TLP Wizard Guide

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Blattos, Aug 22, 2021.

  1. Blattos New Member

    Ever since I started playing on TLP's, I always thought " why isn't there a compilation of everything you need to know as a Wizard on this 22 years old video game "

    So this time around I decided to make a guide that I will keep updating as much as possible.

    I am currently playing on Mischief and we are on Velious era. Feel free to contact me ingame as Blatty if you have any questions or remarks, as I will try and make this guide as accurate as possible.
    xeveq, Appren and Yinla like this.
  2. modsiw Augur

  3. Biltene Kingslayer

    So, only relevant if you're an evil class or a dark elf in particular as far as spell acquisition?
  4. Blattos New Member

    The spells are available to good classes also, you will just need to click on them to find which merchant in your city sells them :)
  5. Blattos New Member

    That p99 guide seems a bit outdated

    "You will also come across various "rain" spells which affect up to four targets. The idea behind these spells is to spread the damage over three waves (a poor man’s DoT), however if 4 mobs are in the area of effect all of the damage is produced in the first wave. These are to be avoided in the early levels as the damage to mana ratios make them worthless (there was a time in EQ live where Icestrike was the single best mana to damage ratio spell in the game, but this is not the case in Project 99). Post level 51, there are many situations where these spells become valuable, albeit situational. In some raid and group situations, you won’t want to use these for fear of waking up mezzed mobs or in dungeons where vertical aggro can result from casting a rain spell."