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Time for Monks to Get "Heart Strike" rangers already got headshot!

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Grandmaster Nollo, Apr 29, 2023.

  1. Riou EQResource

    They gonna fall farther behind which is fun
  2. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    After I posted my salty comment I read Darkpaw is pushing all class balance to Q2 next year. If true, your point stands. I hope you're right.
  3. Moege Augur

    Your salty comment is going to apply. No need to feel bad about it.

    Here is how its going to go:
    1. Promise it is on the roadmap
    2. Jan-March Team is recovering from release
    3. April-May new midyear content, fixing release bugs
    4. Jun-Jul silence
    5. Aug preparing for new xpac
    6. October Promise is will still happen just not now (we are here) which is the same as step one.

    Realize that you are in a loop. Q2 next year I will not be around anymore, going to see LS's raid then quit. Yes I play a melee and I am fed up.
    I_Love_My_Bandwidth likes this.
  4. I-WANT-IT-NOW Augur

    Very excited they are doing the forward things for the game but ..... they have clearly demonstrated year after year after year they can't do the most basic things for the game to keep it working for the masses.

    Class balance, getting spells and discs tuned or adjusted, poor copy and paste impact the game far more then the game working 2 years from now. The population will plummet in 2 years if you ignore these aspects spending massive amounts of time on guild ts depots, alternate personas, UI engines, direct x upgrades.

    If Aristo and Ganzito don't have time to get these core things right then get more people to help or pull people off the other things during beta so there is time. We will get to it next year isn't going to fly again for the umpteenth time.

    To repeat that again because it keeps getting missed full stop the most important thing in game outside of it functioning properly is character development and play. You guys are continually ignoring this fact with how spells, aa and item development has been handled during beta for the past 5 years at least. There just isn't time is complete and utter .
  5. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Monks and, really, all pure melee need some love. It's reached the point of ridiculousness how far melee have fallen.
  6. fransisco Augur

    Thats the recipie to never have fun. If you're always chasing the current flavor, you'll never be happy.

    No. Rogues had assassinate first. That was the very first one. Of course, if you're complaining about abilities being "given to all the other classes", we can talk about mez, lull, snare and the sundry other things monks have gained over the years.
  7. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Which is only good for pulling, which Bards and Rangers do better and offer more utility to the group. :confused:
  8. fransisco Augur

    so your saying monks should lose all their yellow mana abilities?
  9. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

  10. Jaedo Journeyman

    To start, monks made out alright after the last patch. I hope they don't pull back because the AoE ability 2m out of every 5 mins on top of destructive force is pretty solid.

    If you're looking for easy ideas to upgrade monk abilities, I have 2 simple ideas

    1. Upgrade ironfist. Why? because tier 3 is locked behind HoT raids and I'm bitter. But also doesn't seem like it would be that hard to upgrade 1 or 2 of our top burns.

    2. Put a ranged weapon or skill that would make us even slightly viable to do ranged DPS. Maybe even attach the dmg to one of our burns (I'm looking at you eye of the storm sitting over there underused). You wouldn't have to make it crazy damaging, just more than my dumb mysterious belt of daggers. Maybe make us do ranged dmg like the rangers do up close!

    Someone tell me I'm out of line, but monks are viable dps again?
  11. Dre. Altoholic

    Rogues and Zerkers getting mend and FD?
  12. Zolav Augur

    I mean they should! Monks with an AoE seems odd lol.

    BUT at this point in my life and the game I do not care anymore what even happens. If my class is good I will play, if it is not good then I will take some time off. I spent wayyyyy too many years caring over this crap.
  13. Dre. Altoholic

    Always amuses me that some people can go 25 years without seeing something from a different perspective. I get that people invest a lot into their characters, but from a balance perspective the bias is clear as glass most of the time. Casters vs melee, tank vs pet, every DPS justifying why they should top parses, etc. All that seems to go out the window after you've levelled up every class a dozen times.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and fransisco like this.
  14. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    We've had Destructive Force since GoD. Not sure what you're talking about here.
  15. EagleTalon99 Elder

    Warriors don't seem to get too much loving either. Anybody even thinking of playing a tank, just gets ad nauseum suggestions to play an SK, like a warrior doesn't even exist.

    In fact the other day, in some random forum, not Daybreak, I mentioned something about playing a warrior, and immediately got buried by players extolling how great Shadowknights are.

    Shadownight players seem to think they can tank just as well as a warrior. But they never mention the events in which warriors are the far better choice. Plus they're probably uneducated on how much less mana and stress it is for healers to keep a warrior alive.

    But back to monks: I think monks need perma hundred hands effect. But it would still need to be activated as buff, so other hundred hands effects can't stack with it. Right now, it's randomly proccing anyway. Just bump the duration to 4 hours on the proccing and re-proc can just reset the timer.
    Cadira likes this.
  16. fransisco Augur

    so why is it that all rogues think monks eat their breakfast, and all monks thing they are junk?
  17. Cadira Augur

    I agree with most of your points except this.

    There's very few times in recent event history where a warrior is a "better" choice than a knight. Including raids.

    That doesn't make warriors a worse choice, and there's something novel about "allowing" warriors to continue tanking the big bads as is tradition instead of the knights. Warriors are extremely formidable in group content too, sadly very few of them actually know what they're doing to make it evident though. All a good tank needs is the ability to keep agro, stay alive with the healing available, and respond to potential move or directional emotes. If this is a warrior, sk, pally, or a wizard, then all those classes were equally successful in their role at that time.

    Most importantly, healers are almost never "stressed". Whether the tank they're healing is dropping from 100% to 40 as a knight, or 100 to 60 as a warrior, they are not going to spam their same buttons any less frantically or differently. "Healer stress" is pretty much not a thing, infact clerics tend to love being in more intense active roles to stave off boredom.
    fransisco likes this.
  18. EagleTalon99 Elder

    Monks have some of the smoothest dps in EQ. I don't think too many monks want the same issues that rogues have with assassinate: randomly yanking aggro from a really hard strike.

    I can't speak for any other monk player, but I think just more overall DPS would be far more balanced than just giving monks massive spike damage.

    Maybe that's why DBG changed one of the BST pet lines to be less powerful, but have a slightly higher chance of summoning a 2nd pet.

    Plus, since you play a ranger, you must not be apprised of the fact doing a headshot from a long way off of melee range is a far different thing than doing massive spike damage when you're in melee range and the mob decides the monk is far more tasty target.
  19. Szilent Augur

    Never ever seen that happen, in 25 years of EQ.

    Aside from that very weird particular call out, monk agro is orders of magnitude higher than rogue agro. All the time, and especially when clicking BP as part of burns.
    Thunderkiks likes this.
  20. Dre. Altoholic

    Pretty sure a big assassinate crit does the same agro as a regular backstab, same with slays, headshot, fwiw. Decap may work differently.
    Szilent likes this.