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ToL Type 3 Implementation Timing?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Rylak, Dec 9, 2021.

  1. Rylak Elder

    I know there were some Beta threads on the topic, but I'm not finding anything on live forum. If there is a thread or announcement out there on the topic that is much more recent, it appears I am missing it.

    What exactly is the status of Type 3s coming into ToL? With them absent at launch, we are again looking at a scenario where several ToV spells (2year old) are going to perform better with their associated type 3 augment as opposed to to the ToL version of the spell.

    Example (one of many):
    Lv. 114 Pyre of Klraggek Rk. 3: 16267 DMG/Tick
    Type 3 Aug: Adds 2440 Damage to spell

    Lv. 119 Pyre of Va Xakra Rk. 3: 17945 DMG/Tick

    And even the improvement in the Focus AAs affecting each spell will benefit the higher level spell more, its still not enough to make up the difference.

    Overall, the rollout of this expansion has been really good, but the fact this keeps happening multiple expansions in a row really deflate the experience for caster classes. Devs - do yourselves a favor and just adjust the base damage to be reflective of what the aug would deliver and do away with this coding time sink.
  2. Cragzop Cranky Wizard

    Should be in January patch. That's what Aristo is working towards.
  3. Gialana Augur

    Doesn't that 2440 damage get added to the total damage of the DoT? So since Pyre is 5 ticks, the type 3 aug, I thought, adds less than 500 dmg per tick.
    I remember being excited to get my enchanter and wizard the type 3 augs in ToV. After equipping them, I was completely underwhelmed in the dps change.
  4. Soulbanshee Augur

    Yesterday on the official spell status thread isn't recent enough?
  5. Kazint Augur

    This is basically right. There's no reason to keep using old spells solely because of missing type 3s.
    Duder and Tucoh like this.
  6. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Yea bards lose 1 tick on our dots, which does mean the 2 year old dots are superior. Expect type 3s to be in the january patch - 11 days after raids open if Ive figured right.