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Time for Monks to Get "Heart Strike" rangers already got headshot!

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Grandmaster Nollo, Apr 29, 2023.

  1. Grandmaster Nollo New Member

    So rangers got headshot and it is tons of fun to just annihilate mobs with that ability. And it makes sense, Rangers the master of the Bow, get to Headshot things. Rogues have Assasinate, also in tune with the character. Monks are MASTERS of MARTIAL arts and we dont even have our own version of these abilities!? madness! HEART STRIKE!

    Well its been a LONG, LOoOoOOOONG time, since monks got ANYTHING remotely unique added to the class. And since its already in the game to melt a mob lower level with headshot. Its time Daybreak shows a little love back to monks.

    And bring in HEART STRIKE!

    Thats right! Monks now get a AA that gives them the random ability to outright KO a mob!

    Of course give it the level balance needed like 5 levels below current, and then a threshold, like 90%!

    Make it awesome, cause monks... are a dying class... and this would only add fun and love and fit perfect already with the game! No other classes will complain if Monks get a little DPS boost! and let us monks clearing old content not feel like the worse class to do it.

    Beastlords have everything a monk has plus spells pet and you name it! give us something unique again!

    Sunawar likes this.
  2. Grandmaster Nollo New Member

    You see Qoutes like this. and you play a monk. I play a monk. and its so true. Every other class I have/play does anything a monk can do, better then a monk can. They have no actual place in the game anymore.

    If you give them Heart STrike, and they can mow down lower lvl mob s faster then any class in the game. They can have a home again, a use, a purpose.
    Sunawar likes this.
  3. Grandmaster Nollo New Member

    The post by Snaz under Thread Monks in 2022 Where are you~?!

    Sigh im reading this post and all the passion and drive to return and main my raiding monk is just sapped right outa me. DAYBREAK SAVE US
    Sunawar likes this.
  4. Grandmaster Nollo New Member

    Ok this right here, Devs, Daybreak, Everyone. This right here. See how Thunderkicks are a laughable sub million dmg baby attack that 1 tick of a single Necro DOT laughs at. Well.

    See all the other abilities doing 5+ MILLION dmg in a hit. if a monk does over 1 million in anything its a damn miracle.

    Every other class in the game gets to have a blast and destroy lower level content and monks just kinda living 10 years in the past.

    Its time

    and when you fix it, make it insane, No one plays monks, its not like anyone is gonna reroll monk just cause now we get "Heart Strike" that hits for not 5 million, not 10 million, but 20 million STARTING. Thats right, 20 mill BASE, Minimum! and it procs ALOT.

    Ok thanks, lets get this done.
    Raging likes this.
  5. kyong Augur

    Meanwhile my rogue is healing himself 400k per very frequent assassinate with it being physical damage and 4% lifetap clicky.

    In other words my rogue fighting humanoids probably procs a "monk like mend" every 5-6 seconds.

    I have a 120 monk..my original toon....it's so painfully obvious that thunderfoot needs come back in a big way..

    LOL a 25 DMG increase to thunderfoot some ranks? Compared to my rogues massive strike line? Jeez....

    And don't get me started on massive strike proccing off every backstab versus monk thunderfoot only procing once per key press. you miss that initial flying kick? Good luck! You'll also never proc resonant kicks.
  6. Grandmaster Nollo New Member

    Ooooof its tough loving monk again. With my guildies in a grind group we got a Bard, A Rogue, A ranger, Myself, Cleric and Paladin.

    Watching as the Rogue and Ranger Obliterate lower lvl content, adding fun dynamic to the group grind.

    Im reading my AA (do we even have a monk development team at all? its the same stuff for 10 years just, hey 10% more dmg to some crap kick that does 0.000004% of 1 assasinate)

    we are so overdo for a instant kill ability to give us a the fun randomizer instant kill joy that Rangers and Rogues and Zerkers get. Ranger are a HYBRID! and get to see nice numbers in the millions..

    Monks wanna see some big fat millions too! not 4 thousand little kicks.
  7. Grandmaster Nollo New Member

    Remember like the first 5 expansions of EQ when monks got weapons. Just for monks. With Ratios that all other classes could only dream about!?

    Time to bring that back, NOT BEASTLORD and MONK, no no no, they have pets, spells, everything a monk has, already. nope

    Monk Only, 4,000 dmg, 2 delay. Lets get it. MONK ONLY, best ratio weapons, back as the NORM in everquest.
  8. Shakara Augur

    To be honest that would probably cause less lag too
    Skuz likes this.
  9. Szilent Augur

    Do you mean in the first two expansions? As in, only the two before the beastlord class existed?

    Your posts are weird. The big hits for millions versus millions of hits is pretty core to the class identity. I don't think "monks wanna see", I think "you" "wanna see". It sounds like you actually want to be a berserker. And that's totally okay, it's just not the same thing as having a wish for the monk class.
    fransisco and Xianzu_Monk_Tunare like this.
  10. Grandmaster Nollo New Member

    I am kinda wonky in my chat and sometimes stray from the point.

    But I do not think its outlandish to ask for monks to have an ability that is in its core very similar to the Headshot/Assasin/Decap lines as it fits into the Mythos of a Martial artist to have a similar capability to knock a mob out or do excessive damage to content that is not current level. As they have done for the above 3 mentioned abilities.

    Just think monks can also be the 4th class to get something like it, and considering Pure Mellee ROgues and zerkers have it. Just fits with the game.
    Sunawar likes this.
  11. DaciksBB Augur

  12. Tucoh Augur

    I never played a monk in EQ but monk in diablo3 was my jam purely because of a build around Exploding Palm that worked kinda sorta like a high-skill, massive DPS dump.

    I'd rather they ditch all the assassinate, decapitate, headshot, slay undead crap and compensate by increase base DPS of those classes. Would make it easier to balance.
    Moege, Skuz, Dre. and 2 others like this.
  13. Sissruukk Rogue One

    I agree, monks should get something.
    But, don't underestimate a good monk. I hang out with one that tanks pretty darn good on group content, including missions.
    Senu likes this.
  14. Raging New Member

    Class balancing is definately needed for Monks and Berserkers. We need something new so we can compete on parses. We need new a new edge or folks will not play Monks or Berserkers anymore. I am about ready to dump the berserker and just play a bard.
  15. Szilent Augur

    I don't understand, is this a bad thing?
  16. Tucoh Augur

    The meta for oldish games is to stay malleable enough to main change to the current flavor of the month. Because you never know when that will become flavor of the decade. Yeah it sucks dropping a character with Artisan's Prize and a rich history in favor of a fresh mage or necro, but a core set of AAs and fresh set of raid gear will get you outperforming your mature but underpowered class in no time.

    And the truth is that class popularity is one of the easiest metrics to evaluate class balance, so by sticking with an underpowered class you're signaling to the developers that maybe it's not so bad.
    Quatr likes this.
  17. Annastasya Augur

    Don't pass up the opportunity to call this new AA "The Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique"
    Quatr and Jhenna_BB like this.
  18. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Don't want an ability that will only be used to nerf monks, which is what giving monks any skill like assassinate, headshot, and the like will do.
  19. WFSBelaar Lorekeeper

    I used to be in the same boat, but having observed rangers, rogues, and any class with mana I'd say this is the wrong mindset.
  20. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    It is the historically accurate mindset, because all of those classes listed are the ones which have repeatedly complained about monks and gotten us nerfed in the past. We however do not do the same thing.