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Tides of Time tower missions - Why is exploitation the only way to complete it?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Aziuno, Jun 17, 2024.

  1. Gheed Augur

    It was pointing to the credibility of the guy that submitted the bug report in the first place. It was not a knock at Bobby, quite the opposite.
    Aziuno likes this.
  2. Aziuno Augur

    Live server lvl 60's can tank Tallon Zek in group Gear? Didn't know that.
    (AE's in #2 are harder than Tallon Zek in Time's Spells)
  3. Muramx Augur

    With a fungi staff I can out regen and tank it with a level 2 mage....
  4. Aziuno Augur

    No idea what you are trying to point out here.
    We already know using super low levels cheeses it, and is basically exploiting the event.
    My comment was that it's not tuned correctly for lvl 60's, where someone said it's tuned for live level 60's, where i pointed out the sheer damage of the AoE's and DD's in Mission 2 is equiv to Tallon Zek's in PoTime (which is a lvl 65 raid mob, guilds struggle on) and I don't believe a level 60 in group gear on live could tank Tallon Zek in time with just 1 group.

    Then you come in saying... i can do it on my level 2... So? We know that.
    Gheed likes this.
  5. Gheed Augur

    I really wouldn’t bother responding to Muram anymore. Guy seems to be following the same path as Waring. It isn’t too late bro, there is still time to save yourself!
    Aziuno likes this.
  6. Muramx Augur

    It is tuned for live level 2's. people on live if they aren't using a boost twink the ever-living crap out of their characters. The event at lower levels is set up to be fought by characters with gear not in era characters... not sure what your disconnect on that is.
  7. Hinastorm Elder

    The level 55 Ae doing 3200 or w/e it is, is clearly a mistake/oversight. even for a live FV twink thats almost a one shot.
    Gheed, Aziuno and GameKiller like this.
  8. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    There are people figuring these out and doing it. Few of my guildies in their 40s did many of the floors except floor 2 today.

    I will do these once 60. I suspect many people want these to be group faceroll content like everything else is in TLPs. God forbid, there is some group content which is hard to figure out and do, I suppose

    Like I said, we figured out towers 1 and 2 on Oakwynd by trial error and a wipe or two.
  9. GameKiller Elder

    The scaling of both the key quests and the missions themselves is a complete joke, it's fully unwinnable at level 60 in their current form. The AEs are worse than raid AE, the mobs hit incredibly too hard. That's why level 2 mages summoning level 5 water pets is the meta for doing tower content. And doing a level 1-25 key quest with a level 60 killing the mob for you is the way to go, because the key mobs (orc oracle for example) instantly kills anyone of its current level.
  10. Hinastorm Elder

    My 4 man crew is getting close to 55, and it's pretty sad that my options are buy an expac i'll never play for personas so I can get the gear myself, or buy it from other people (prices have gone down, but they're still charging too much).
  11. fransisco Augur

  12. AngryKing Elder

    Frannie sipping his Pina coladas tonight.
  13. fransisco Augur

    Naw I'm fresh out. You can also go upstairs and ask if your parents have any though
  14. MMOer Augur

    NOT PAY 2 WIN - most people will not be mad. Only some will see it.
    Create problem to solve for high reward.
    Make problem very hard to solve.
    Create an easy way to solve problem.
    Charge $35 - $250 for easy solution.

    PAY 2 WIN - people will be mad.
    Sell high reward for $35 - $250

    Understand my point? Btw... still cheaper to just spend the krono if you dont care about the xpac
  15. Relyn Lorekeeper

    If you're on Teek, you don't need a persona. Just do the key quest on a character you're going to level up, send that key to an alt, and have them do the task every 6 hours, then send the tokens to you to buy items on your mains.

    Others servers, yeah out of luck without a persona.
  16. Aziuno Augur

    Wouldn't quite work. You need to have done the missions to see the gear to buy them, and you need to be above the req for the gear.

    That's why personas work, they flip back to 55+ and keep the achievement so they can see it on vendor. They only miss out on the free AA (that you can only buy forage right now)
    GameKiller likes this.
  17. Relyn Lorekeeper

    That is odd, because I can see the items. The achievement came from doing the key. I've only collected tokens on an alt, not a persona. I thought the point of the persona was because the key and tokens would normally be no drop.
  18. Robomax Elder

    You Can Basically Exploit the Tower with a LVL 2 Mage . Thats why its a joke.
  19. Robomax Elder

    You Can get Keys on your Main AT lvl 20 . Then Pass those Keys to do the Tower mission Instances on a Alt Mage at lvl 2 to earn the tokens
  20. GameKiller Elder

    But you still need the mission cheeves on the character that buys the gear. You only see the gear on the vendor when you do the actual Tower missions, not the key quests.