Token of Reclamation unrecognized by merchant

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by OriginalTibs, Nov 22, 2021.

  1. OriginalTibs New Member

    So, I inadvertently sold a stack of twenty heroic meats to the spell vendor right behind the portal to the Void in Bloody Kithecor. Immediately a realized what I had done, and scrambled to find what a 'token of reclamation' might be. Found them in the DB store under services at 500 DB for five. A bit steep since when I had a stack of five in inventory and selected the heroic meats (the merchant said he would give them to me for one such token) there wasn't a way to complete the transaction: the "Recover" command button remained grayed-out, as if I didn't have the tokens. In exasperation I've logged out. My hope is that, somehow, trying the same thing again when I log back in will end in a happier result, though that seems madness.
    <later> Alas, no joy. Relogging led to the same result. Recovery Tokens unrecognized. Impenada the Enchanter will just have to get skinny unless the gods smile upon her.
  2. OriginalTibs New Member

    Just in case, this occurred on Vox
  3. Soulbanshee Augur

    Open inventory, go to the alt currency tab, hit reclaim all. That's assuming it doesn't have to be unwrapped.
  4. Duder Augur

    The tokens need to be in your alternate currency *bank*. As the above poster mentioned.


    However, you mentioned that you sold the meats to a vendor. Not sure why you thought the tokens of reclamation would recover items sold to a vendor. They clearly state their use:


    Tokens of reclamation are to recover destroyed items. You use them at a merchant in the "Recover" tab. The only way to recover items you may have sold to a vendor is to buy them back if the vendor displays them for sale. I do know of a friend who accidentally sold some items to a vendor and petitioned and was returned most of the items. Good luck! =D
    Xyroff-cazic. likes this.