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Time for Monks to Get "Heart Strike" rangers already got headshot!

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Grandmaster Nollo, Apr 29, 2023.

  1. 666DPSweDeliver Augur

    Can't speak to assassinate but decap draws the same aggro whether it's a crit or regular. The problem we have with decap aggro (and it's a small problem) is that it's a spell and we have 0 spell subtly to mitigate the aggro.

    Monks are in a very good place atm DPS-wise with the January patch. Probably the best shape they've been in in a decade.
    Thunderkiks likes this.
  2. kyong Augur

    Thoughts on the upgraded Zan Fi proc and if it ...kinda?....counts as a heart strike(ish) ability? Can crit for over 1million. procs 30 times over 600 seconds...so 20 seconds per (obviously not the average) and can twin.