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the teek haters have a point

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by asdasd1212, Jun 4, 2024.

  1. Shur New Member

    Oh wow.. cool.
  2. sadre Augur

    The formula is correct. I did not specify the % per TLP generation. Plus, I did not specify what a grudge is.

    As a Buddhist, a simple unfulfilled desire becomes a grudge if it is remembered. All our past lives seem innocent.

    But they're not, or one wouldn't find Teek appealing.

    The formula is correct. As well as the prognosis. The ruleset has finite appeal. But you go ahead and play-act being lucky.

    Just dial P-I-P.
  3. Rantrick New Member

    I was in an /sup group and a 60 monk named Extinction just ran up the ladder and stole the /sup camp. No f's given.
    We switched picks and a 6 boxer was at exe(also boxing another 3 characters) and claimed the entire lguk zone. When you do a CC each of his characters would call out a different camp. We went to BR and 4 minutes later he trained us and kill out group.
  4. SpiritOfTruth New Member

    Sometimes I have to swap 4 or 5 picks because all the camps I want are taken. Other times, I have to go to entirely new grinding zones altogether! The horror! It happens. Get over it.
  5. Demetri Augur

    A certain SolA/SolB PLer has been doing such with training folks, including QUITE intentionally (literally trained me three times in a row today when the first two were failing), for nearly two weeks now without any form of obvious punishment.

    I'll believe it when I see it.
  6. Gheed Augur

    Did you submit the video of him training you or are we playing helpless victim here?

    If even one of you cared enough to record him training you and add it with your petition, there might be action taken. If each one of your petitions is "so and so trained me" are you surprised nothing is being done?
  7. Demetri Augur

    I don't use FRAPS or anything similar during my gameplay, but he's got more than a few up on YouTube from others that have interacted with him already. (Note: All of these were SolA - found by looking up his name after some folks when I was PLing my personas in SolA were being a jerk to me because they assumed I was with him and a similar type of player, when I'm quite the opposite, I do AE PL for my boxes, but not at the expense of others if they let me know [but legit errors can and do happen sometimes that I'll try to make amends for when they happen])

    But I did submit the log including a "get the {redacted for language} out of my zone {redacted for more language}" that was included with train #2 for GMs to continue to ignore.
    Gheed likes this.
  8. Gheed Augur

    Well I will search for the youtube videos and throw in a petition for you if I can find them. I know exactly who you are referring to, he really doesn't care at all.

    I use Nvidia Geforce Experience and it has a built in thing called Shadowplay. You can set hotkeys to save a certain amount video time from before you hit it (I use 1.5min). It has been immensely helpful when dealing with the not so pleasant Norrathians.
  9. Demetri Augur

    I use my PC at home for professional work that involves client medical data as well as gaming - while I've not bothered our IT people with it, I doubt that option would be valid for me due to the laws involving PMI - so I've always kept all those features turned off for my PC. (Not to mention, when I'm playing things more hardcore than EQ, rather save the overhead since I play at 4K, and I'm lazy about micromanaging my TSR programs in the tray)

    But that is probably good advice for most.

    (Although that limitation is only for now - we're finishing plans for our new home which will give my wife her own gaming chamber with it's own designated connection for giving her the opportunity to try to mess around with streaming - so it would be airlocked completely from my professional work - not that I expect folks like Mr. U will continue to be an issue by then, either from finally being culled or simply having more space for the playerbase to avoid the zones they abuse)
  10. Rantrick New Member

    That was the fourth pick. But no one person should be claiming the entire LGuk.

    But I see most of your comments are either iamverysmart or sarcastic negative crap so just move along.
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  11. SpiritOfTruth New Member

    I'll move along when you stop complaining like a Karen about camps being taken. We all deal with this. I wish I always got the camp I wanted without extra work too. That isn't how this game works though.
  12. Twistingtime Augur

    I mean, this is probably how the game works on Tormax.
  13. Demetri Augur

    Good to see you again Holly, how is your time working on WoW doing to troll over here?

    Remember how /pickzones and AoCs were a bad idea, Holly? But yet the TLPs are stronger than ever now with them for some reason....
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  14. TheChosenOne Augur

    agreed, Teek pulled me out of a 2+ year retirement from EQ and I've dropped like $150-200 already on all the 40 slot boxes across 2 accounts, 2 subscriptions with the XP boost (and eventually the tradeskill boost), and tons of XP, haste, clarity and regen pots
  15. TheChosenOne Augur

    ive only run into 1 toxic player so far doing a shm/monk box from 1-35

    met a lot of nice people and have added quite a few to friends list with plans to group in future

    the 1 toxic player wouldnt have even been all that toxic, until they started trash talking to my 5 year old son and then after me telling them they are 5 years old, they doubled down on their absurdity and trash talked to him/me even more.. and this was over nothing, i wasnt taking his spawns, wasnt doing anything, he just saw my sons pet attacking a runner we had that went near him.. we killed it, there was no train, and this guy was going off about that lol

    unfortunately that healthy, well rounded and kind individual met an untimely end due to about 15-20 mobs getting onto him after they had me in a stun lock right nearby, forcing me to FD....

    poor bastard
    Tyranthraxus likes this.
  16. Robomax Elder

    Tower missions are Anniversary special for a alternative Gear
    1. Get your Main Toon Flagged for each mission /each floor (guild should help you with that)
    2. get keys (Some are soloable some are not, agin stressing the Importance of a Guild )
    3. Create 100 lvl 2 Mages LOL :) with cleric and shammy biffs to get tokens (the Keys are tradable through shared bank) to get your 55 gear . Then discard Mages when they hit lvl 3 or 4. Rinse and repeat with each toon you want to lvl to 60.
    If you need starter gear Let me know. See you just didn't ask right peoples and I don't hang out at the Tower of Love/DEI. LOL:)