Tips to increase pet aggro? (Mage earth pet)

Discussion in 'Casters' started by IblisTheMage, Nov 12, 2016.

  1. Gandaalf New Member

    Necroing the thread cause its still pertinent - Is aggro gain from virulent talon pretty substantial? looks like 11.2k hate every time it procs...

    Have just been relying on taunt and weap procs for aggro - this looks like a nice spell every 1.5 mins (assuming that is recast by looking at lucy) - will farm a few masks as well
  2. Tucoh Augur

    Virulent Talon (VT) is a good aggro generator, same with Frenzied Burnout, but you can't pop it every 90s unfortunately.

    I box a war and mage and when I pop that or frenzied burnout the pet can sometimes pull aggro if I'm not doing my job properly on my warrior.
  3. Gandaalf New Member

    perfect answer I was looking for - so enough aggro to keep it off a zerker that isn't discing... mayhaps... lol
  4. Murphy Elder

    I'm glad you said this. I have a SK with all the bells and whistles aggro\AA\Equipment wise and was grinding away on Bridgekeeper in chardok last weekend when on my mage box with earth 104 pet with EM23 and two rage swords, I hit frenzied burnout and watched the mage pet slowly but surely pull aggro from my SK. The SK was hitting a macro that has disarm, casts terror, taunt, etc, etc, as often as possible along with all the AA abilities and spell abilities that SKs have access to. It was definitely a WTF moment.
  5. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Was the SK maintaining Harmonious Disruption? Willing to bet not.
  6. Murphy Elder

    No. what does that spell do? Some guildies said that the new EOK spells were crap for the majority of classes. Did I trust the wrong advice in this case?
  7. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    It's an EoK spell, basically a passive ae aggro lock on a 4 minute self buff. Procs a single target tap and an ae hate when direct heals are cast on you. Think of it like warrior's dumb Wade ability but with 100% uptime. It's really stupid, but very effective.
  8. Chaosflux Augur

    Tanks and healers did alright. I like the new burn disc on my Beast too.
  9. Gandaalf New Member

    Just looked in game - recast on the max hastened VT is 13ish min - so its situational at best...i'd be cool with additional AAs to make it much shorter - maybe even remove some of the dmg component if you went that route
  10. smash Augur

    What new burn disc on your beast?
  11. fransisco Augur

    ya, you can't really consider VT a agro ability for mages since due to its low up time. Its simply a burn ability.
  12. Tucoh Augur

    You trusted the wrong advice.

    The new EoK spells I know about are great. All my characters got good abilities. I actually think Harmonious Disruption and harmonious expanse (For warriors) are OP and should be nerfed. The saving grace of Harmonious Expanse trivializing aggro is that I tend to use Harmonious Precision over it, which increases healing received instead of generating AE aggro.

    Since this is the caster forum, mages get chaotic fire which has some great effects. Necros get an upgraded death aura that's quick 40k AEDPS. Sphere of Decay has not only improved my group's DPS, but has upped the enjoyment factor when it pulls mobs from floors above and below us.
  13. fransisco Augur

    A trip down memory lane back to classic!
  14. Chaosflux Augur

    Aelle's Vindication?
  15. Evurkvest Augur

    Sad that aggro wasent adjusted back to the original level. I still have no idea why that fix was needed in the first place. Pets taking aggro wasent an issue.
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