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thread /fail

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by iniari-TR, Feb 11, 2013.

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  1. iniari-TR Augur

  2. CaptAmazing Augur

    Think it's their way of saying they don't want to hear it. My classes have been nerfed so many times over the years because others complained. I like this response.
  3. Pirlo Augur

    That's Pie's way of telling you to shut your pie hole
    Sinestra, Ezlano and Noobieguy like this.
  4. ---Xislaben--- Augur

    I lol'd
    Leerah likes this.
  5. Noobieguy Augur

    Same, thought it was funny~
  6. Brogett Augur

    I'm envious of the ability to lock threads, does that count as class envy? ;)
  7. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    Good for you Piestro, it has to stop sometime :)
  8. Hatsee Augur

  9. Ranpha Augur

    Guess we'll have to find a forum that is not censored to hell and back when you want to discuss adult matters.
    Leerah likes this.
  10. Piestro Augur

    Posting about class balance is one thing, and something that needs to be done. Very very carefully.

    Posting Class X does better on a parse, with no other factors taken into consideration or discussed, is just saying "I want this class nerfed". A couple weeks ago it was all mage nerf threads. Now the flavor du jour is Beastlord nerf threads.

    If you think your class needs help post that. Don't post "I don't like this other class". Or if you do only post it as a reply to the above linked thread.
    Voragath, Recnarp and Sinestra like this.
  11. RagePaw Augur

    Eq dps classes are all about balance, its difficult to give information as to why you think your class deserves more dps without comparison, give us a format we can use that has no comparison and most would use it.
  12. Terraa New Member


  13. Xebadiah New Member

    Piestro, Monks need help. Monks are consistently far out dps'ed by other melee classes and also monks need to be able to have robe chest graphics! Don't nerf any other class, but make monks be able to dps as well as rogues and look good while they do it.
  14. Gumlakx Augur

    I don't want to complain, but the Troll jumping animation is pretty lame compared to the Dwarf barrel roll.
  15. Rouan Augur

    It's the price you paid for slam and 6 hp regen!
  16. RagePaw Augur

    I think thats something we can all agree on :p

    Also, why do vah shir take falling damage? We're cats for gods sake, and why dont i get 9 100% self rezzes per week to represent my 9 lives?
    sojuu likes this.
  17. Ranpha Augur

    Don't play any kitties myself, but I think that's a great idea :)
    Leerah likes this.
  18. silku Augur

    Part of the problem with the current way of discussing it, is if one mentions "my class needs help" they get 2 or 3 of their own class saying yeah! we do! Then they get 10-12 people coming in saying shut up and learn to play your class. Class balance over all is pretty good right now, though monks could use a little dps boost (and many enchanters think they could too.) The lack of response often on those threads also gives the impression that they aren't being read at all. *shrugs*
  19. Brogett Augur

    It's all about how it's phrased IMO.

    I *do* think it's fair to compare one class to another, when one of the classes is a hybrid of the other. So the monk vs beastlord thing felt quite natural to me. I don't think the original poster at least was specifically asking for a nerf either, but trying to use one class as a justification for boosting another.

    It's a fine line though and tone of phrase probably makes a big difference.
  20. Ronak Augur

    It's long overdue, locking down all the uninformed blatant nerf call threads that have been reproducing like rabbits lately. Kudos @ Piestro.
    Straahdx, Voodoman and Stubar like this.
  21. Piestro Augur

    It's also evolution and recent history. If there was a recent thread about monks vs. beastlords it's going to turn ugly real quick. Similarly if a thread evolves in a negative direction (no matter how well phrased the OP) there is going to be a lock.

    Beastlords are also a wacky subclass, because they are: a) a highly desired ADPS class that often lands in more optimal raid groups, and b) a true hybrid in that their damage is comprised of 3 different methods (pet, spell, and melee) that all contribute significantly. Any given raid may benefit or harm beastlords relative raid contributions compared to other classes based on the design of the raids, and how a particular raid group handles each raid.

    Even methodology of parsing would be difficult to agree on to accurately model this comparison.
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