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ToFS Raid 1 Difficulty / Mechanics concerns

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Mazame, Apr 15, 2020.

  1. Thraine Augur

    just when you thought this raid couldn't get any worse ...
    Goburs likes this.
  2. feeltheburn Augur

    Raid isnt worth the aggravation in its current form, dont believe it to be impossible...tho close...but just not worth the effort in its current form.
  3. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    Yeah definitely a bag of smashed di*ks type of raid.

    I fully 100% support kill a non restless it heals the heart. Rng will be rng, but lets make it so restless drov’s is x%, restless shade is x%, and restless skelly is x% damage. Just dont cap the fact that you can only kill so many and once you reach the limit it capps you.
  4. Zunnoab Augur

    If types cap, then restless of that type should stop spawning. Killing a non-restless should increase the total amount of restless of that type that will spawn by one. Say you exhaust the shades and then kill a non-restless shade. Just make it so another restless shade can pop at that point. The change that was made is just an all-around disaster. An event should not depend on random luck.

    I don't know how the randomness works with the DoT level, but basing a raid on randomness is not a good idea. Perhaps mid-level emotes on how many players need to be in the center would be a nice addition to the event too. I don't remember if there's an emote saying there are enough in the center.
  5. Eyezing Lorekeeper

    The only real issue seems to be the cap on killing any type. Just removing that should make all the difference.

    I'd just like to point out that with this being "not worth completing" has tofs 2 and 3 that are blocked behind it. I know you could go the "Suck it up and spend an hour of your life drudging through the unpleasantness", but I'm just curious if fixing it before the monthly patch is possible.
    Celephane likes this.
  6. Kianara Lorekeeper

    I'm going to just assume that this is coming from someone that hasn't even tried it yet in it's current form.

    No one wants participation trophies, we just want a raid that doesn't require wiping for 30m straight in order to beat it .. nor it being IMPOSSIBLE to win before the enrage timer .. then having to spend 45m with an enraged raid in death loops to HOPEFULLY last long enough to win by the skin of your teeth.

    Want to have killing non-restless heal the Heart? I'm all for that, I don't think anyone is against it. But requiring 30 minute death loops to beat a raid outside of it's enrage timer is bad design and horrible implementation.
    Goburs and Celephane like this.
  7. Barbwarrior Augur

    is the result a secret?
    Goburs and Duder like this.
  8. laller Lorekeeper

    his stilll looking at it but since he had a week to look at it on test he probaly have to look at it 30 days on live ohh wait 31 days its a leap year and barb how dare you exspect any kind of information or feedback from gm's
  9. Barbwarrior Augur

    take about 15min to tell its broken
    Thancra likes this.
  10. laller Lorekeeper

    plus 2 3 weeks to find out why then another week or 2 to find an excuse and another week to prepare to make a post with valid reasons for said excuses you just cant exspect any thing to happen when they only had a week to test it on test server and since they missed it there its most likely a huge fix
  11. Barbwarrior Augur

    they cant or wont do temp fix like revert it to old or remove fail timer until they can patch it?
    Thancra likes this.
  12. Whulfgar Augur

    So after reading the whole thread..

    The consensus is that Tofs one .. is now the Hardest raid in the game ?

    Is this what I'm hearing ?
  13. Tanols Augur

    it is beatable ... but due to enrage timer and accelerated rise in levels on the debuff / dt its a death fest where rezzers burn out their rez sticks getting people back on their feet.
  14. enclee Augur

    I wouldn’t say hardest, but most dreaded at this point. No one is excited to do this raid.
    Whulfgar likes this.
  15. Whulfgar Augur

    I know its beatable. We have downed it no problem after its revamp.
  16. Gokulot Apprentice

    No, we haven't. Stop talking out of your a**. We specifically did it on Tuesday last week for this reason.
    Goburs, Szilent, Mithra and 17 others like this.
  17. enclee Augur

    Wow, I’m not sure Mike Tyson hit anyone that hard.
    Cailen, svann, Yinla and 3 others like this.
  18. Triconix Augur

    Lmao you just got called out for your lie. And even IF you did beat it, I'm going to bet 90% of everything I own that it wasn't "no problem" to beat it considering how many of the top guilds are stating otherwise.

    Thank you for putting a smile on my face.
    Cailen, Yinla, Kianara and 3 others like this.
  19. Whulfgar Augur

    And yeah we beat it . AFTER .. the change ..
  20. feeltheburn Augur

    yes ....but the thread is getting better :D
    Yinla likes this.