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The Plat duper is buying up all Krono on Mischief and Thornblade

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by OpenSource, Oct 15, 2021.

  1. Sunriver Journeyman

    It didn't double overnight.
  2. Achillez Elder

    Currently there are 175 krono for sale by many vendors in the bazaar, the cheapest krono is priced at 80k now and things are still being bought out .... lol
  3. Jhinx Whimsical Chinchilla

    Praise Bristlebane and the madness of the random loot server, it certainly is an entertaining (and oft times horrifying) ride.

  4. Magician9001 Augur

    The person that's been accused of duping. He's buying from multiple boxed toons, but they all have a Rank of his name in his guild.
  5. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    I wonder what percent of the player base seeks kronos.
  6. WokeCat Augur

    I think the most obvious way players on Mischief are "duping" platinum is simply buying items on Thornblade, and then transferring over to Mischief.

    I transferred to Mischief from the Thornblade server a couple of months ago and I immediately noticed that items on Mischief are way more expensive. Now with the Bazaar, you can really see how easily exploitable this would be:

    These are the Ancient Prismatic prices on Thornblade:
    There are many Warswords, Spears, and Stilettos for 2-3K on Thornblade.

    This is Ancient Prismatic prices on Mischief:
    Meanwhile these same items are vastly more scarce on the Mischief server and are actually selling for almost 1,000% more than they are on Thornblade.

    While the price of Krono is about the same on both servers, the buying power of a krono is massively higher on Thornblade. You could easily buy a Krono, sell it for 70K on Thornblade, load up on a ton of Ancient Prismatic Warswords, Spears, Stilettos, and then transfer over to Mischief and sell them for an insane profit. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

    There are other items that are actually far more profitable to buy on Thornblade for re-sale on Mischief, but I don't want to advocate for this, I'm simply trying spread awareness of how broken this actually is.

    If you are a Krono buyer, you will get significantly more value out of your Krono by using it on Thornblade and then transferring over. It's almost like getting 10 Kronos for the price of 1. Even if you have no plan to re-sale items for profit, the clear choice is pretty obvious.

    Fortunately the solution to this problem is pretty simple: Merge the servers.
  7. AngryKing Elder

    None of your wall of text has anything to do with the massive influx of pp in the economy. Flipping items between servers isnt magically creating new plat.
  8. quakedragon Augur

    Looks like you scrolled all the way down on first pic, second pic you had it all the way to the top. Also, this is bazaar, if it was barter then it would be different.

    The saying with bazaar, just because its listed at that price doesn't mean people buy it, hence its still listed.

    But if its /barter and high price, theres no ifs ands and buts about it
  9. WokeCat Augur

    Go check the prices for yourself. You're acting like this isn't publicly available information or that I'm posting misleading screenshots, when in reality I've updated Windows since transferring to Mischief and the UIs aren't even the same since my characters on Thornblade haven't been played in 3 months. One search bar was super wide, and the other was super small, so I simply cropped the one that was super wide.

    Also I was not comparing cheap 2-handed weapons to cheap 2-handed weapons:

    I was comparing the War Swords, Spears, and Stilettos from one server to the other purely as an example. Even if you prescribe to the idea that players on Mischief aren't buying Primal and Prismatic items for a way higher price (which is false, I actually bought one recently after my friend bought his and I felt subpar), but you also have to realize that if you can buy an item for 2K and even sell it for 10-15K instead of the 50-60K it's listed at, it's already a huge profit, and we both know that the item would fly off the shelf.

    But there are also items that I regularly sell in the Bazaar on Mischief for 40-50K that can literally be bought in bulk for 10K on Thornblade, and they aren't even Lore. I'm not trying to show other players how to exploit the system, I just chose to show Ancient Prismatic weapons because in my experience, most players on Mischief are fully cognizant of their price.

    Again, why on Earth would any sane player buy Krono on Mischief, when they get 10x the spending power on Thornblade?
  10. WokeCat Augur

    Heh, if someone has 1 Krono, and uses it to buy items on Thornblade before flipping them on Mischief, and now he suddenly has millions of plat, he most certainly can and will buy Kronos at a premium. And then he will go back to Thornblade to do it all over again, which actually messes up both markets.

    Am I implying that duping isn't a thing? Nope. But I do know some players who are becoming insanely rich using the technique I described. I know for an actual fact that the number one Krono farmer on Mischief is also the number one Krono farmer on Thornblade. Literally the same person. You would have to be insane to believe he doesn't know about this or exploit it. It's actually cheaper and easier than running a ton of boxes to farm with.

    And I would be really surprised if anyone who saw my post and wanted to buy Krono wouldn't do exactly what I described. If you wanted a Mask of Tinkering really bad, would you buy 6 Kronos to get one on Mischief, or would you buy 1 Krono on Thornblade, by a Mask of Tinkering, have change left over, and then transfer to Mischief?

    The problem is obvious and real and this is a by-product of refusing to merge the servers.
  11. WokeCat Augur

    Also for those of you wishing to make an argument that duping is a real thing that is being exploited, instead of arguing that you can tell by the in-game price of Krono, I think you could actually form a better argument by looking at the current price of Krono on the black market. There are hundreds more available on the black market than there normally is and they are cheaper than ever.

    In my opinion this adds more credibility to your claim, but I also know that many players are exploiting the transfer system as well.
  12. Abundant Elder

    14 servers deep. On my 6th tlp in a row. Smh.
    Randomized likes this.
  13. Randomized Augur

    I should give one a try lol but i'm so caught up on Live and playing catch up, and with a new expansion set to release soon, I'll have to stick around for that as well lol
  14. Abundant Elder

    Both issues need addressed.

    The server merge stuff needs to be concluded, and not done on future servers. Can we get some freakin ethical Devs and GMs for God sake?
  15. Abundant Elder

    The feature definitely needs removed immediately. It's also why most games don't allow server transfers or mergers. You don't combine economies unless you don't have integrity and ethics.
  16. Warpeace Augur

    I preferred your original post, was so much better. They should be running for cover.
    Abundant likes this.
  17. Abundant Elder

    Haha ya I got you brother. I am gonna do it a different route and method if you get my drift. That other way isn't going to amount to much outside of a spineless getting offended. Isn't my first rodeo, but I've been letting them tend to what they should have been before I went round 2. Round 1 end of Mangler got us customer service reinstated so ain't a joke for sure. This is all stuff integrity, ethics, and altruistic based adults within DBG and EG7 should be taking care on their own too. It's absolutely absurd someone needs to direct them how to properly run things.
  18. Fell Augur

    Lol, that's like saying "Why would any sane person buy a house in San Francisco, when they're so much cheaper in Boise?"

    Perhaps they're buying krono on Mischief because they're on Mischief?
  19. Fell Augur

    Wow, that proves .... ummm .... absolutely nothing. Thanks.
  20. Fell Augur

    Just curious, but how many of those servers were random loot?