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TLP 2021

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Skuz, May 29, 2020.

  1. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I could definitely see a slower ramp up to 60 working well, after all with so many early weeks issues with every single TLP launch so far at least the first 4-8 weeks could well have queue issues and a staggered run to 60 would mean more players would get time to get in & level so the server had more players in the same level range where prior TLP had quite a large spread between level 1 & 50 due to some being able to get in & race to 50 ahead of everyone else while a few barely got in at all.

    Once at 50 I think the schedule is sound though, the 70 era might possibly be a wee bit oversqueezed but if anything that's the era you are gonna lose players in without something like a bigger throughput of events to make it less boring anyway, and on Phinny during the latter half of that era at least the guild I was in had Yar Lir/Vish, DPoB, ToB, DK all on lockout each week only running 4 days a week and we frequently ran "off days" on Saturdays non dkp through anguish for shiz n gigglez, so most guilds will have very full schedules but can definitely get through all the worthwhile lockouts in a week.
  2. FranktheBank Augur

    You do not want Selo lockouts.

    You think you do. You absolutely do not.
    Machen likes this.
  3. Tucoh Augur

    All the level lock stuff is boring. At its core the game is simply too easy.

    Double mob damage, increase CC resists, nerf charm. All loot is nodrop and mob loot is locked at death. Then you have a game worth playing.
  4. Gremin Augur

    Constructive feedback is no new TLPs in 2021, please.
    Nolrog likes this.
  5. Mercanyin Augur

    I am on board. I would like to see a server where you could play Froglok, Vah Shir, Berserker or Beastlord from day 1. Especially with all the sub-level 50 spells that get added into the game over time that you miss out on in classic.
    Skuz likes this.
  6. Tweakfour17 Augur

    That's constructive feedback based on your side as a player, it's poor feedback on the company side concerned with money and profits. No tlp 2021 is a loss in revenue so won't happen. And the last 2 years have had 2 tlp, so I bet we have at least 2 this year also.
    Skuz likes this.
  7. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Yes I agree.

    I am hoping we get one "standard progression server" and the second one is more imaginative, either the 51/50 GoD mode or the LLP suggested in this thread would be great rulesets to try out & see if they are attractive to players.
    code-zero and Tweakfour17 like this.
  8. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I agree, its why when I suggested the LLP unlock schedule I tried sticking closer to the 12/8 idea.
    code-zero likes this.
  9. Jimmy2times Elder

    DoN locked please. Thank you..
  10. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Out of curiosity, what makes you feel like DoN is a good end point for a server?
    Skuz and Nolrog like this.
  11. Nolrog Augur

    Why would you want to lock at the first of the level 70 content and not include PoR and DoDh? That makes no sense at all. My guild finished DoN in about 2 weeks on Phini.
    Skuz likes this.
  12. Machen New Member

    Who in their right mind would want to be locked forever at PoR? The one good thing Agnarr has going for it is that it will never experience PoR.

    Now DoDh, I can agree that would be a better place to lock than DoN if you were going to lock somewhere in the 70 stretch.
    Skuz likes this.
  13. Tweakfour17 Augur

    The only logical place to lock in or around those expansions is TSS. DoN is a terrible end point. PoR is also terrible, if you're in DoDH, might as well go to TSS.
    Skuz and Machen like this.
  14. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I still think the vast majority of the audience for any locked era server is already playing Agnarr & that outside of that "PoP-lock" era the appetite & numbers for any other era locked server are miniscule, not economically viable at all in my view.
    code-zero likes this.
  15. likestobox Lorekeeper

    I would really like a new server that allows boxing but does not have a super fast unlock on expansions, classic and kunark are fine at 3 months though. Most of us are not children anymore like we were when this game first came out but instead are adults with family's and cannot spend all day playing a video game. Starting with Velious having 6 month in-between expansions would be awesome and would allow us to be able to gear our toons up properly before next expansion.

    Also getting rid of MotM on most raid mobs would be awesome. At a bare minimum keeping it on bosses like AoW and Vulak would be okay. And get rid of the loot lockout timer in ToV or reduce the overall lockouts to 3 days.
  16. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    If you really are a casual player then I think the live server environment is far better since you have a year between expansions.

    Fresh-Start live servers were tried but they were not very popular at all.

    There are very few people who fit in between the 12 months of live & the 3 months at most on a standard progression but there is really far too few of them to support another TLP, these folks would be better off joining Ragefire ASAP, the chances they'll get another longer unlock TLP (like 6 month) is incredibly slim to none I reckon.

    MoTM - if that's ever gonna be removed would require a lot of changes most players would not like, for example things like Focus effects would have to stay gone until Luclin (as was done for Mangler/Aradune/Rizlona) & the spell data would also need to be reverted to be far closer to original EQ - that would be a very large decrease in caster power, along with that some of the melee changes would also need to be reverted to being closer to classic, though not all of them since in classic EQ the casters were far more powerful than the melee so some would be kept to keep a better balance between caster & melee than live had back then.

    Loot lockout timers depend on the pace of the server, fast unlock servers get reduced lockouts, longer unlock server do not and nor should they so I refute your idea about lockouts.
    Gremin and Tweakfour17 like this.
  17. Goburs The Filthy Casualz Leader

    As a PvP server, please.
  18. Vlahkmaak Augur

    Forcing families to open multiple bank accounts to play a game is ridonkulous at best.
  19. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Want a PvP server?

    Well, the devs are open to the idea, but you must first prove to them there is enough players for one, and so far nobody has done so, not even remotely, the last "event" was actually watched by the staff and the PvP community was disappointingly tiny, you folks have a long way to go to change their minds.
    Make ZEK high and you stand a chance, I mean come on a free to play server & the PvP bois couldn't raise more than a handful of people, I wish you better luck but I doubt you will have any.
    code-zero likes this.
  20. Goburs The Filthy Casualz Leader

    I'm aware of the responses from the Devs already, it was only a half serious comment.
    code-zero and Skuz like this.