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Top 3 Classes for TLPs

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Shakara, May 15, 2021.

  1. nagash101 Augur

    What did you see? When does this unstoppable change hit a TLP? Are you trolling?
  2. Lejaun Augur

    No patch notes indicating anything of the sort. Posted not that long after troll thread about OP rogues with stun whips. Smells trollish.
  3. trainz Journeyman

  4. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Both of these statements can't be correct
  5. FranktheBank Augur

    Paladins are garbage until UF when they get splash. They stack in raids better than SK, but SK are better tanks. Also, SK are better at kiting, ae threat, mitigation and epic gives huge group utility.
  6. RilerDevour New Member

    This OP is some pretty terrible advice.

    The god classes in early TLP are Chanter and Monk. By the time Chanters are no longer gods due to charm (late PoP), 90% of the population will be off the server. Monks stay god-mode easy-button DPS all the way through TSS at least.

    Clerics and Bards are required from day 1, and that almost never changes. Players who are willing to play these 2 classes competently are worth their weight in gold...no, an afk melody box doesn't count as competently.

    Warriors are required as well at least through TSS.

    So it's basically Warriors, Clerics, Bards, Monks, and Chanters early, with Chanters falling pretty bad after PoP...only needing 2-3 in a raid force. Add in enough of the other classes for required buffs, and the rest is purely filler that you want to have around so class specific gear doesn't rot.
  7. Ronluwen Elder

    To main? If you actually are playing the class I'd say Warrior, Shaman, Monk.

    These three classes are consistently strong through all early expacs, they are the start of any group, they are required for raiding, and don't really have that many people box them.

    Warriors start off weak, but by kunark will be tanking most raid bosses moving forward. Everyone's going to roll an SK, then they never want to tank past classic.

    Shamans heal, slow, debuff, buff, and start adding a ton of dps to your melee. A boxed shaman is never what a main shaman is, so most people don't box them. People like enchanter because of charm, but other classes charm well in classic/kunark, and the pots shamans make are just as good at mana regen as early clarity.

    Monks. Probably the one very boxable class of the three. Super simple, don't need tons of gear to start doing well. Consistently compete for top dps through all early expansion. Velious they are in a league of their own.

    Shoutout to rogues. Legitimately the worst class by far in early expacs on TLP's. IMO, the only class with a reason to gripe about being underpowered. Every other class has it's niche or a powerspike in early EQ, except for Rogues. There's 0 reason to take 1 rogue over another monk. People might mention rangers, or druids as being bad. But they have purpose. Rogues don't.
  8. Wulfhere Augur

    I would give Pick Lock as a rogue's niche, shared only with bards, for granting access to important dungeon areas and Vex Thal especially.
  9. Ronluwen Elder

    I mean, if we really dig deep it's a very niche utility. That they share with a useful class, that half the server will box, that's only needed on occasion.
  10. FrodeEQ Journeyman

    It's just a troll post, nothing else.
  11. Lejaun Augur

    Need to just give these peeps a forum vacation. It's not even funny how hard people are trying.
  12. Vule_Xyrashue Journeyman

    Who uses tanks for group content?
  13. Accipiter Old Timer

    Depends on whether you are talking group or raid. I leveled my SK from 1 to 115 on Phinny. I'm still tanking fine (mostly) at 115 in the group game.
  14. Shakara Augur

    Problem with War is they are super dependent and overspecialized they are required for very few things. Knights can tank 80-90% of the end game raid content through every xpac of EQ. To play an entire class around 5% of the content in the game seems lackluster.

    Clerics I can see a better case for as they are always powerhouse healers but their raid game is so boring until OoW that i feel people who pick them up end up hating them.

    Monks are downright OP DPS but they are super one dimensional and they suffer from stagnation. They peak miles above everyone in Kunark and then get worst and worst as the expansions go.
  15. Sythrak20 Elder

    Glyphs pretty much break this game with how they trivialize things. Once they're out you can have a knight tank anything with massively better aggro than a warrior. Assuming you're crazy enough to grind that much.
  16. Tachyon Augur

    More important to be dedicated to your class and dedicated to your group and raid. And have high playtime. I've played on the TLPs, many classes. Necro, Wizzy, Rogue, Shaman, Bard, Monk usually. I haven't had trouble finding groups with any because I stick with groups and players get to know my name as someone who will stay around for a long run.

    Pally is a tough road but I've played with some great ones. Bards are fun to level but tend to become buff-boxed as the game advances. Love/hate with Chanters. Awesome DPS in a group and then two or three pets break on the same pull and all goes to hell. Which can be a 20 minute group reformation or more.

    I lean towards Necro for self preservation skills and the ability to FD/Rez in wipe situations and of course share mana when needed. They also aren't that gear dependent short of a few focus items when they become available. I've raided through PoP wearing half Loam gear.

    On the DPS class thing, being 10-15% one way or another is overrated. All dps matters as the total dps kills a raid mob, not only your personal contribution. If you are down the list a bit you still contributed a lot to the kill. Always showing up to the raid and playing well is much more important.
  17. FranktheBank Augur

    Group Utility doesnt mean group content. It means Lich Sting effects the entire group. Also, using tanks in group content is fine, you just pull everything.