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Time to end the failed "Truebox" idea?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Geoff, Sep 9, 2019.

  1. jeskola pheerie

    They already announced live xp rate, and 2-3 month unlock (should be 3 for level cap increases and 2 without).
    I would guess no truebox since it starts post-merc era and will likely be low population. I would guess no AOC since it starts beyond an era where they are relevant. Of course I could be wrong on both those. Truebox would be a huge mistake here, the place would end up even more of a ghost town than it is already looking to be.
  2. Icaen Elder

    I'm so sick of logging into Truebox server and all my guildies getting flags and gear for their 6 toons on 6 laptops (?????? who buys 6 laptops to play 1 game btw?) Literally stupid. Leaving me out and as a result, I log out because there's no one to play with and I can't make some additional toons to actually play the game.

    Take out Truebox.
  3. Vumad Cape Wearer

    I don't want them to get rid of the truebox code but modifying it to allow a set number of game instances would be nice. Truebox was created to encourage grouping. I started boxing to encourage grouping. My best friend is a pally and I am an ENC so I started boxing a cleric before mercs. The two of us could immediately form a group and pickup players until the group was full, at which time I dropped my cleric.

    I have also found numerous groups by joining people 2 or 3 boxing that were open to company. Actually a majority of my groups mid-day include 1 or more boxes. This is a welcome change from when I quit years ago because I couldn't find a group during my play hours. I'm prefer to be able to drop my box for a real person. 6-boxing and 2 boxing are not much the same.

    A modification to true-boxing that locks single computer boxing to 2 or 3 instances can actually be positive for the group game. On Agnarr I made a SK and I would box a SHM if I could. My 2-man group would serve as the backbone for other people to come and go.
    Geoff likes this.
  4. Pikollo Augur

    First and foremost don't assume someone can't afford things because they don't want to spend the money on them. I guarantee my set up is worth more then 10 crappy laptops people may box on. And how do I know they are cheating? Because any 6+ boxed group is automated in some way. If you watch them play its plainly obvious. Sending one touch commands to control another computer or VM is against the rules. Yet these boxes all autofollow at the same time? They form perfectly around mobs they are hitting? The tank, rogue, monk etc all move at the same time? You got 3 hands? I'm not saying there are not legit multi boxers out there. I am sure I could play 2 melee and 8 casters just fine. I am saying the majority of them are on VM and use one touch commands.
  5. Accipiter Old Timer


    It's obviously a problem and the full-on botters are obviously cheating. I'm not being sarcastic. If you don't see that from the hundreds of posts here to that effect, then you aren't paying attention. He's not talking about boxers. He's talking about bot armies.
  6. Geoff Journeyman

    Ill be honest, when the first truebox launched I went out and purchased 4 laptops for the sake of creating my own group (had a PC and laptop already). The largest problem I had was feeling okay with myself doing it, mostly for environmental reasons. The amount of heat waste I produced made me sick. I would run an air conditioner on full blast to offset the heat the 6 computers made. The energy waste and subsequent carbon footprint made me stop.

    The novelty of running 6 PC's to play a then 17? year old game wore off. So like most other dedicated 6 boxers I turned to VM's. They were an upgrade by far to the energy hungry laptop army. Eventually the griefers and trainers just forced me to stop playing the game all together.

    I came back for Selo's, promising myself I wouldn't box again. As time passes and other classic games come out one finds an increasing amount of time spent LFG. ALOT OF TIME LFG. Just like anyone who doesn't play an ENC,MNK,CLR,SK,PAL(sometimes),WAR during the early expacs can tell you, time spent LFG is tormenting.

    The reason I started 6 boxing was to play on my own time. I can take a break when i want, play when I want, play with other people when I want by just dropping boxes. Never am i stuck praying and spamming LFG. Never does my cleric leave at 11PM at night and the group is forced to break up because there are no replacements (WE'VE ALL BEEN THERE)
    So the point has been made in this thread and I agree with it, remove Truebox after a certain expac if not all together. It doesn't provide the intended result.
    Tymeless likes this.