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TLP Rogue Advice

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Docrand, Jun 26, 2024.

  1. Docrand New Member

    Hi Everyone,

    I could use some general advice on the rogue class. I recently came back to Everquest after a several year absence. I played up until 2001 and moved on to another game. Anyway, a friend encouraged me to come back and try Teek. Decided to make a halfling rogue and for the most part leveling from 1-10 was not too bad. I am currently level 22 and have noticed a drastic change in the damage I do compared to many of the mobs I have encountered. Blue con mobs absolutely destroy me. I just fought a mob that was level 5 levels lower than me and I barely took it to half before dying.

    My gear is decent for my level. A random player gifted me one of the best daggers in the game and even with the dagger my damage is subpar. I am honestly considering moving on from the game out of frustration. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
  2. Can'theal Journeyman

    You're not a solo class. Especially in classic era where unless you have a fungi you're playing glorfied shot for shot without backstab in a head to head fight.

    Group with anyone really and you'll more than double your efficiency because they can tank/kite while your damage in theory goes up because you can backstab.

    Even duoing with a warrior would give greater efficiency.

    Ranger,necro, druid, wizard can kite for you. Mage/necro/chanter can pet tank, SK/Pal/War/Monk/sham can tank for you, cleric can tank and heal. Another rogue you guys can take turns ping ponging for backstabs.
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