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Thinking of dropping $ again to play...

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Karthanon, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. Karthanon Augur

    ...3 accts, but don't know if I should get Darkened Sea before it expires tonight (on sale) for those accounts, or just wait for next expansion.

    Haven't really been back in...a year or so? Since open of TDS release, anyways, I think, is when my accounts expired. Any gotcha's I should be aware of?

    Casual player, my wife and I normally play a ranger/druid/mage combo with a few mercs. Limited playing time.
  2. Mintalie Augur

    Depends on if you're already level 100 and want to make the push to 105. If you don't care about being 105 or TDS progression, wait until the new expansion comes out. /.02cp
    Karthanon likes this.
  3. Borek-VS Augur

    Or if you want any of the /claim rewards from TDS. I'd wait, too.
    Karthanon likes this.
  4. Karthanon Augur

    Thanks - will hold off for now, then - we're all 100, but we're very far behind in AA progression in comparison to others. Will wait and see what the expansion will offer.
  5. Mintalie Augur

    Check it out:
    Karthanon likes this.
  6. frankie78227 Augur

    Wow, so the half-off sale was just a cash-grab as I suspected.
    Karthanon likes this.
  7. Viper1 Augur

    Let's consider the alternatives.

    Option A: worst case, no half price sale, pre-order doesn't unlock content immediately. Definitely worse than what is actually happening.

    Option B: no half off sale, but preorders unlock content immediately. Downside, people who bought TDS on sale would have paid full price instead and still would have to pay full price for the pre-order.

    Option C: continue the half off sale but pre order does not unlock immediately. Thus people preordering would still have to buy TDS or wait for xpac release.

    So the current plan is actually the best possible solution for people whom had not yet purchased TDS.
    Karthanon likes this.
  8. frankie78227 Augur

    I agree Viper1. Just glad I didn't give them money during the half off sale. They could have been up front and told us a preorder for the new expac would unlock the prior content.

    If that had been the case, I would have bought TDS for 2 alt accounts (on sale) and just preordered for my 2 main accts. Not knowing that the pre-order would unlock TDS and expecting shenanigans, I decided not to buy anything and just wait and see. Being sneaky cost them $50 from me but I wonder how many bought the expac on sale and regret it now.
    Karthanon likes this.
  9. Kravitz Augur

    Karthanon likes this.
  10. Karthanon Augur

    Thanks for all your input - I'm glad I held off. Thanks to wonderful oncall support at work and payout of overtime, I may just sign up the 3 accounts, get the cheapest xpac, and play for a year to see how it goes again. I'm a filthy casual and not raider, so the higher discussions on raids/content I suspect won't come across my plate.

    Although Cover Tracks/fade/fling/etc. changes make me SMH. o_O
  11. Bleve Lorekeeper

    I already had TDS, so I hadn't thought to look at the sale, but did the sale include upgrading from the standard edition TDS to a premium on in order to get whatever the free items were? I think there was a ship house and some other stuff... If so, then that might have been another possible reason to want to buy (upgrade) your TDS even when planning to purchase The Broken Mirror.