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TLP Checklist

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Pikallo, May 25, 2021.

  1. Pikallo Augur

    [X] Time off secured
    [X] Pantry Stocked
    [X] Bags purchased and ready for claim
    [X] Box crew makeup finalized
    [X] UI/Macros setup
    [X] 5 yr old wakes up with Croup

    All set to go!
    Skuz and Nickatropolis like this.
  2. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    [X] Retired
    [X] Pantry stocked, large batch meals cooked, put into smaller microwavable containers, and frozen
    [X] What bags can be purchased so far, purchased
    [X] Probably not going to box
    [X] UI/Macros set up
    [X] Already told my 25 year old not to bother me, unless she is going to log in and play as well.
    Skuz and Nickatropolis like this.
  3. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    Calling it already, mine is the saddest.

    [X] Get up
    [X] Go to work
    [X] Work until 3pm
    [X] Sit in Thornblade queue until 5pm
    [X] Go home from work
    [X] Get back in queue
    [X] Play Stardew Valley with friends until 8pm
    [X] Sit in queue until midnight for posterity
    [X] Sleep
    jiri_ and Nickatropolis like this.
  4. lexdalton New Member

    [X] Time off
    [X] try to work out what class to play
    [X] Panic!

    I am solo no boxing so wondering what class to go with for groups and stuff.
  5. Nolrog Augur

    Oh man. They just announced on twitter that due to a hardware failure, the launch is getting pushed back until after Memorial Day*. Sorry.

    * I am totally lying.
    Vlahkmaak likes this.
  6. jeskola pheerie

    [X] Neckbeard done growing
    [X] Pantry Stocked with Hot Pockets
    [X] Mom's basement cleaned
    [X] Piss Jars in place
    Skuz likes this.
  7. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Extra pair of socks?
    jeskola likes this.
  8. MMOer Augur

    [X] Time off secured
    [X] Busted for three days to clear play time
    [X] Body sore, feet urt, back stiff but got days cleared to play non stop.
    [X] Spent all free time with kid this entire month
    [X] Prep'ed kid and wife for a month that I will be unavailable
    [X] Wife swings by Grocery after work daily to bring me to order request
    [X] Fresh Tendies daily
    [X] Bags purchased and ready for claim
    [X] UI/Macros setup
    [X] Ready to sit for 8 hours tomorrow watching the servers fail and fighting to get in.
    [X] Ready to post as I wait in queues and get locked out of servers for hours on end.
    [X] Rage when server rolls back. Have to do it all again four hours later.
    [X] That rare moment when you are in and there are hundreds of level 1-5's running around grouping and killing stuff. All worth it.

    All set to go!
  9. Duckforceone Lord of the Ducks

    [X] Random Vacation time landed right on launch day.
    [X] 18 Liters of Energy Drink
    [X] Coffee, lots of coffee
    [X] Setup UI, Setup Stream, Setup first Macros
    [X] Going shopping for quick meals later today
    [X] Single, no kids, nothing to disturb me.
    [X] Bought the bags. Waiting for more bags to be released.
    [X] Taking nap later today to be able to Queue longer
    [X] Wondering if more bags in House of Thule would be worth it
    [X] List of names for characters (non boxing)
    [X] Planned first character store buys, Illusions, pet illusions, pet naming, titles, weapon illusions.
  10. Knarf New Member

    What ??? Nobody stocking adult diapers ?
    Kylo Classic likes this.
  11. MMOer Augur

    got a bathroom right next to my office. I can afk rq for peepoos
  12. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    I'm a wizard, I'm expected to randomly AFK.
  13. Lumiens Augur

    [X] Race to 50 as fast as possible
    [X] Bored till Kunark
    Fenthen and HoodenShuklak like this.
  14. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Catheter installed.
    jeskola and Doranur_Aleguzzler like this.
  15. Abrhum Journeyman

    Damn, this one hits close to home. Guaranteed this will be me.
  16. Accipiter Old Timer

    [ ] Wait for Risiko to show up.
  17. Xerzist Augur

    I know one of you fools gonna eat taco bell and have hershey squirts as the first rare drops. Don't worry, I wont tell anyone what you decided to do... :eek:
  18. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    Adding a few.

    [X] Cut fingernails
    [X] Have UI files ready to copy over from the same class on another server
    [X] Get really high
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  19. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    [X] NVR list tailored to your secret leveling zone prepared for copy.

    *edit* is /advloot even in at TLP start?
  20. WokeCat Augur

    I spent 2 days cleaning my room and loaded up on 200 cans of mountain dew to get ready.