur

    Oh, and the last thing is that it's annoying that the T2 gear is level 115 required. It's like, you spend the entire expansion leveling by doing progression and collecting all this gear, and then you hit 115 and equip the gear but you've already done all the hard content, so what is the point of the gear, just to prep for the next expansion? I just hit 115 on my warrior (who got a boost from collectibles), most everyone else is close except for my three berserkers. Look at the table I use to track who has what gear, yellow indicates they have the gear, they're just waiting to hit 115 to equip it.
    It's a pretty terrible reward system. We tried to convince them to reduce the required level in beta, it serves no purpose.
    Petalonyx and Yirrara like this.
  14. Whulfgar Augur

    OMG ..

    I never thought about making a Table to keep track of who needs what on my alts .. You good sir are more brainy then myself. I am stealing your gear table idea .. an using it hehe
  15. Tucoh Augur

  16. Yirrara Journeyman

    That also annoyed me. I got loot in the first night of the expansion that I can use when I'm essentially done with it. I guess people that grinded to 115 can use it to get a boost for quests?
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  17. Filter Augur

    I’m in a guild with one of these guys that’s a top 10 raiding guild. I don’t raid with them since I’m only a F&F member which suits me fine. I like to help the raiders finish progression here and there if they’re not getting the numbers they need to do a mission. I’m far beneath them in ability and time availability to play/progress. The guy guy on here has helped me a ton with advice which I’m grateful for but laughing at others that struggle with content is just sad. This typed exp is method sucks for me and the others posting their struggles. There’s no need to explain that eq is a mmo and should be played with others, we get it. Getting a group on the server is impossible so I made my own group which I wasn’t able to even begin the progression in TBL. Yes I suck, I know. I don’t mind grinding regular exp but this is ridiculous. I’m sad that I’m not going to be able to finish the expansion again but I’ll have to go back years later to do so but this is my problem and not others.

    One thing for sure is that the purchasable T1 gear helped so that I can at least do merc and partisan quests, well some of them. This has helped me considerably. Please increase the exp per mob so it doesn’t take 8 months to hit max lvl.
  18. p2aa Augur

    They have 1 year to lvl to 115 and get all new AA. It's enough for them to do everything, including progression. You said 6 months for lvling, there is 6 months left for AA...

    What 2 year old content ? As all zones in ToV are opened from day 1, they will be able to play in every ToV zone, so in the most modern content.
    Well you don't want it, not the "playerbase". I have seen thread made by casual player saying some people returned to play EQ with ToV and thanks DBG for this new expansion.
  19. Petalonyx Augur

    Tucoh describes a real problem with gear progression.

    I think it is actually bugged. The Req and Rec lvls on T2 gear are swapped. I was happy to get a Paladin T2 BP, but when i put it on at 112, it gave 0 stats!

    For those that actually need the gear to do progression that gives exp, this is not helpful at all. As it is, i probably wont bother with T2 at all and go right to T3 at 115.
  20. Bamboompow Augur

    Did any of your guild mates who did beta advise you to perhaps pass on buying the expac and maybe just focus on previous releases? You don't raid, so you don't exactly need to be current.

    Your situation is not exactly unique, btw. Being a FnF in a raid guild as a casual is not really a good deal other than for sentimental reasons when they view you as being otherwise retired from the game. If you really want to do content with people who are excited about doing so, you might have to move on to a guild with a casual focus. If this exp system is going to be an asspain for even the hardcore players, then those hardcore players are going to be even less sympathetic towards your play. Unless its a really tight bond you have with the players who sponsored your FnF