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TLP Oversight or no?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by versair, Nov 28, 2020.

  1. versair Journeyman

    Topic: Evil Human Cleric (innoruk)

    Spell vendors for EFP for clerics are flagged as PoP? Origin point has cleric guild masters but no spell vendors. Intentional? Prior to freeport revamp, the vendors were in the sewers and now they are no longer there.

    Is this intentional that evil human clerics are unable to buy spells in their hometown prior to PoP? or was this an oversight by the devs? (yea i know there is a number very close to zero people who make evil human clerics, but for those of us who did...seems like we get screwed)

    and yes, before all of you suggest things, i know all of the alternatives. None of these help when I origin.
    make alts and use parcel from other cities
    Qeynos sewers

    But the talking point isnt about other ways to get the spells, it is focused on whether EFP is or was not an option for evil clerics. And if the freeport revamp wasn't taken into account when they removed the spell vendors for the TLPs

    In a perfect world, dreamweaver, prathun or Ngreth would weigh in with some insight :-\
  2. Thrawnseg Augur

    Praethun left a while ago so they really don’t have many TLP coders left. Just something you have to suck up and deal with.
  3. Velerin Journeyman

    I play a human inny cleric and found that strange. I wandered around quite a while before just walking to Neriak to buy stuff. Human inny clerics do get access to snare neck + all the paineel quests with a little faction work. Still use my clicky see invis and clicky fear.