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Things are heating up!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Angeliana, Jul 1, 2024.

  1. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    July has arrived with a bang and a lightshow!

    July is here and with it comes the sweltering heat outside. There is no better time than now to grab an ice-cold beverage, a bowl of chilled fruit, and stay cool in front a PC playing EverQuest!

    We’ve got a nifty giveaway item for this month! A Teleport item for Dagnor’s Cauldron is the free item of the month! Make sure you log in and grab it on all your characters before it’s gone on August 1st! Did you miss some of the free giveaway items? Fret not, those items are all available for purchase in case you missed them.

    We also have a new limited-edition item for sale in the Marketplace. This month’s item is a Storied Collections Rucksack (46 slots – Collection items only)! It will be gone on August 1st as well, so be sure to grab it ASAP!

    June’s collection may be gone, but a new one has arrived! Lower Guk – Guk Moth Collection will only be spawning in July. Be sure to get it done before then.
    Lastly, the Anniversary Tower quest, Heroic Adventure, and merchant items will all be updated later this month on patch day; keep your eyes peeled for the coming article.

    See you in game!

    Be sure to follow us on social media: X, Facebook, Instagram, and Discord.

  2. Demetri Augur

    Note: Kedge teleport item ports you UNDERWATER - folks without EB be warned not to go AFK when you click it!
    Hobs, Yinla and Kloven like this.
  3. Abbye-DW New Member

    It would have been better to be ported on to the land for the baby players running to Unrest!
    Hobs and Yinla like this.
  4. Marton Augur

    Cool! Finally something adventurous :D!
    minimind likes this.
  5. CatsPaws Augur

    We were warned. It clearly states "the destination point of this device is not guaranteed safe and may be dangerous to characters"

    It also states it ports you beneath the surface of Dragnor's Cauldron.
    minimind and Nennius like this.
  6. Demetri Augur

    Cool, I'll be sure to tell the 15+ corpses I saw in Dagnor's on Teek alone that it was warned enough... (And note, not myself, literally just doing a PSA - not asking for a change or anything, I like it being close to KK proper)

    In contrast, NRo porter had the first text and generally IS safe to AFK port - only difference is the "beneath" bit, and I'm sure most people don't even bother noticing that, I'm usually pretty finicky about reading everything and I missed it.
    Hobs, Marton and Herf like this.
  7. Herf Augur

    Cool a cursed item! :)

    I got one on a lvl 1 elf toon and ported to Dagnors. Being a non swimming race I barely made it to the surface alive :) Kind of disappointed there was only one PC's body down there drowned though.
    CrazyLarth likes this.
  8. Iven Suggestions Bard

    When will that be ? Looking forward to see YOU there since years !
  9. Iven Suggestions Bard

    It is cool to have our first underwater port clicky, but the location is really not good. I would had placed the loc in the tunnel entrance to Unrest which is a safe spot. Maybe the devs want to have more players going to Kedge Keep. As an alternative to LGuk on TLP servers like Teek ?
  10. Cuzon Augur

    This teleport item really needs it's location changed. I am sure the intent of the item was "Teleport somewhere close to Kedge Keep", but it was taken a too literal by placing characters underwater right outside of Kedge Keep.

    The current location is really bad for low level characters, and TLP servers that are early in their lifecycles such as Teek and Tormax. With the nightly lag that Teek has, you could end up drowning before you finish zoning. Not only that, but with Plankton up for the berserker 1.0 epic, he paths near there and will absolutely destroy sub level 65 folks he sees.

    Can this item be changed to teleport people maybe to the island in the middle of Dagnor's Cauldron, or even the shore line above Kedge Keep?
  11. Risiko Augur

    To the designer that decided to make the portal on that free item be underwater in front of Kedge Keep rather than in front of Unrest (a typically safe location).... bravo. Well done. LOL. You really should have called the item, "Noob Killer".
  12. Iven Suggestions Bard

    Maybe it is possible to grant Enduring Breath and Invisibility buffs to the PC when clicking the Sodden Staff of the Kedge, to prevent being a noob killer. Just changing the loc would be easier, and has less potential of getting abused for the buffs.
  13. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Or perhaps it is a test to see if folks actually read the descriptions of items. Just a thought and changing the location does seem a wise move to make.
    Herf likes this.
  14. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Port location, is wjy i will still port to BB or Steamfont and run if I want to go to Unrest.

    Waste of an item. Location needs to change.
  15. Iven Suggestions Bard

    A "Real Staff of the Kedge" should port directly onto Phinnys head ! :cool:
    Sodden Staff of the Kedge is for noobs. :p
  16. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    Wish classes would get fixes that are overdue.
  17. Aarria New Member

    Yes, it's fun to revisit older zones however....where are the collectibles??? It is July, right? I've been all over Lower Guk and have not seen any.
  18. Iven Suggestions Bard

    They are there. I added more than 60 map locations to ZAM.
  19. CatsPaws Augur

    There really spread out in the dead side between the Ghoul Room, Hand Room and the far end level 2

    This is a good map for reference about where I mean: